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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 70

Oh right, has anyone noticed the artistic touch I’ve done to the site banner? I’m not sure about you, but I’m quite fond of it. I changed the banner several times and finally settled with this. Then I spent hours staring at it.

Though it’s a shame that the banner is a little too small when viewed on mobile devices. But anyway, gimme your honest opinion, what do you guys think of it?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 40 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 69

The next chapter will be the last chapter of the second arc. We will be moving to the third arc starting from Chapter 71.

The following arc will be the third arc of volume 1 known as Crimson Arc, when translated literally. There will be twenty-seven chapters in this arc. Then the last arc of volume 1 can be translated as either Soul or Spiritual Arc, with fifty-eight chapters in total. After that, we will finally be moving on to volume 2, where the VIP chapters are starting.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 39 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 7

Ran out of things to say, but enjoy reading regardless.

Thought of the day:
The boba girl song is surprisingly good.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 7 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 6

Work has been getting busy and I often find myself getting back home at around 7pm in the evening these days. Adding on to that, the workload on Re:Library is also increasing ever since putting my plans into action. The only relief I got from all these is that Dragon Princess has short chapters for now, so I am still somehow managing despite the busy schedules.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 6 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 68

We just got a new editor for Demon Sword Maiden, please welcome the newest addition to our team, Robinxen. His work isn’t as detailed and throughout as Deximus, but he got the speed and decent English skills to back him up. With this, we probably wouldn’t have to worry about getting new editors for a good while.

And as a side note, we are now 79% towards our next Patreon goal. Reaching that goal will increase the weekly release of Demon Sword Maiden from two chapters to three.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 38 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 67

I have weak tear glands, I always found myself tearing up whenever I watch Fairy Tail, even in scenes that not actually remotely tear-jerking. My eyes will get wet just from the sight of a character crying on the other side of the screen.

Although I do have to admit that Fairy Tail, despite being shunned by some fans for whatever reason, has great characters development. Because otherwise, there’s just no way you’d be able to invoke tears in the audience if the characters have a shallow background. I once wished I could reach that level of writing one day, where my fiction could move the readers with an emotional roller coaster.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 37 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
Demon Sword Maiden Fanart Commission
The Future of Re:Library

Dragon Princess Chapter 5

There’s a lot more of you reading both of the series I am currently publishing than I thought. As the translator, I am very honored that you guys are sticking with me 🙂

Currently, the chapters of Dragon Princess seems to be averaging at 1.5k source words per chapter, which is pretty short in its own right. I’m not sure how long this will keep up and if the chapter length will increase in the future, but hey, as a translator, I actually like short chapters as they are less stressful to translate.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 5 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Dragon Princess Chapter 4

How many readers of Demon Sword Maiden is reading Dragon Princess right now? Or are they waiting for more chapters to build up first before they start reading? Raise your hand if you are reading both Demon Sword Maiden and Dragon Princess! Let me know your presence 🙂

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 4 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 66

I think I might need another editor for Demon Sword Maiden soon. I mean, I don’t have a problem with the current editor, he does great and high-quality work, but he also has other commitments so he works on the slow side. I’m thinking that maybe I should hire another editor to help ease up his work and also for preparation when we reached the next Patreon goal.

Okay, the next goal hasn’t actually been determined yet but obviously, I’d be increasing the amount of commissioned chapters per week when we do reach that goal. So I will need more than 1 editor to help keep up with the increasing workload. If you are interested to apply, please fill in the form in this post and submit your application.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 36 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
Demon Sword Maiden Fanart Commission
The Future of Re:Library

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 65

Well, damn… me and my big mouth… I saw a Japanese translator looking for a paid job, so I approached him with only the intention to ask around, but now it looks like the talk is proceeding towards actually hiring him for the job. What do you guys think I should do? Think of this as an investment and hire him to translate a Japanese Gender Bender series at the rate of 1 chapter per week?

I’m poor so I can only afford 4-5 chapters per month at the rate he’s asking (which is a very reasonable rate, mind you). And this investment comes directly from my own pocket with no support from Patreons (yet). I plan to slowly gather support from the Patreon so I can pay off the translations and turn this investment into a profit. But of course, just like with all my other novels, the more patrons I can gather, the more chapters I can commission from the translator.

To anyone that supports this plan, feel free to suggest a Japanese Gender Bender novel you’d like to be picked up, but of course, if you can support this project on Patreon (not available yet), it would be all the better.

P.S. To Kreyton, if I decide to go ahead with this plan, I can add Yotogi no Kuni no Gekkouhime to the lists of possible translations along with a few others. What I’m planning for now is to have the translator translates the synopsis of a few Gender Bender series and have the Patrons vote for which one to pick up.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 2): Chapter 35 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
Demon Sword Maiden Fanart Commission
The Future of Re:Library

Dragon Princess Chapter 3

If you are new at Re:Library, first off, welcome to our humble abode and I hope you enjoy what you read here! As previously announced, I picked this up due to reaching one of my goals in Patreon and this is the first stage of my plan.

My plan going forward is to turn Re:Library into a Gender Bender haven, and this plan will not work without your support: the readers, the patrons, and more importantly, the translators! Please take a look at the important links below and if you wish to support us and make this dream come true, you can do so by pledging to us on Patreon! The more you pledge, the closer we are to making this dream come true! But of course, if you do not have enough capital to spare, please do not force yourself to pledge.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 3 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Dragon Princess Chapter 2

There’s nothing much for me to say here. Most of everything I wanted to say has already been said yesterday. There is one thing though, all the chapters I’ve translated so far aside from Chapter 1 all have a length of 1,500 characters on average. Meaning, all of them are short chapters. I don’t know how long this status quo will last and if the chapter length will increase in the future, but short chapter works for me! 🙂

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 2 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Demon Sword Maiden Fanart Commission

I’ve been thinking of commissioning a fanart for Demon Sword Maiden for some time now and here’s a few scenes I’ve been thinking of:

Option A: A half-naked Lily pressing the katana (with red runes) against her breasts with flirtatious expression. (The scene in the middle of the Mountain Imps raid)

Option B: Uesugi forced a kiss on a struggling Lily on horseback (The scenes on the rainy street of Takeshita)

Option C: ………

Continue reading Demon Sword Maiden Fanart Commission

The Future of Re:Library

First of all, allow me to thank all the Patrons for your continuous support. Because of your support, a new dream has opened up for us and the future of Re:Library looked brighter than ever. It was because of your support that I was able to hire a translator to take over my project and focuses on my next project. So allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all my current patrons, to-be patrons, and past patrons. Honestly, thank you all so much for your warm support!

With that in mind, my next plan in line is to execute the same strategy for all my following projects! I will start by gathering support on Patreon, and once there are enough subscribers for my next project (Dragon Princess), I will begin the hiring process and pass Dragon Princess to the hired translator, then I will look for another Gender Bender project to publish on Re:Library. Continue reading The Future of Re:Library

Patreon Goal Surprise!

I planned to announce this after we reach the 3rd patreon goal, but I managed to hire a translator much earlier than scheduled so I have no choice but to push forward my schedule.

First of all, give the patrons a hand of applause, this option has only become possible thanks to all the awesome patrons who have supported me thus far. When I first opened my Patreon account, I was honestly not expecting much, maybe 1 to 3 Patrons at most. However, over the past few months, the number of patrons continued to grow until we reached this turning point today.

I’m sure all of you have been wondering what I’ve been going on about for a while now so without further ado, let’s move on to the main topic! Continue reading Patreon Goal Surprise!

Your Gateway to Gender Bender Novels