Category Archives: Translations

[Prologue] Chapter 3 – Exposed

While we’re on it, chopping ribs is actually a very demanding and painful task, and the salary is pitifully low, in fact, the reason Fang Lin could do this job with the feelings of enjoyment is to feel that moment of surpassing himself.

Owner He looked at Fang Lin’s slow actions, and finally couldn’t stand it anymore, he walked over with a furious expression to scold this arrogant brat, but who would have thought that just after he took a few steps, the chopping found rang out, and several piles of minced meat few our with a “pa” sound, scaring him back, fearing that his Saint Angelo clothes would be dirtied. Just as he mustered up his courage to scold Fang Lin when he (Fang Lin) had put down his knife, he saw this young man look up at him calmly, the reached over with the hand that held the knife, and slowly unraveled the blood soaked cloth. Seeing his owners, Owner He didn’t know why, but he immediately calmed down, retreated a step, swallowed, then said forcefully with the aura he had before,

“What… What do you want to do, not working?”

Fang Lin said sincerely,

“My abilities are limited, it looks like it can’t satisfy your request, do I’ll resign myself, I won’t ask for this month’s salary either.”

With that, he wrapped up the apron on his body and prepared to leave, Owner He’s heart felt like it was dealt a huge blow, if this brat leaves, then where’s he supposed to find such cheap labor? It’s rare that he’s rather hardworking, and could be half a cleaner, although he was a bit slow, bit his hands didn’t stop, most importantly! If he goes to find a dunzi right now, he must give a thousand five hundred and have to include meals and accommodation, and the personality is not even guaranteed!

People often say that only when you’re about to lose something would you understand it’s value. This Owner He was the same, only now did he think of the greatness of Fang Lin, and thus said with a bit of stutter.

“No such thing, I’m just coming in and see, and just hurry you guys up on the way, you are doing good. Continue, everyone work hard, I’ll pay for additional food at night.”

He walked out awkwardly as he said it, the corner of Fang Lin’s mouth raised slightly, it seems like the furious Owner He was also afraid of a temporary worker like him that worked like him, while costing two hundred kuai per month, it really is a miracle.

If course Fang Lin was unable to handle the entire night, in the end the owner took it into his hands, and chopped up ribs with him, although two large blisters appeared on his hand, but this is a typical happiness in pain, when he closed off two o’clock at night, Owner He’s smile caused him to be unable to keep his mouth shut, he really earned tons, two hundred and fifty kilograms of ribs was made into hotpot and were all sold, thus the iron rooster plucked off feathers for once in a life time, and gave fifty kuai of bonus per person, as for dinner ---------- More precisely speaking, it’s a midnight snack, was hotpot in name, but it was actually a mix of what the customers left behind! However, after working hard the entire day, everyone were starving, and couldn’t care so much, they just gobbled everything down, and wanted to leave everything to after they were full.

Fang Lin was also really tired tonight, although his endurance was amazing, and he could suppress the pain from his body, the energy wasted could not have come from thin air, even when he ate, he only used his left hand. He had a huge appetite, and ate slowly, so when he finished, most of the people have been gone already, even the most diligent Zhou-sange had started snoring beside the chair. When Fang Lin had half-washed his lunch box his pupils suddenly contracted!

———————— He didn’t know when that Wan Qiang had silently arrived behind his back!

The reason Fang Lin found out was not because he had some sense of danger, nor was it because he noticed a sound Wan Qiang made, it was because the aluminum tap had coincidentally reflected the scene behind him!

“What is it?” Fang Lin suddenly said calmly. He was very interested in the blinking tattoo on Wan Qiang’s body, however, he knows that the more you care about something, the less care you have to show for it, only then can you use the smallest cost to receive the greatest benefits.

This caused Wan Qiang to be shocked instead, he said with a cold shudder,

“How-how did you know I came?”

The corner of Fang Lin’s mouth raised slightly, but he didn’t reply the question, he said once again,

“What is it?”

Wan Qiang was very dissatisfied by being in the passive side of the question and answer, he got slightly angry, but still restrained himself and said,

“Nothing really, since you are an university student, I want to ask you to help me take a look since my chest has been feeling uncomfortable lately.”

Fang Lin’s heart moved , he did want to carefully examine that tattoo on Wan Qiang’s chest, it’s just that he has always been trying to think of a plan to do this without raising suspicion, who would have thought that this person would ask for it! An uncanny feeling flash across in heart for a moment-------- You have to know, everything between the heavens and earth have both pros and cons, normally, everything that goes too smoothly usually have some sort of unusual danger linked with it.

If it was with Fang Lin’s careful personality, he would have very quickly noticed this, however, right now, the man suddenly ripped open the shirt in front of his chest! The buttons all fell onto the floor with “palapala” sounds!

That tattoo!

That blood red sneering tattoo appeared in front of Fang Lin’s eyes once more!

This time, he noticed more carefully that, the muscles lines of Wan Qiang, who’s shirt has been removed, were unusually clear, each muscle bulged out, from the looks of it, he had spent a long time training them!

However, to be honest, in the entire kitchen, he’s the laziest one, he either sits there doing nothing, or walks around like an invigilator, the reason why the hrash owner could accept it is because Wan Qiang’s meimei is also at the store, and had a rather affable relationship with Iron Rooster He.

That tattoo… was very strange.

Fang Lin could only describe it with the word strange.

Ever since he first saw this tattoo, he had done a lot of research, there are two ways of getting a tattoo, one is to use shark fins and other animal bones and tie them onto wooden sticks, then dip them in ink and hammer into the skin with little hammers. The second is to use uhi passed down from the Maori people, and piece them into the skin manually. No matter which method was used, it’s impossible to create such a lively, realistic image!

All of a sudden, that ferocious and evil tattoo suddenly smiled at him with it’s mouth open!

Despite how good Fang Lin’s mental state is, and could sleep well even after murdering someone, he was still freaked out by this, everywhere was silent, the light dimmed down and became stark white, the tap water flowed with dripping sounds, there was a weird atmosphere in the air. Wan Qiang’s expression changed many times, then finally said expressionlessly,

“Does it look good?”

Fang Lin took a deep breath, he noticed that although Wan Qiang looked calm, his thumb and forefinger continuously rubbed against each other, his eyeballs were also bulging out, even the hair on his arms were sticking up, this means that he was in an unusually worked up state. Countless ideas flashed across his mind, but when his eyes matched up with that pair of deep ghost eyes, he actually answered uncontrollable,

“It… looks very weird.”

Wan Qiang immediately leaped over, and grabbed Fang Lin’s arms, the red capillaries could be seen in his eyes, he shouted with a suddenly worked up voice,

“You-You really can see this Nightmare Brand!”

Fang Lin’s self-control was extremely strong, the moment he said it, he knew that there was a mistake, just as he wanted to call for help, he felt a coldness on his waist, where a slightly piercing pain was felt, as if something penetrated his skin, and shook within the waist muscles on the surface. Wan Qiang’s voice became darker, as he said a one word sentence,


Fang Lin could already be sure that he was stabbed by a knife on his waist, and said calmly,

“To where? Be careful not to harm me. Someone could come here at any moment.”

Wan Qiang didn’t say anything, and only moved his hand slightly in reply, and gave the directions using the pain that the knife tip that was pierced half an inch into Fang Lin’s body caused him.

That was the stars.

Fang Lin had originally thought that Wan Qiang wanted to take him hostage at the rooftop, where very few people go, but the direction the two went was downwards, he didn’t understand at all, did this guy plan to bring him downstairs to the main hall? Isn’t he scared of someone calling the police? Even if he isn’t scared, he (Fang Lin), a wanted criminal, is scared!

However, Fang Lin didn’t have a choice, and could only follow him down the stairs. He could faintly see that Wan Qiang’s eyes were half closed, the oni head tattoo emitted a blurry light, when it shown onto the stars, it was actually reflected rather unrealistically! It was as if waves appeared on the hard floor, like there was a barrier, blocking off another world!

The two people passed through it so easily!

Then after walking down half a floor of stars, Fang Lin immediately noticed that something was wrong! He walked in and out of this place every day, in order to prevent his brain from taking a break, he could always find data to memorize. Under normal circumstances, this half a floor of stairs had eleven steps, each step was fourteen centimeters tall, yet he noticed that the initial half a floor was still normal, but after turning the corner, the stairs underneath had thirteen steps, and the height of each step was slightly less as well!

Wan Qiang was breathing hard because he was getting worked up as he hurried Fang Lin to go down quickly, If it was normally, they would have been at the hall downstairs of the hotpot palace already, yet what appeared before Fang Lin’s eyes was a dim turn, the unending spiraling staircase seemed to go straight underground!

This could not be described through modern science anymore. It was silent all quiet all around, with the occasional sound of water droplets and excited heavy breathing mixing together, Fang Lin felt like a metal chain was stuck on his arm, he was completely dragged forward by this Wan Qiang effortlessly.

Five floors, six floors, seven floors… Fang Lin counted silently in his heart, keeping count of the number of floors he went down, although normal people are able to survey their surroundings, Fang Lin is able to notice a large amount of details, then store them in his mind, he can even use these to make logical predictions to predict some things that might happen.

When they arrived at eleven floors, they could faintly hear the sound of people, Fang Lin had the mental preparation already, but he still couldn’t help but feel a bit of joy, slowly advancing in this sullen environment really caused an intense pressure onto people, causing them to be unable to breathe properly. When they reached thirteen floors, there was no stairs to go down on anymore, the feeling underneath his feet were still quite soft, as if he was stepping on… intestines.

At this moment, the sinister tattoo on Wan Qiang’s chest let out a ghostly green light, the ghastly light spread around, but it was only limit to several meters around them, it was as if a pale green ball of light surrounded the two of them. After that, a sharp white light flickered from afar, then Fang Lin saw that, he instinctively closed his eyes, he felt a sudden pain in his eyes, although he was just shone by this light for half a second, he had a feeling of his entire body being pierced!

On the other hand, Wan Qiang let out a terrible scream, his eyes bulged out by nearly a centimeter, the veins on his neck also popped out, it looked like the blood in his entire body was boiling, as if he would explode any second! His hand furiously grabbed at the air, as he said in gasping pain,

“Wait… Wait!”

A cold voice with a hint of a metal’s hardness, passed out from the darkness,

“You broke the rules, so you should be punished!”

The moment the voice passed out, Wan Qiang roared with all his might,

“I didn’t! This person can see the Nightmare Brand!”

His roar passed through the mysterious space, and echoed through the air. The white light from afar suddenly brightened, then dampened, however, at this moment, the feeling it gave Fang Lin was more gentile. Gradually, that light spread around like mercury spilling on eh ground, like a shimmering white path, and like a carpet, it directly extended in front of the two’s eyes.

Feeling excited, Wan Qiang quickly dragged Fang Lin along towards the white light, as they got closer, Fang Lin noticed that a giant outline gradually appeared in front, when they got even closer, he noticed that it was a copper color. Above it was a huge arched door at least over a hundred meters tall, on which many sorts of fangs grew. Just looking at the arc standing indomitably there would cause a person’s heart to feel some sort of great respect, and even an impulsion to kneel down.

Underneath the door, sat a person.

That person wore a mask on his face, which was exactly the same as the oni tattoo on Wan Qiang’s chest. Although he was just sitting there, Fang Lin would feel the arm Wan Qiang was clenching him with shaking, he didn’t know it was due to fear or excitement.

“Is it him? The one that can see your Nightmare Brand?” That oni-masked person spoke.

Wan Qiang quickly replied,

“For sure!”

The oni-masked person turned towards Fang Lin, his gaze swept over him, Fang Lin immediately felt all of the hair of his skin stand up, as if some sort of electric pulse passed through him. However, he still stood calmly in place, silently watching the other person.

“En,” The oni-masked man said slowly, “You didn’t lie, No. 13778. He can certainly see your Nightmare Brand. According to the laws of the world, you can raise a request suitable for your identity.”

Wan Qiang swallowed, then said dryly,

“I-I request to leave this place! And resume a normal life!”

The oni-masked person paused for a moment, clearly a bit surprised, then said with a cold tone,

“Do you know the price?

Wan Qiang’s face tense, a crazy look appeared in his eyes, Fang Lin have seen this sort of gaze on gamblers madden with lost many times!

“I… know!” As long as I can successfully pass through that door behind you, I can be completely separated from this damn place!” Wan Qiang clenched his teeth and said. “Since other people can walk out, why can’t I?”

Hearing this, Fang Lin sighed in his heart. There are a lot of things in this world that others can do, but you can’t do.

The oni-masked person’s voice said calmly without any intonations,

“Enter the door!”

Behind him, a broken down wooden door that was beyond normal appeared all of a sudden, if you must point out something irregular, it was that on the handle of the door was a faint red light that caused people’s heart to waver!

Wan Qiang’s face twisted, then he suddenly roared, grasped the handle and entered into the door, the door open and closed extremely quick, but Fang Lin could still see the hint of blood right light from within, the room was suddenly filled with weird noises, as if a sinister beast was munching on bones, or like seventeen or eighteen people forcefully pulling a saw to cut wood. Yet after a minute… More precisely, when Fang Lin counted to fifty-five, a terrible scream suddenly sounded out!

“Kill me! Kill me quickly!”

As the sound ended, that very loud meat cutting sound passed, black ooze splashed out from the edges around the door, hurting Fang Lin’s face, then slowly flowed down. Fang Lin didn’t wipe it off, instead he thought back to the voice that sounded at in the end in the room with interest, then couldn’t help but say,

“So, the sound of human bones being crushed is exactly the same as the pig bones getting crushed.”

The oni-masked person looked quietly at him for quite a while, then said emotionlessly,

“Come over.”

Fang Lin thought about it and said,

“Since I came here, and saw so much unbelievable things, then if I don’t join, I think the consequences must be severe.”

“The consequences are the same as him,” The oni-masked person said calmly. When he spoke, his eyes were fixated on the stream of blood on Fang Lin’s face.

“Then, what benefits are there for joining?” Fang Lin smiled, at this moment he could actually still smile! “It’s like a very petty owner wanting to employ someone, you have to at least show the benefits first right.”

The oni-masked person didn’t think that the young man would actually be so calm, he momentarily blanked and said,

“If… You can successfully pass ten golden main missions, then you can make a request.”

Fang Lin suddenly took a deep breath, he dipped his head, people on the side couldn’t see the expression on his face clearly, they could only feel that the young man was having an intense mental battle, after quite a while, he spoke using very cautious language,

“Then… Can this request fulfill something that modern science cannot… Or even imagine? Such as… Letting someone who has died and already been cremated come back to life?”

“Yes,” The oni-masked person only replied with a word. It was clearly that it’s not the first time he encountered someone asking this question.

Fang Lin clenched his fist, this wasn’t the sign of attacking someone, it was due to the muscles in his entire body tensing up in excitement, his lips were also bit through uinconsciously, there was a very salty taste that spiraled in his mouth.

———————— That is the taste of blood.

“I’m in,” Fang Lin regain his calmness very quickly, “What do I need to do?”

“You’ve kill someone?” The oni-masked person suddenly asked a completely irrelevant question. Yet Fang Lin knew, he saw this from his (Fang Lin’s) calmness after seeing someone died, thus answered very tactfully,

“It’s a thing of the past, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

The oni-masked person look at him meaningfully, then suddenly flicked his fingers.

All of a sudden, the huge eerie and majestic copper door that connected the heavens and earth let out a faint light, the color of that light was very terrifying, it was as if blood was splashed onto that giant door. The oni-masked person ordered,

“Walk over.”

Fang Lin took a deep breath, then slowly walked over, when he was a meter away from the giant door, the noticed that there was actually countless tiny holes and weird patterns on the door, just as he was about to examine it more carefully, a sudden suction force appeared at the front of his body, a searing pain appeared on his chest, then he fainted!


  1. N/a

[Prologue] Chapter 2 – Tattoo

After chopping nearly a hundred kilograms of ribs into pieces of difference sizes, Fang Lin finally finished his work for the day, he walked towards the inner room expressionlessly with his painful arms, took up the broken plastic box he picked up from the rubbish pile, then filled it up with rice, and started devouring it down with the pickle on the side, he could also scoop out some leftover soup by the customers for his rice.

Dinner plus a salary of two hundred kuai a month. This is the deal for Fang Lin’s job, at the same time, it is also the main reason for the smart owner allowing this clumsy employee to stay. This price was only a third of the price of a dish washer, but the intense workload is three times that of a dishwater.

Therefore, no matter how silent Fang Lin normally is, how apathetic, how clumsy he is, as long as he didn’t make any huge mistake, even the most powerful head chef cannot tell him to **** off. Of course, the prerequisite is that a replacement that wants even less than him appears.

After Fang Lin finished three boxes of rice, and four servings of pickles, he silently stood up, and walked to the sink to wash his box. Wan Qiang, who was in charge of him intentionally knocked him to the side, causing ten bowls and plates to fall into the washing basin filled with greasy dirt, then glared at him and swore,

“You don’t have eyes? **** off to the side!”

Fang Lin calmly put away his broken lunch box, then couldn’t help but look at him. Actually Fang Lin is very calm in these litter matters, in the past he pretty much endured the mocking, scorn and coldness of the entire society, in comparison, this Wan Qiang’s intentional provocation is nothing at all!

What made Fang Lin to have an extra glance was that:

Through Wan Qiang’s oil-soaked white kitchen uniform’s collar, a weird pale green tattoo actually emerged! That tattoo was in the shape of a hideous roaring oni, and when Fang Lin looked towards it, the terrifying eyes of the oni actually creepily blinked towards him.

Both of them were shocked at the same time! Wan Qiang’s endless insults were suddenly cut seemingly by a scissor, causing him to become silent, and front Fang Lin’s youthful, cold and heard heart, a shuddering cold also leaked out, spreading through his body!

Yet, both of them walked away at the same time, and went back to what they were doing, as if nothing had happened.

After dealing with everything in the shop, it was already ten something at night, Fang Lin troublesomely passed through the crowded hall, when he arrived at the entrance, he had already calculated the profit that the consumers in the shop could provide for the owner, it was a total of six thousand seven hundred and fourteen kuai five mao and six fen. He had already calculated all of the paying customers from his first glance, then he just used basic mental maths with the cost of the ingredients, and arrived at this data in a short two seconds. This was only the conditioned reflex traiing he had for himself, when he got to the streets, he started silently remembering the car plate numbers of passing cars. In truth, he was forcing his mind to continuously work, or else it would be hard to stop himself from thinking about his parents eyes when they had consumed poisoned to commit suicide.

———————— That two pairs of despairing, helpless and depressing eyes!

After his parents died, Fang Lin didn’t cry, his heart felt like it was being mixed with tens of thousands of knives, causing it to bleed warm and painful blood. That wound never healed and the blood kept on flowing, he hated himself for not noticing the wish for his parents to die, he originally could do this. This snowball like remorse caused Fang Lin to crazily killed the six people who directly or indirectly forced his parents’ death, however after taking revenge, there was still a large void, which he found hard to endure. There was even a crazy thought that kept on screaming:

“Either destroy me, or destroy this world!”

Two rows of street lights silently stretched forward, forming two parallel lighted bands, the cars drove past the street both quickly and slowly, Fang Lin, who walked on the sidewalk suddenly grunted, then painfully held his head.

This is the side-effects of over-using his brain.

He, who was a master in inference, clearly understood what his end in the near future will be, he will suffer a mental breakdown and be forced to be isolated, or he will choose a grand destruction.

As waves of mental pain assault him, Fang Lin felt as if he was on a lone boat on the ocean of suffer, as if the boat was going to flip around and cause his death anytime. The only thing he could do, is to tightly grab hold of the branch beside him, even his fingernails have been folded, the pain did lessen, but his tired brain still furiously turned, all sorts of complicated memories appeared in his brain without control, then at the moment that Fang Lin was about to break down, a pair of eyes suddenly flashed across in his mind!

A terrifying pair of eyes!

That tattoo!

All of a sudden, the pain subsided like the tide, Fang Lin almost made the judgement within half a second that, with the current scientific knowledge, they cannot explain why the tattoo on the skin of a person’s chest would automatically blink. His almost broken down mentality was made to consider this problem half-forcefully and half-willingly.

Until he walked back to where he lived, Fang Lin did not manage to find a logical scientific explanation for this, yet he felt very fortunate, each day that the question of the tattoo is not solved, it means that it’s a day he doesn’t have to endure that endless suffering.

Where Fang Lin lived was the student dorm of Nanchuang University, after planning the murder in his hometown, he had already prepared a place to hide for a month, and after his looks were changed through the weight-loss medicine and the removal of his teeth, he openly boarded a train, and started studying in this third-rate university. Of course he didn’t come here to study, he just wanted somewhere to hide, because in a chaotic university with tons of people on the same age, cheap housing and loads of free time, Fang Lin really couldn’t think of anywhere safer than here.

As he expected, the only thing the administration department cared about was whether the students paid their school fees or not. As for the other stuff, it’s just for show. As for the teachers in charge of registering new students, they only care about whether the money was fake or not, they had put his money through the currency detector three times, yet when Fang Lin handed in his fake ID, they didn’t even glance at it, even his name on his student ID was written as Fang Ling.

He naturally wouldn’t stand up to correct this great mistake.

“You’re back? Laosan?” Mao Wei, from the same room, walked out from the public toilet, and greeted him with a face full of foam and a toothbrush in his mouth.

Fang Lin lifted the corner of his mouth, and nodded Mao Wei was clearly used to his personality, after a chuckle, he continued to brush his teeth. Although Fang Lin doesn’t have much to say, he was very capable in dealing with people, the relationship of his roommates with him were all very good, although some people call him an idiotic goose behind is back, in front of him, they would intimately called him Laosan.

Like most male university rooms, it was unavoidable for it to be messy, since the school increased enrollment, their dormitory space wasn’t enough, thus eight boys were stuffed in this little room. However, since Fang Lin likes cleanliness, this room was considered clean and shiny compared to other places. He entered the room, and sat on the bedside to watch other people to play cards, then climbed onto his bed to sleep. Yet what appeared most in his dream, is still that pair of evil and sinister eyes!

After finishing his lessons the next day, Fang Lin silently packed up his books, and calmly walked out, the goal that he set for himself right now was keeping a low profile, and try his best to look normal, just like how a droplet of water could fuse with the ocean, only then could he successfully hide.

He arrived at the shop of Miraculous Taste very early, at this time, lunch hour had already passed, the floor, tables and chairs were already cleaned, it was all silent there, even the two reception ladies at the front door were sleeping on the rice-yellowed sofa in the staff room. Fang Lin walked to the kitchen, opened the freezer and looked, but noticed that the purchasers didn’t buy today’s job yet, so he stood dumbly at his original place for a moment, then he found out the whetstone to sharping the bone chopping knife. After that, he sprinkled water onto it to wash it clean.

When Owner He saw it, he praised him a bit, but it was only praise, he (Fang Lin) didn’t need to think about any physical rewards.

Perhaps because the business these few days were good, the purchasers had to bring stuff into the shop twice. The old electrical tricycle could really not handle anymore load, and even made terrible squeaking sounds when it moved, making people wonder if it would completely fall apart the next second. For Fang Lin, his workload was increased by more than half, with half a year of training, he had already learned to wrap a layer of cloth on his hands when holding the knife, the blister he had before had already popped, under this high workload environment, his hand was already a bloody mess from all the friction.

Despite this, he still started chopping the ribs without stopping, eventually the business consumption outside started to speed up to a point that his chopping speed could not keep up. Causing the pissed off owner to finally run into the kitchen to invigilate him after quite a few groups of customers left in disappointment.

However, the reason Fang Lin was willing to do this job was firstly to burn his time through these tiresome chores, so he wouldn’t think too much, the second is to train what he lacked. He hoped that he could live as close to a normal person as possible. That’s why he completely ignored the roars and hurries of the owner, and continued to slowly chop the ribs at his own pace. Trying his hardest to make the pieces he chops to be smaller and more equal in size. Seeing that his arrival did not have any effect, Owner He finally got angry, and threw the cigarette he was smoking onto the floor! Then he scolded:

“Laozi is here, and you still dare to be lazy? Hurry up!”

Fang Lin closed his eyes as he if didn’t hear anything, and continued to chop slowly, until his eyes brightened, causing him to furiously chop, turning that rib in hands into ten-odd sections, only then did he nod with satisfaction. If you carefully weighed them with a balance, you would notice that although the sizes of these ten-odd pieces of ribs are different, the weight of each one would be surprisingly similar! This is the results Fang Lin gained chopping ribs for five hours per day for six months.

He was originally an extremely smart person from the start, although genetic reasons caused him to have a shortcoming in detailed things, but practice makes perfect, every day, there would be a few times where he would have a flash like this, and use his own ability to chop the ribs into sections of the same weight. This was like when those professional basketball players in NBA would occasionally have a hundred percent score rate. You could say that, finding this sort of feeling and enjoying became one of the few enjoyments that Fang Lin, who had lost his goal of life, had.


  1. N/a

[Prologue] Chapter 1 – Wanted

In the eyes of classmates, he’s a silent young man with a sluggish personality.

In the eyes of his boss, he’s an apathetic and submissive temporary worker.

In the eyes of the police, he’s a logical and savage wanted criminal.

Fang Lin



Parents deceased.

Was discovered to be missing on 25th February 2009 A.D., his aunt reported it to the police half a month later. Three heavily rotten corpses were discovered in his come, through DNA testing, they belong to Liu Gaifu, He Kai and Zhou Dingli, who share the same hometown. After a lot of investigations, they found out that eleven incidents that were assumed to be accidental deaths in the last two years in Yuhong Town is related to the suspect.

This is the only information that the police have about him, and most of the information was found in Fang Lin’s empty and run down home, the clues left for the police were far too little from this serial murdering. The valuables have already been sold, used by Fang Lin to repay the debts he borrowed after burying his parents. The ash pile of underworld money seemed like it symbolized the section of life of this young man: dark and bitter; it shatters even when the wind blows on it; of course, there is also death.

The motive was so clear that it seemed to be hung in the glass casing at the center of the room. There, Fang Lin’s parents who have died for three years were smiling from the photograph towards the three corpses that died with everlasting regret. The police has already confirmed that, during the last two years, there has been a total of six people that have died either directly or indirectly by Fang Lin’s hands.

Exactly five men and one woman, a total of six people.

Not one extra, not one less.

These six people all have relatives, wives (husband), children, friends, their relationship together was like a net, a net which pushed two normal people onto the path of no return! Perhaps, they didn’t want the two people to die, they only instinctually based their own happiness on others’ misery, or they wanted to create some sort of entertaining atmosphere, and overestimated others’ ability to withstand oppression

——— So, tragedy occurred.

These two people were Fang Lin’s parents, at the same time, they had another very secretive and close identity.

Older sister and younger brother.

So, after this shocking news was spread out, very quickly, a originally happy and great family became endangered due to others’ chats. What was most terrifying was that, Fang Lin’s mother was suddenly y those five men assaulted by those five men on the way home and… gang *****!

The reason that these people did all they could to spread out others’ privacy was that they have long been ******* after this beautiful young wife, with the evil thought of destroying what they could not obtain, these five people committed such an atrocious deed.

Thus, on a summer night that was so hot that people couldn’t breath, a couple that couldn’t withstand the pressure from the world swallowed rat poison that they bought with the feeling of getting released, when Fang Lin realized it, their pupils have already expanded, their heart beat and breathing have stopped for a long time. A family of originally three people, suddenly collapsed, and was destroyed.

He didn’t cry, nor throw a tantrum, with a pale face, he dumbly sat by his parents’ corpses for several says, only because he occasionally chased away mosquitos and flies did they notice that he was alive. In the end, when the neighbors couldn’t stand the rotten smell anymore, and angrily went up to knock, did Fang Lin calmly died the phone number of the funeral parlor.

Only until now, did the spreading rumor finally extinguished, everyone had a slither of guilt, and was too embarrassed to mention this, the sins of the five people that night were not spread out either, only the topics surrounding Fang Lin gradually increased.

“I always felt that this kid was a bit dumb, so that’s way.”

“Yeah, the siblings did that, of course what they gave birth to is an idiot.”

“His academics have always been subpar, our family’s eldest daughter said that the one the teachers scolded most is this thing.”

“A kid of ten-odd years is already so lifeless, I fear he wouldn’t live long.”


These people all talked without knowing anything, as if they understood everything.

Every normal person might carry a few or even ten-odd recessive genetic disorders, incestual marriages would cause these genes to have more chance to meet, and thus producing abnormal inheritance. Half of the chromosomes of a human comes from the father, the other half from the mother, under the condition of incestual relationships, the chances of two problematic genes coming together is far greater than people that are not related, the death rate of their offspring I also higher, and would often have idiots, deform children or patients with genetic diseases.

However, with a high risk, comes naturally a high reward, incestual relationships have an extremely small chance to give birth to a genius in a certain area. In 1885, a man named Alois married his niece, the name of their first son was called:

———————— Adolf Hitler!

The founder of the evolution theory Darwin’s grandparents were cousins, this didn’t affect Darwin becoming a huge icon of science.

The rich and powerful American DuPont family has had incestuous marriages for a hundred years, yet there are tons of business geniuses in the family!

And the most classic, is a pair of Jewish cousins, they gave birth to a world recognized high intelligence genius

———————— Einstein!

Fang Lin is one of this small probability!

He could still clearly remember, the first person he killed, was the ****** hostess downstairs! She heard his parents accidentally revealing their secret on the phone, then did all she could to advertise it, if it wasn’t for her, his family would not be so lonely and isolated!

That night three years ago, he waited on the quiet street for 3 hours 42 minutes and 37 seconds, and finally waited until the fat woman having enough fun with cards, then stealthily raised the brick in his hand, used all his strength and smashed down on the back of her head!


Blood spurted everywhere!

“Fang Lin, you *******, how are you doing! You’ve been a dunzi (the person in charge of cutting vegetables, meat and jardiniere in the kitchen) for half a year, yet you still can’t cop up the bones!”

The moment this voices sounded out, everyone in the “Miraculous Taste” kitchen knew Wan Qiang was taking his anger out on the new lad without listening to the contents. To be hoenst, it’s rather weird, half a year ago, when he came for the job interview, this lad called Fang Lin wasn’t familiar with his job, after telling him to show what he’s got, after a long time, the slices of meat he cut out could only be described as blocks of meat, and the meat shredded meat… Was at least as thick as a candle, in the end the head chef didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he told him to peel the carrot skin, he did peel it, but a carrot of one kilogram was left with 100 grams.

Yet, after the smart owner heard the waiters outside telling it as a joke, he hurried to the kitchen, looked at the calm and obtuse young man, then dragged him in front of the chopping board, threw a thick kitchen knife on it, and said impatiently,

“Can you endure hardships?”

Fang Lin silently took down an apron from the side, his frail body looked even more frail after getting wrapped by the large apron, only then did he reply simple,


The owner rolled up his sleeves, smoked his cigarette, then dragged out about a dozen pork ribs, totaling about fifty kilogram, then said,

“If you can chop up all these ribs today, then stay.”

Fang Lin didn’t say anything, and only silently grasped the thick knife handle on the chopping board.

Actually, perhaps it is because the gods are fair to humans, geniuses would have hints of an idiot, if some people is extremely well versed in one area, then they would often have a weakness in another, just like how Chen Jingren couldn’t do any housework, a certain piano genius can’t handle himself, how the result of Einstein going into the kitchen is a fire, Fang Lin is like this as well, since a young age, he didn’t really know how to sharpen a pencil, he wasn’t good at these detailed jobs. However, there was just a mad force in his bones, the less versed he’s in a certain area, the more he would train.

Just before entering the door, Fang Lin surveyed this “Miraculous Taste” hotpot shop for two areas, and noticed that the chef’s special here is ribs hotpot, thus he predicted that what this place lacked might very well be someone that could take up the responsibility of chopping ribs, thus he come in to apply. Before anyone noticed, before the owner said anything, this young man had already put on the thick apron, in order to prevent the blood from chopping ribs splashing onto his body.

Fang Lin, who endured the pain of his arm, successfully got this high workload, low salary job. More precisely, it’s a part-time job.

He currently has three identities, the first is the employee of Miraculous Taste, the second is the student of Nanchuan University’s Adult Junior College, the last is the wanted criminal that the police is looking for.

It’s just that no one would link the chubby, honest young man with a round face with the thin, obtuse, cold person with high cheekbones together, the truth is that even if Fang Lin’s parents came back to life, they might not recognize their son!

This was plastic surgery.

From the moment Fang Lin saw his parents’ corpses, he was determined to take revenge. Yet he didn’t plan to die with his enemies, thus the first thing he thought of was the way out!

In order to quickly change his look to his current appearance, after kidding the last three people on his revenge list, Fang Lin started to take the special weight-losing medicine on the run, then continued to use a rock to break the canines on his upper jaw.

This is an extremely disgusting process filled with pain, through the weight-loss medicine and eating less, his weight drastically dropped, after the canines taken out, it caused the muscles on his cheek to shrink in a way. These two smart yet merciless methods caused fang Lin’s appearance to change exceptionally quickly! Adding onto the fact that the picture on the wanted order was one he deliberately left for the police in his old home… Fang Lin was sure that they would definitely not find any of his recent pictures! Thus, even though he didn’t change his name, no one would link him with that murder!


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 183

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Chapter of the day!

Just in case you guys forgot, ganba/ganma is similar to godfather/godmother. However, since the essence of it is not related to any religion, I didn’t use the terms godfather/godmother.

Chapter 183 – You can’t have those thoughts anymore

“Xiyuan, your father and our family’s old Liu are sworn brothers, so you can’t as half a daughter to me, what’s wrong with paying for my own daughter to go to school!” My mom said.

“About this…” He Xiyuan didn’t know what to say, and kneeled on the floor all worked up. “Uncle, Auntie! If you don’t dislike it, then let Xiyuan be your gan-nver!”

“That’s great! I was also thinking about that!” My mom said caringly.

“Thank you Uncle, Auntie!” He Xiyuan prostrated on the ground and said.

“Are you still calling us Uncle, Auntie?” My mom said with a smile.

“Ganba, Ganma!” He Xiyuan said happily.

“The kid’s mom, go and get two sets of clothes for Xiyuan, her clothes can’t be worn anymore!” My dad was extremely happily after seeing a friend’s child, and said caringly.

“Sure, Xiyuan! Come with Ganma! Ganma will help you find a few pretty clothes,” My mom happily took hold of He Xiyuan’s hand and walked towards the inside of the house.

“Leilei, tell dad honestly, how did you beat five or six delinquents by yourself?” Seeing that my mom and He Xiyuan entered the room, my dad asked me seriously.

“Dad, did you forget? Didn’t I enter a sanda training course when school just started!” I bullshitted.

“Oh, that’s right! There is something like this! I didn’t think that the money back then really wasn’t wasted!” My dad didn’t know how powerful was someone proficient in sanda, but he see a lot of scenes on television where a armed police suppress a lot of bad guys, so he believe it.

“When you have time on Sunday, let our whole family go and visit your He-shushu! Ai! I didn’t think that the rising village chief back then has fallen to this level! It is depressing!” My dad sighed and said.

“Dad! Don’t worry! I believe there is justice in this world, Xiyuan’s family’s matters definitely will be solved! I comforted my dad and said. I thought in my heart, solving this issue was simply too easy for me. Don’t talk about an evil village chief’s son, I even beat up Liu Kesheng back then.

“I’m getting old! Oh yeah, back then your He-shushu and I made an oath when we became sworn brothers! We said that if our children in the future are both boys, then they’ll become sworn brothers, if it’s a boy and a girl, then they’ll get married! I didn’t think that He-dage really gave birth to a daughter! Ai! If you brat didn’t meet Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier so early, I really wanted to bring this chick, He Xiyuan into our home to be your wife!” My dad looked at the ceiling and sighed. It was as if he was thinking about the things that happened back then when he went to the countryside.

“What! Dad, what did you say?” I freaked! I actually had such a betrothal on me! Why haven’t I heard about this in my previous life?

“No it’s nothing! What, you brat can’t have really gotten interested in that chick, Xiyuan, right? Leilei, dad’s telling you! You already have the two chicks Yanyan and Weier, don’t have those thoughts anymore!” My dad immediately said alertly.

“Dad! What are you saying! From the first time I say Xiyuan, I already treated her as my meimei!” I quickly explained.

“Oh! That’s great!” My dad glared at me and said. “Oh yeah, when you see your He-bobo, don’t ever mention this, so he doesn’t get unhappy!”

“Understood dad!” I said. I didn’t think that I coincidentally saved the daughter of my dad’s sworn brother, that’s too much of a coincidence! If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that it’s a written book.

I mom lead He Xiyuan, who had changed, out of the room, the little chick wore what mom wore when she was younger, she really was quite something! Her youthful and pretty image lightened by eyes, I didn’t think that this chick was no worse than Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier after dressing up!

Seeing my stare at He Xiyuan, my mom coughed twice and reminded me, “Liu Lei, Xiyuan is your meimei from now on! Don’t have any bad thoughts!”

“How could I! Hehe!” I awkwardly calm back to my senses and laughed.

On the next day a huge news brought out through the headlines of the newspapers, the title was “Mob boss chased and beat down innocent girl, was then sent to the hospital by a samaritan teenager”.

Since the police refused to reveal the information on the samritan civilian, claiming that it was to prevent underworld partners from taking revenge on him, the media could only blur it through and hid his name.

After Guo Qing found out about this news, he immediately called me, “Boss, you really were right! I didn’t make a move on the brat, Yu Wenfeng, yet, and he already got beaten into a veggie! This brat got way too unlucky!”

“Unlucky what! ****, didn’t your boss, I, accidentally help you solve the problem!” I swore.

“What? Boss! You didn’t it! It can’t be!” Guo Qing said in shock.

“Okay now, don’t spread it around, if it was known to other people, causing all of Yu Wenfeng’s lackeys to come and get even with me, then I would die on annoyance!” I said.

“Boss, thank you so much! I’ll lead my subordinates to make use of this opportunity can take control of the area around Ewha Alley!” Guo Qing said thankfully.

“Thank me for what! We’re brothers!” I said.

“Hehe, then I’ll help myself!” With that, Guo Qing hung up.

There was something very important to do today, so I couldn’t help but get Zhao Yanyan to help me take a sick leave. Technically speaking, I don’t ever ask for a leave when I don’t go to school, but today is the second day of a new semester, I have to give beauty Ye face no matter what.

I put down the phone in my hand, thought about it and decided to go to the communications bureau to buy a new GSM digital phone. This phone truly is a mobile phone, you must be mobile while calling, or else there isn’t going to be any signal.

I stretched lazily on the sofa, I really didn’t sleep well tonight. But there’s no helping it, who let me already promised to give my bed to He Xiyuan!

After putting on clothes, just as I was about to go downstairs, I heard sounds coming form the kitchen, following that, I heard He Xiyuan’s voice, “Liu-dage! Did you wake up? I made breakfast, come and eat it together!”

It can’t be! This chick woke up so early? And made breakfast? Why do I have a feeling of finding a treasure, I found a nice beauty caretaker, making breakfast everyday~! This thought is great.

I walked into the kitchen, and saw that He Xiyuan had already fried four eggs, and cooked a small bowl of millet porridge, and also pickled a bit of cucumber. A perfect breakfast was already prepared.

“Xiyuan, what are you going! Making breakfast for our family so early in the morning, we really can’t take it in our hearts!” Actually what I thought in my heart was, this girl really is too great, it’ll be great if she lives in my home my entire life. This way I don’t have to worry about my breakfast.

“Liu-dage, you guys have already taken care of me a lot having me live here, if I don’t do something for you, I don’t feel comfortable in my heart,” He Xiyuan took out a bowl and helped me fill up a bowl of millet porridge.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 182

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Chapter of the day!

Chapter 182 – My dad knows her dad

“Auntie! We… We actually just came back from the police station…” He Xiyuan explained.

“What!? Just came back from the police station? You already reported it in? Why didn’t the police arrest this brat? Did he threaten you?” My mom said furiously.

I really am going to faint! Is she still my mom! Is her son so terrible in her mind? Is there still logic in this world!

“Mom, listen to me, can you let me finish first!” I interrupted my mom and said.

“Fine! I’ll listen to you first, when you finish, let the chick speak! If I see what you say it’s difference, I’ll break your leg today!” My mom said with a deep breath.

“Mom! Actually it’s like this…” Thus I told my mom everything about taking Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier to eat, then meeting He Xiyuan at the door, as well as how I beat the bad guys and finally entered police station.

“So you didn’t bully her?” My mom said with an expression of disbelief.

“Auntie, what Liu-dage said is all true! Not only that, he also acted as a samaritan!” He Xiyuan quickly said

“Really?” Only then did my mom let out a sigh of relief, nodded and asked.

“Mom! Am I just a scourge to good girls in your mind?” I said innocently.

My mom didn’t reply, she only glared at me. However, that expression clearing meant that “I think you are!”

“You are actually so good-hearted? And even saved someone?” My dad said.

“Dad! What are you saying, this isn’t the first or second time I’ve saved someone! Didn’t I save Xia Jing last time!” I reminded.

“Oh yeah! If you don’t say it, I really might have forget, now that you say it, I really regret it! I wonder how’s Xia Jing now, if I know my son is like this, I would never have let Xia Jing slept on the same bed as you!” My mom sighed. “Liu Lei, you didn’t do that to Xia Jing right?”

“Mom, what are you thinking! Is your son, I, that kind of person! We have a guest here, mom can you save some face for me!” I said embarrassedly. Actually I actually nearly did do that.

“You also know that you need face! Heh!” My mom said coldly.

I felt quite speechless, and could only change the topic onto He Xiyuan. I told He Xiyuan’s background to my parents, but I left out the part about knowing the police chief, since there are some things that I didn’t know how to explain to my family yet.

When I reached the part about the evil Jia Daguo used his identity as the village chief’s son to tyrannize people, and forcefully occupied He Xiyuan’s family’s fruit garden, my dad furiously smashed the table, and said angrily, “Is there still law! Xiyuan, uncle will help you out! Uncle will take you to the court to sue them! If it doesn’t work, then we’ll find the city’s government or the city’s municipal committee, if that doesn’t work then we’re go into the province!”

“Old Liu! Please! Do you think the provincial party committee and city’s municipal committee is your home? And you can go when you want? First of all, you have no evidence, second of all, you don’t know if that village chief has a backing! If that village chief has some sort of official backing him here, then not only would you fail, you’ll also get in a whole lot of trouble!” My mom analyzed logically.

My dad nodded after hearing that, he really was too worked up! He’s just an engineer in an electronics factory, what right does he have to help people get even!

“Uncle, Auntie! Liu-dage already promise to help me find the police…” He Xiyuan had wanted to say “Liu-dage already promised to help me find the police chief for help”, but I stopped her with an expression.

“Yeah, dad, mom! I already promise to take He Xiyuan to find the police!” I quickly said.

“Find the police? Ai! What use is finding the police for this! The police station here can’t do anything about their village chief, what’s more the village chief is under the county officials, there is no direct relationship with the police!” My dad also regained his composure, and knows that it was very complicated. “Oh yeah, which village did you say you were from again?”

“Yanhe Village,” He Xiyuan replied.

“Yanhe Village? Isn’t that the place where I went to work in the countryside! Back then, I had a sworn old bro, he was the village accountant back then, he might be an even more important official right now, he might be able to help you! Oh yeah, he’s called He Dali, have you heard of him?” My dad thought about it and said.

“What! You… You know my daddy?!” He Xiyuan immediately said in shock after hearing that.

“What! What did you say? He Dali is your dad?!” My dad opened his eyes wide in shock, pointed at He Xiyuan and said in surprise.

My mom and I were also very surprised, and looked at my dad in disbelief. I didn’t think that this girl I saved actually have some kind of relationship with my family!

“Yeah… My dad is He Dali, Uncle, you know my daddy?” He Xiyuan was so shocked that she coughed, she didn’t think that she would be able to meet her father’s friend even here.

“Yeah! I know him! How could I not!” My dad carefully checked He Xiyuan out, then slowly said. “Back then when I went to the countryside, I lived in He-dage, He Dali’s —— in other words, your father’s home! Ai! Time passed so quickly, back then we were both kids, and were around as old as you and Liu Lei… Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye!”

“Uncle, you are the sworn brother, Liu Renshan-shushu, that daddy always talks about?” He Xiyuan thought about it and said.

“Yeah! Your dad still remembers me! …Ai? No, isn’t your dad the village chief? Logically speaking, he should already be an official now, why is he still being bullied?” My dad said weirdly.

“My daddy was the accountant back then? Why don’t I know about this! My daddy never said anything about it?” He Xiyuan said weirdly.

“Really? That’s strange! This is too strange! However, girl! Since you are He-dage’s daughter, then you are my, old Liu’s, daughter, don’t worry! Uncle will take care of the problem for your family! Even if uncle walks still his shoes break, he will help you get justice!” My dad said passionately.

“Old Liu! Stop losing face in front of the kids, seeing you making no room for error in your words, what will you do then!” My mom mocked.

“About this…” My dad momentarily blanked, he knows that he acted idiotically again.

“Old Liu, you better talk with your He-dage and discuss it. If it really can’t be helped, then leave it, let’s not sue then! Our family can’t be said as rich right now, but we can make it through, if it can’t be helped then let’s just pay the money for the two children to go to school!” My mom was very generous in certain matters, this made my dad and I admire her a lot. She’s not like some women, who always act petty.

“Auntie, how can we accept it!” He Xiyuan shook her head.


  1. N/a

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 181

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Chapter of the day!

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 180

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Yesterday’s chapter!

Chapter 180 – He Xiyuan’s Identity

I chuckled and said, “Then I’ll go first!”

“Drink a cup of tea then leave!” Xiao Wu hold the tea pot with a hundred and eighty degrees change in attitude, and said passionately to me.

“No need, thanks you, Officer Wu!” I shook my hand.

“What are you thanking me for! It should be us that’s thanking you, helping us catch the criminals!” Xiao Wu said.

“Cooperation between police and civilian right!” I said.

“Let’s go,” I said to He Xiyuan. “I’ll take you to the hospital to take a look at your foot.” I reached out my hand, and helped her up. He Xiyuan blushed, but because it wasn’t convenient for her to walk, she didn’t refuse.

“You know the police chief?” After going out of the police station entrance, He Xiyuan said to me in surprise.

“Yeah. Why?” I didn’t understand why He Xiyuan would ask this.

“Then…” He Xiyuan paused for a moment, bit her lips, her eyes flashed.

“If there’s something then say it,” I could tell that she had some trouble, but didn’t feel right to say it.

“I have something that I want your help with… Can you promise me?” He Xiyuan hesitated a bit and said.

“Want my help!” I momentarily blanked, does wanting my help have anything to do with knowing the police chief?

“You don’t have to agree immediately… I’m just saying…” Seeing my expression, He Xiyuan thought I was troubled, and so quickly explained.

“Hehe, Xiyuan, you misunderstood. If I can do it, then I will definitely help, I was just wondering how you asking me knowing the police chief or not have to do with you asking me for help,” I smiled and said.

“Really? You’re willing to help me?! That’s great! You can help me if you know the police chief, help me arrest the son of the village chief of our Zhendong Town!” He Xiyuan said happily.

“Arrest the son of your village chief? Why do you need to arrest the son of your village chief?” I said weirdly.

“The son of the village chief Jia Daguo is an evil person!” He Xiyuan said in hatred.

“Don’t get anxious, Xiyuan. Let’s get on the car first, then take your time to speak, and tell me how is he a evil person!” Instincts told me that He Xiyuan must be in some trouble.

“After getting onto the car, Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier were both anxious from waiting, and asked me caringly after seeing me, “Hubby, how is it? They didn’t make it difficult for you right!”

Although Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier understood clearly that nothing could have happened to me, they still couldn’t help but worry. My heart naturally felt the warmth, I smiled and said, “I’m a hero that acted as a samaritan, of course nothing would have happened! The bad guys got misfortunate, not only did they get hit by me, they have to stay in jail as well!”

“Why did she come as well?” Zhao Yanyan looked weirdly at He Xiyuan, who was standing behind me, in shock. Only now did Zhao Yanyan look at this girl carefully, she never would have thought that she is actually so pretty, no less than herself at all.

At this time, He Xiyuan also looked strangely at the two beauties in front of her, why did they both call him hubby? Could he have two wives? No, this is a society where men and women are equal, how could there still be polygamy?

“She’s called He Xiyuan, let’s send her to the hospital first, her foot got hurt just now,” I explained.

“Oh!” Zhao Yanyan nodded, but she glared at me. What it meant was that: did you see that she looks pretty and wanted to eat her too?

I returned an innocent gaze. However, Zhao Yanyan ignored it,

I got onto the car and smiled wryly, to be honest, if I really had any other thoughts about He Xiyuan, it’s only pity. In order to earn money for her didi to pay the school fees, she came to the city without any relatives to work. She doesn’t seem that old, perhaps even younger than me, she should be a little princess getting spoiled by her parents, yet has undergone so much suffering. From her words just now, I found that that the son of the village chief called Jia Daguo seemed to have bullied her, ai! I had thought that Chen Weier had suffered enough, I didn’t think that in comparison to He Xiyuan, Chen Weier’s life seemed rather good.

However, I felt quite happy today, because of He Xiyuan, it allowed me to accidentally deal with a problem resting in my heart —— Which is Yu Wenfeng. Originally I had thought that it would be a difficult matter, I didn’t think that I managed to deal with it so easily in front of the police station, and even got the title of a samaritan.

Everything was like I predicted, after I was reborn, only me and the people around me changed. The general direction of history didn’t change, although the processes might be a bit different, the results were the same.

Yu Wenfeng didn’t escape the fate of becoming a vegetable, it’s just that the person that caused this changed from Ding Baosao to me.

I let out a long sigh of relief, it seems like, after I was reborn, luck is still generally on my side.

“He Xiyuan, what did you say to me just now about that village chief’s evil son?” After getting onto the car, I asked.

“You really are going to help me?” He Xiyuan asked while feeling a bit surreal. Everything that happened today felt like a dream, everything was too sudden, originally she had thought that she couldn’t escapes the evil claws of Yu Wenfeng, but this dagege in front of her suddenly appeared and saved her! Not only that, she met the police chief in the city! This way, could he help her get justice?

“Of course! I already said it, as long as I can help, I will definitely help you!” I said assuredly. I didn’t know why, I felt a lot of pity for He Xiyuan.

“Then you must get the police chief to help me arrest the bad guy, Jia Daguo!” He Xiyuan said furiously

“If he really broke the laws, then he definitely has to be arrested! First, tell me what exactly happened!” I said.

“Three years ago, our family took over a small section of woods in the mountains, and prepared to plant some fruit trees. At the time, because this project was rather unpopular, no one dared to do it, so daddy used very little money to get it. Our family bought saplings from the outside, and panted it. Last autumn, the fruit trees finally bore fruit, and because of that, my family earned quite a bit of money, and managed to repay the debt that we used to buy the saplings,” He Xiyuan said slowly.

“That’s a good thing!” I praised after hearing that! In Huaxia, during the 90s, a lot of the people in the rural areas started getting rich through this path!

“Yeah, originally it’s a pretty good thing, but the son of our village chief heard that our family earned money and got envious. He found the accountant of our village, and prepared to forcefully take back the land our family got the used!” He Xiyuan said.

“Wait didn’t you guys sign any contract with the village at the time?” I interrupted He Xiyuan and asked. Actually if this case really was as He Xiyuan said, an a contract was signed then, it would be rather easy to solve!


  1. N/a

Chapter 181 – Do you have a contract

With a contract, they could go directly bring a lawsuit to the court, however a lot of farmers wouldn’t know what the court does their entire life! It also caused a lot of them to take their grievance in silence without anywhere to file a lawsuit!

“There is, but it’s only a white sleep that the village put out, it wrote that we own the woods for ten years,” He Xiyuan said.

“Is there a stamp?” Hearing that there is a contract, ignoring whether it if just a slip, I immediately asked an important question.

“No,” He Xiyuan shook her head and said.

Hearing that, I knew that it wouldn’t be easy to deal with, they don’t even have a contract, they probably won’t even if they get into court! Ai!

“What is it?” Seeing me sigh, He Xiyuan said nervously. “Is there no ways? I heard others say it before, they said that without a contract, they can’t punish the bad guy!”

“It’s alright, let’s think of other ways! Xiyuan, continue speaking!” I smiled and comforted her. I thought in my heart, isn’t it just the son of a village chief? So what if there’s no contract, laozi can still take care of you without a contract? Aren’t you evil? Then laozi will be more evil then you, if I have no other way, laozi will send Guo Qing over and break down your house!

“En,” He Xiyuan nodded and continued. “Then, my daddy and my mommy discussed for a while, and decided that we couldn’t compete with Jia Daguo, and could only accept this. Since ancient times, the peasants can’t fight with those in power, especially an evil one! My dad went to discuss with Jia Daguo, telling him that we could give him the woods, but we must be paid for the fruit tree, at the time Jia Daguo also agreed. However, during the New Year, daddy went to ask Jia Daguo for money, Jia Daguo refused to admit it no matter what, and beat up my daddy! I went to the village council to tell on him, in the end those people were in a collusion with Jia Daguo, and all supported him! They didn’t care at all! Without any other way, in order to get my daddy treated, we spent all of my and my didi’s school fees. I only came to work in the city in order to earn the school fee for my didi to go to school.”

I wouldn’t help but stay silent after hearing that! This sort of thing that happened to He Xiyuan’s family was too common in rural areas, the village chiefs are the local emperors, adding on the fact that the education levels of the villages aren’t that high and that they don’t understand the law at all, even after they get bullied, they can only stay silent, since they don’t know about filing a law suit. People with He Xiyuan’s thoughts are really too little!

After we got the hospital, through the doctor’s check, we found out that He Xiyuan only twisted her ankle, it wasn’t a big issue, she would be fine after a few days of rest. After all this trouble, I didn’t have any more interest in xxoo, only after I sent Zhao Yanyan and Chen Weier home, did I realize that there was still a He Xiyuan.

“Xiyuan! Where are you staying at night?” I asked casually, but right after I asked that, I realized that I asked a stupid question, because He Xiyuan didn’t have anywhere she could go right now.

“I… I don’t have anywhere to stay… How about just dropping me off at the train station, I’ll just sleep there for the night,” He Xiyuan said.

“Train station! How can that be okay! Since it’s like that, then just stay in my home for a night,” To be honest, I was really quite worried about letting a girl like her sleep at the train station.

“That’s not very convenient right…” He Xiyuan said hesitantly.

“It’s alright, sleep in my bed in the night, I’ll sleep in the living room,” Although this girl, He Xiyuan, was also very pretty, she was still a bit less so than Xia Qing and Chen Weier. I don’t know why, but I didn’t have any sort of male-female feelings towards her, I only had that kind of empathy or care between siblings.

“But Liu-dage, why are you helping me?” He Xiyuan said without understanding. “It’s our first time meeting, and you’re telling me to go to your home… You can’t also want me… want me to…” He Xiyuan said awkwardly with a blush, but even after quite a while, she didn’t manage to finish the sentence.

“Xiyuan! What are you saying? Making you do what?” I was really confused, and didn’t get what this chick was saying at all.

“I’m saying that you can’t be also wanting… wanting to do what the customer did to me right…” He Xiyuan finally spoke out her worry.

“Hehe——” I smiled lightly, “Xiyuan, what are you thinking! I’m doing all this just because I want to help you! Also, you’ve seen it already, I have two wives already, if I really did anything to you, wouldn’t they murder me!”

He Xiyuan giggled, and said in disbelief, “Liu-dage, did you just say that both of the jiejie just now are your girlfriends?”

“Yeah, anything wrong with that?” I said caringly.

“No… I just found it quite weird, why is there still things like that now… Liu-dage, don’t misunderstand, I don’t mean to criticize you…” He Xiyuan explained.

After the atmosphere was loosened like this, He Xiyuan and my relationship improved quite a lot, and she stopped acting with so much restraint.

On the way, He Xiyuan told me a lot of things about their village and about their lives. If He Xiyuan didn’t tell me herself, I would never believe that areas that were so behind and ****** existed! The village chief was equal to the police chief, chief of industry and commerce, tax chief, regional chief etc., it could be said that in their village, the village chief is God, whatever he says in the law! Yet, every year the villagers would still vote for this lawless village chief in the election.

There really wasn’t littler about the evil son doing bad things in collusion with the village officials, I didn’t quite understand, why don’t these people come to report it! They really are dumb!

When I got home, and my mom suddenly noticed He Xiyuan standing behind me, she checked her out, then immediately got angry and started scolding, “You damn kid that should be killed with a thousand knives! Don’t you have enough with two girlfriends! Why did you bring another one back!”

“Mom… Listen to me first…” I quickly explained! What kind of world is this! I learned from Lei Feng to do good, why did I end up getting scolded!

“Say what!” My mom glared at me, then looked at He Xiyuan, after seeing that her clothes were all messed up as if someone tore it apart, she immediately guessed what it was and said angrily, “You damn brat, blasphemy! Girl… Tell the truth to auntie, it’s alright, auntie will help you! Did this brat Liu Lei bully you? Don’t worry, as long as you say it, auntie will not let him off, and will definitely send him to the police station!”

“Auntie, you… misunderstood, Liu-dage didn’t bully me…” He Xiyuan didn’t think that Liu-dage’s mom would get so angry, and immediately said carefully.

“Girl, don’t be afraid to admit it! Don’t just think that he’s my son, even the prince has the same crimes as peasants when breaking the law! I will definitely not shelter him! Tell auntie the truth, did he actually do something to you!” My mom glared at me and said.


  1. N/a

Chapter 40 – Young Lady’s Princess Syndrome

“But you can use it.” After Ye Xiaoye finished speaking, she no longer paid any attention to Xiao Chen. Instead, she began to fiddle around with earthenware pot to brew medicine, preparing to boil the medicinal stew.

Xiao Chen did not expect Ye Xiaoye to speak these words and could not help but gratefully say: “Thank you, for the next few days I will be learning how to cook. Therefore, we will have to eat instant noodles for a few days. Wait for when I finish learning, I’ll treat you to a meal.”

Since Ye Xiaoye was magnanimous, Xiao Chen naturally felt a need to release some good intentions. After all, they were all living under one roof and Xiao Chen did not want to make their relationship so stiff.

“Oh…” Ye Xiaoye seemed to think little of it, faintly responding. She did not raise her head, but carefully fiddled around with her pot of herbs.

Very quickly, the hot water was ready. Xiao Chen infused it into two bowls of instant noodles, carried it into the living room and gave one bowl to Cheng Mengying, the other bowl to himself. He opened up the lid, then ate it up like a tornado sweeping through a city.

Cheng Mengying slowly opened up the lunch box lid and ate the noodles in small mouthfuls. It really didn’t need to be mentioned, but the taste of the instant noodles was good. However, hearing Xiao Chen eating the noodles with a ‘Hulu hulu’ sound, she suddenly was a bit angry: “Hey, in front of this Young Lady, can’t you act like a gentleman? No wonder the engagement was broken off. From your behavior, who would want to marry you?”

“Pu…” Xiao Chen sprayed out a mouthful of noodles and they directly went into the Young Lady’s lunch box: “Cough cough…you were the one to break off the engagement. Didn’t you just now know that I eat a meal well? Listening to your tone, it seems like the one who broke off the engagement was other people?”

“Xiao Chen, I want to kill you!” Cheng Mengying could not manage the matter of breaking of the engagement regardless. When she looked down at the lunch box in her hands, which hung out half of the noodles that Xiao Chen sprayed out, Cheng Mengying’s eyes sprayed out fire: “How am I going to eat this?”

“Eh……sorry……” Xiao Chen helplessly scratched his head, could this be blamed on him? If Cheng Mengying had not said those strange words, would he laugh?

“What use does sorry have?” Cheng Mengying had just been eating happily, feeling that the taste wasn’t bad. Now there was no way to eat, unless she wanted to eat Xiao Chen’s saliva.

“I’ll eat this, I’ll make you another bowl.” Xiao Chen had not eaten his fill. With his appetite, one package would not do. After he finished speaking, he took the lunch box out of the Young Lady’s hands and directly poured it into his bowl, then walked towards the kitchen while eating.

When Cheng Mengying heard that Xiao Chen was going to make her another bowl of noodles, much of the anger in her heart dissipated: “This Young Lady will give you a chance to make up for it. Do not put the vegetables package into the instant noodles, dried food is not delicious!”

Cheng Mengying happened to not like eating the vegetable package that came along with instant noodles, so this time he could save some trouble.

However, looking at Xiao Chen eat with relish, Cheng Mengying suddenly discovered something wrong and angrily said: “Xiao Chen, you are taking advantage of me!”

“?” Xiao Chen was a bit confused, thinking in his heart ‘how did I take advantage of you’: “I bought the instant noodles, so eat two bags can’t be said that I took advantage of you, right?”

“You……you you you you……” Cheng Mengying did not know how to explain and choked on words for a long time, then only said: “You want to indirectly kiss me!”

“Haa?!” Listening to the Young Lady’s marvelous explanation, Xiao Chen understood at that moment. ‘So eating the Young Lady’s leftovers is an indirect kiss?’ Xiao Chen immediately did not know whether to laugh or cry.

“You go to a hotel to sleep, can’t you understand that many people go there to have sex?1” Ye Xiaoye happened to walk out of the kitchen, in order to go to the refrigerator to take out things. Upon hearing Cheng Mengying’s words, she suddenly coldly said: “Don’t use ignorance as personality.”

“You……you you you you!” After Cheng Mengying heard Ye Xiaoye’s words, she was immediately angered speechless: “Xiao Chen, explain for this Young Lady!”

“Beyond ordering other people, what can you do?” Ye Xiaoye took an unknown package from inside the refrigerator’s storage box, then removed a small fruit. After taking it out she put the package back inside the refrigerator and turned around back to the kitchen.

When had Cheng Mengying ever received such anger? This Ye Xiaoye was truly bad, ever since they had moved in, she was in direct opposition for everything for these two days. If it went on for a long time, Cheng Mengying really feared that she would be angered to death!

Xiao Chen finished eating the noodles, washed the Young Lady’s lunch box clean, heated up some water, and remade the Young Lady’s instant noodles. Just as Ye Xiaoye came back into the kitchen, Xiao Chen could not help but say: “Ye Xiaoye, I have no problems with Mengying’s commands. I am her servant and these things are what I should be doing.”

“Miserable wretch.” Ye Xiaoye’s eyes flashed with a trace of contempt: “There are still people who want to be the servant of others.”

Xiao Chen could not help but bitterly laugh, it wasn’t that he liked being Cheng Mengying’s servant, but rather, he did not have any other means! Moreover, if it wasn’t for Cheng Mengying sheltering him, he would not have any idea on what to do. But these secrets, Xiao Chen could not explain them to Ye Xiaoye, so he only shrugged and laughed: “Everyone has their own helplessness. You can’t change your life, only adapt to it.”

Ye Xiaoye’s expression slightly changed, but she did not say anything. Instead, she took the small fruit she removed from the refrigerator and threw it into the medicinal stew that was brewing in the earthenware pot. Almost instantly, the kitchen was filled with the smell of herbs.

The medicinal stew’s smell was naturally a strong bad smell. ‘If this Young Lady’s instant noodles is polluted by the medicinal stew smell, then the smooth and fragrant flavor from before will be gone.’ This made Cheng Mengying reveal some dissatisfaction. Throwing the lunch box out of her hands, she shouted towards the direction of the kitchen: “Some people truly do not have public spirit. This house is shared, but someone actually messes around and wants to give others a dirty flavor. Do you want to smoke others to death? If you want to boil medicine, go to your own house to boil, don’t affect others!”

But what made Cheng Mengying dumbfounded was that Ye Xiaoye actually walked out of the kitchen. She coldly looked at Cheng Mengying’s eyes, went back in to unplug the power from the earthenware pot and came out of the kitchen holding the earthenware pot……

Cheng Mengying was shocked. This Ye Xiaoye wouldn’t be crazy enough to soak her with that pot of boiling medicine, right? However, Ye Xiaoye did not stay. Not fearing any burns, she directly went to carry the earthenware pot upstairs. After a moment, there was a sound of a closing door upstairs. It was obvious that Ye Xiaoye had brought the medicinal stew to her room!

This move made Xiao Chen a little surprised, but now it seemed that Ye Xiaoye was not an unreasonable person. As long as it was wrong, she would modestly comply.

Just, this suffering hardships Young Lady Cheng Mengying, with great difficulty, had found a reason to attack Ye Xiaoye, but the result was like punching cotton. Ye Xiaoye really modestly complied. She went back to her room to brew medicine, but the Young Lady did not have even a little sense of victory.

“Hmph!” Cheng Mengying picked up the lunch box and continued to eat. However, Cheng Mengying was gnashing her teeth as if the noodles inside the box were Ye Xiaoye.

Xiao Chen felt that Young Lady Cheng at the moment was very lovable. If he had understood her at an earlier time, perhaps he would like her very much right? After all, this proud disposition was very lovable and Princess Syndrome could be understood……

But the current Xiao Chen was clear about his position. He wasn’t Xiao Family’s Young Master anymore and the relationship with Cheng Mengying was only the one between a master and servant, thus Xiao Chen could not have any improper ambitions.

He did not want to anger Cheng Old Master before making clear of the mastermind behind the scenes. That old man was still immersing in the pain of losing a child and although Xiao Chen’s treatment was a bit undeserved, it could be understood. Who could be calm with a dead son?

After the Young Lady finished eating the instant noodles, she looked at Xiao Chen’s eyes, then said: “I am going to go upstairs……to sleep, you can rest.”

“He he, okay.” Xiao Chen knew that Cheng Mengying feared thinking about last night’s matter, but Xiao Chen cleverly did not mention it. If it was before, when he was still Cheng Mengying’s fiance, then Xiao Chen would not mind being a bit ambiguous with Cheng Mengying, but right now, it would be asking for trouble.

After Xiao Chen brushed the Young Lady’s lunch box clean, he casually picked a room downstairs and put all of his clothes into the closet. Because he was not at home last night, Xiao Chen did not have any time to organize his luggage.

Of course, the room Xiao Chen picked was a room relatively close to the villa’s door. As long as the villa entrance had the slightest sign of trouble, Xiao Chen would discover it first. After all, Xiao Chen currently has a Spiritual Force that others cannot match up to.

After appropriately tidying everything up, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged on the bed and started revolving the “Seizing Good Fortune War Mantra” mental mantra, beginning his cultivation for the night.


Inside Songning City’s First People’s Hospital ward, Lou Zhenming and Shou Hou sat opposite to Ma Gangmen’s bed, anxiously waiting for Lei Dianfeng’s message.

All of the sudden, a rapid ringtone resounded from his cellphone. Lou Zhenming quickly picked up the cellphone: “Teacher Lei.”

“Young Master Ming, not good, Vicious Wolf died!” Lei Dianfeng voice was a bit anxious: “Just now, some news arrived. Vicious Wolf died in a small alleyway!”

“What?!Vicious Wolf died? How can this be? Didn’t he go to kill Xiao Chen? Could it be that Xiao Chen is an expert?” After Lou Zhenming heard this piece of news, he was suddenly very startled. He would have never thought that would Vicious Wolf die. How could a Third Layer Inner Qi Warrior not cope with an ordinary person that had strength less than a First Layer Inner Qi?

“It wasn’t Xiao Chen’s kill. The person who killed Vicious Wolf has an unknown identity, but evidently, his strength is about the same as Vicious Wolf because there are two bodies at the scene. From this scene, it should be that both people perished together. There are traces of fighting on the scene that perfectly match along with their injuries!” Lei Dianfeng said. After all, although Xiao Chen had dealt the last fatal blow, because Xiao Chen only punched once and due to these people’s impressions, they naturally ignored Xiao Chen’s presence.

“Who such minds other people’s business? Could it be that Xiao Chen has an expert on his side?” Lou Zhenming frowned. One has to know, Vicious Wolf’s strength was not weak. However, since this man perished along with Vicious Wolf, he was at least a Third Layer Inner Qi expert.

Moreover, Vicious Wolf had an underground boxing boxer background. He was an outlaw that dared to fight with his life on line. If one wanted to behead Vicious Wolf, anyone under Third Layer Inner Qi would be finished for!


  1. TLN: No idea…here’s what she says: “你去賓館睡覺,是不是可以理解為和很多人間接上床了?” 

Chapter 39 – That Kettle Is Mine

After speaking these words, the black-clothed man’s body heavily collapsed onto the ground. He suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood and died with his eyes open! He was unwilling! Not only did he not think that Xiao Chen had a bodyguard, but also did not think that Xiao Chen himself was a Warrior, moreover, a Peak First Layer Inner Qi!
Xiao Chen’s striking strength was truly the strength of a Peak First Layer Inner Qi!

“Hu….” Xiao Chen let out a breath of foul air and secretly thought that it was a close call. If he had been hit by the black-clothed man’s punch, even though he wouldn’t die, he would be seriously injured. There was no doctor nor medicine beside him, so he feared that he would not have been able to get up for several months!

If he didn’t recover well, then it would affect his future strength. Therefore, Xiao Chen did not regret killing the black-clothed man; he just regretted not determining whose person he was! But even if the black-clothed man didn’t die, it was to be estimated that he would still not say anything from seeing the black-clothed man’s reaction. It was obvious that he would die loyal, so Xiao Chen could only look for flaws on the man’s body.

However, what made Xiao Chen very disappointed was that this black-clothed man seemed to be a very cautious person. This could also be seen from his previous silence; he was a person who was ready to die. There was nothing on his body to find out his identity, not even a cell phone or ID card, the only other thing besides the clothing on his body was a photo!

Only, this photo was Xiao Chen’s photo. Upon seeing this, Xiao Chen thought that the man was probably afraid of mixing up mistaking someone else for him. Other than that, there was nothing and this is what made Xiao Chen very disappointed.

What made Xiao Chen have some doubts was the character behind him. Why did he hide his strength? Could it be that there were other people hiding strength?

“Tian Lao, if he hadn’t died, would you be able to use Spiritual Force to ask some things? Like hypnosis?” Xiao Chen asked somewhat regretfully because he suddenly thought of this possibility.

“It would not be possible. His body was too feeble and I am currently a Spirit, also very weak. Being able to influence that Third Layer Inner Qi Warrior from before was already not easy and you want to hypnotize?” Tian Lao categorically denied Xiao Chen’s idea: “If your strength was a bit higher, then you would be able to try, but you currently definitely cannot.”

“Fine.” Xiao Chen gave up looking for clues from the black-clothed man’s body and turned to the Third Layer Inner Qi Warrior that had died before. This person looked like a fierce and ruthless person; there was a hideous scar on his face and from one look, it could be seen that he wasn’t a good person.

Xiao Chen bent down and began to search the man’s body for things. Only, what made Xiao Chen disappointed was that this guy also seemed to be useless; his body had no valuable things at all. After searching for a long time, Xiao Chen uncovered a card.

“Number 3 Boxer, Vicious Wolf.”

These were the only words on the card. This seemed to be similar to cards that an athlete would use to identify themselves pre-game; could it be that this man was an athlete? But seeing that this card was not too formal, it should not be that much of a large-scale competition, which virtually increased the difficulty of Xiao Chen identifying the man’s status!

After all, only a school, company, or unit would hold sports competitions. Even if this person was a game athlete, Xiao Chen did not even know where sports competitions would be held.

Of course, boxing, this sport, was rarely seen. Unless it was some school club community competition, companies and units would generally not hold this sport. Could it be that this person was a student from school?

Just as this idea came out, Xiao Chen immediately shook his head, denying the speculation! After all, this man looked around 30 to 40 years-old, how could there be a student that was as old as an uncle?

Moreover, this man’s face was ferocious. No one would think that he was a student from a look, especially, that long scar across his face. It was more likely that he was an evil tyrant.

As a result, could it be a gang inside the sports competitions?

Right! Xiao Chen suddenly thought of an underground movement within Songning City——Illegal Boxing! Previously, when Xiao Chen was Young Master Xiao, he would often go with Chen Jinpeng, Zhu Yingxiong, Zhao Yuliang to underground racing events. And similar to underground racing, there was also the underground movement of illegal boxing!

Although Xiao Chen had not partaken in it, he had heard of it. The methods that local gangsters used to amass wealth were betting on vehicles and betting on boxers! One has to know, there are many external spectators betting; if these numbers were added these up, it would be a very huge digit.

And this scarred face conformed with the image of a underground boxer. Xiao Chen feared that this card was his competition entry card and that the man probably did not think that this would be an important thing, therefore, he didn’t discard it.

Or perhaps this scar face originally planned to kill himself then afterwards go to the underground illegal boxing field to box, therefore he would retain this card! But he probably had not even dream that he would stay here forever!

Xiao Chen took the card and put it into his pocket. As for the picture on the black-clothed man’s body, he actually did not take it away. If he took it away, then it may arouse suspicion and make the mastermind know that this black-clothed man’s death was related to him.

Xiao Chen’s current goal was not to make clear of the two masterminds and their relationship, but to make the two people have a conflict, to create an accident that will make them mutually fight to the death.
But now it seems that Xiao Chen’s layout is very successful; no one would put the doubt on him!

After completing all this, Xiao Chen did not stop here for the slightest and turned around to leave. Although it had been a long time and this place had no people passing through, Xiao Chen could not guarantee that no one would come for a longer period of time. Xiao Chen did not want anyone to see him here!

Quickly leaving the inauspicious place, Xiao Chen let loose a sigh of relief. Xiao Chen’s Spiritual Force could perceive that no one was within the vicinity.

After leaving this deserted alley, he discovered that the outside had heavy traffic. Xiao Chen casually walked down the street to find a convenience store and went inside. He walked to a shelf with cookbooks and took one, then also took several bags of biscuits and instant noodles, in addition to lunch boxes and other things. After paying the expenses, he went towards the villa area.

Because Xiao Chen had previously been pretending to be a dandy, he normally could not find any opportunities to cook in the kitchen. Therefore, making him directly go to the kitchen to prepare a meal was truly not realistic. He had no choice but to buy some fast food for the first two days, learn how to make prepare food and dishes, and then go grocery shopping.

“Where did you go?” Just as Xiao Chen entered, Cheng Mengying asked this with a disgruntled face! ‘I have been at home being angered to death by Ye Xiaoye, that damn girl! Ye Xiaoye had made herself a bowl of instant noodles, making the living room smell fragrant and it made this Young Lady became increasingly gluttonous. With great difficulty, I put down face and asked Ye Xiaoye for a bag but the result was her cold sentence: Buy it if you want to eat it!’

This made Cheng Mengying fume with anger!

Cheng Mengying was very hungry or else she wouldn’t have a liking for a bag of instant noodles! After she got off of Jin Beibei’s car, she suddenly remembered that the villa had no food! Why did she go out out yesterday evening, moreover sleep on Xiao Chen’s body? Was it not to go get something to eat?

If Ye Xiaoye wouldn’t give any then she wouldn’t. Cheng Mengying was in the living room waiting for Xiao Chen, waiting for Xiao Chen to come back so that he could take her to eat something. However, after waiting for a long time, she did not even see a trace Xiao Chen’s shadow. She had thought about giving Xiao Chen a call, but actually discovered that she did not have Xiao Chen’s phone number, and was embarrassed to give Cheng Zhongming a call to ask. Thus, the Young Lady could only wait in the living room. Very quickly, just she was becoming a stone statue, Xiao Chen unhurriedly appeared.

Xiao Chen was a bit bewildered about the Young Lady’s attitude; why was she so angry when there were no problems? But thinking about it, he had truly wasted a lot of time. However, there was the matter of being attacked on the road, but it wasn’t something that he was going to say to Cheng Mengying, so Xiao Chen had no better option but to raise up the convenience store bag and say: “I feared that we wouldn’t have anything to eat tonight, so I went to go buy some biscuits and instant noodles!”

“Ah? You went to buy…something to eat?”Cheng Mengying’s face reddened, suddenly feeling a bit ashamed. Originally, Xiao Chen had a reason for coming back so late. He had been thinking about her and buying something for her to eat! But, although Young Lady Cheng was thinking this inside her heart, due to her prideful personality, she put on the appearance of not caring about it: “Oh, instant noodles? This Young Lady has never eaten this kind of thing before, but since there is nothing to eat, this Young Lady will give you face and will reluctantly eat a bit of it!”

Previously, Xiao Chen had not discovered that Cheng Mengying was so proud, but now that he had more contact with her, he felt that the Young Lady was very fun to play with. He almost could not hold back his laugh, but Xiao Chen was afraid of Cheng Mengying becoming embarrassed, so he pretended that he didn’t know anything and said: “Many thanks for the Young Lady giving face!”

“Quickly go make the instant noodles, this Young Lady is very hungry.” Cheng Mengying sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the tv.

Just as Ye Xiaoye came downstairs to brew some medicine in the kitchen, she saw this scene, so she could not help but curl her lip, and disdainfully say: “Ability to command other people.”

“Who are you talking about?” Cheng Mengying already had a bias on Ye Xiaoye. Having that many bags of instant noodles and she still wouldn’t give her a bag? Now that Xiao Chen was making noodles for her, she was still running off sarcastic comments, truly hateful!

“The one who said it, did it.” Ye Xiaoye stated neutrally. After she finished talking, she ignored Cheng Mengying and minding her own business, entered the kitchen.

Young Lady Cheng was almost angered to stupidity, but she could not refute anything because Ye Xiaoye’s words were very clear. The person who said it, did it; if Cheng Mengying refuted, then would it be recognizing that the one Ye Xiaoye was referred to was her? Wouldn’t that be like asking for a scolding?

Ye Xiaoye, I’ll remember this! Cheng Mengying fiercely wrote down today’s matter in her heart.

Xiao Chen was in the kitchen about to use a kettle to boil water, but after entering the kitchen, Xiao Chen discovered that he had forgotten to buy a kettle. Fortunately, there was one in the kitchen, otherwise Xiao Chen would have had to run out to get one.

Ye Xiaoye walked into the kitchen and upon seeing that Xiao Chen was using a kettle to boil water, said: “That kettle is mine.”

“Ah?” Xiao Chen was surprised for a moment. ‘Thinking about Ye Xiaoye’s overbearingness yesterday, perhaps she will take back this kettle.’ He could not help but force a smile.

VPnA – The Prequel Chapter 179

Click here to start reading!

Chapter of the day!

Chapter 179 – I was being a Samaritan

Since it was not very convenient for the girl’s leg, the police called out two policewomen from the station, and brought her to the interrogation room of the police station with us.

“Speak, what happened,” The police that arrested me said habitually,

“I told you, I was being a samaritan! Just now, my girlfriend and I just finished eating at Chen’s Sichuan Taste, as right when we were about to drive away, we saw this young lady rushing in front of my car, if it wasn’t for my fast reaction, letting me quickly stepping on the breaks, I fear I might have hit her! Then, just as I went off the car to see if she was hurt, she wanted to try to run into the police station at all cost. However, it might be due to my car, injuring her foot, a bunch of people behind her rushed over, not only did they want to beat them up, they even wanted to capture her! I used my judgement, guessing hat this girl was definitely going to call the cops as she runs into the station, so the people behind her must be bad guys! Therefore, I beat them all up, then you guys came!” I said without being in a hurry.

“Be more honest! Don’t think we don’t know who the people you hit are! The one in the lead is the rascal leader of Ewha Alley! I suspect that you have planned it for a long time already! Don’t mess around with me saying that you acted as a samaritan!” The police tried to scare me and said.

“He really acted as a samaritan and saved me, otherwise I would have been captured by those bad guys!” The girl on the side finally couldn’t resist speaking. ‘We don’t know each other, if it wasn’t for me, he would have driven away already! Those people have nothing to do with him!”

“What? He really acted as a samaritan?” The police opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

“Yes! Actually, it’s like this!” The girl slowly told them her background…

The girl’s called He Xiyuan, a villager from the Zhendonng Town Yanhe Village near Songjiang city. In other to save up money for her didi to go to school, she came to Songjiang city to work three days ago. She met a middle-aged man at the bus terminal, who told her that he could introduce a job to her. Since this was the first time He Xiyuan came out to work, she lacked experience in the society, and thus was tricked into going to a bar near Ewha Alley. They said they she was going to be a waitress, but the owner of the bar, Yu Wenfeng, suddenly asked her to sleep with a customer. He Xiyuan disagreed and wanted to quit, but then Yu Wenfeng said that he spent 2000 kuai to buy her from that middle-aged man, and wouldn’t let her leave no matter what, and forcefully pushed her into the room. In the room, He Xiyuan resisted with all her might, and finally used the ash tray to hurt the customer, and ran away.

Of course Yu Wenfeng couldn’t just let her off that easily, and thus brought a group of people to chase, just as they were about to catch up, He Xiyuan saw that it was the police station in front, so she tried her hardest to run inside, but she didn’t see my care, and nearly got hit. Then the scene that I talked about happened.

“So in other words, he really was being a samaritan?” Only now did the police believe my words.

“Yeah, police-shushu, let him go quickly!” The girl said.

“If the thing is really like you said, then we’ll naturally treat it as him acting as a samaritan and let him go..” Before the police finished, the telephone rang.

“Hello, this is the Songjiang Police Department… What?! Became a vegetable! … He hit so hard… I understand, “The police sullenly hung up and said, “Yu Wenfeng was beaten into a vegetable by you, so you temporarily can’t leave yet, we suspect that you may have used excessive force…”

“It was such a tense situation just now, how could I have known whether it was excessive or not! I naturally would have done everything I could, or else the person that turned into a vegetative state might very well be me!” I said innocently. Actually, I knew it clearly in my heart that I did it on purpose.

“Only after a meeting can we make the decision! So, you are temporarily detained!” That police wave his hands.

Detained?! How is that fine, my two wifeys are still waiting for meat the door of the police station.

“Call Chief Jiang over!” I finally said impatiently. Originally things like acting as a samaritan is very normal, I didn’t want to trouble jiang Yongfu, since I was the just one. However, now that they want to detain me, I couldn’t help but find him.

“What? You know Chief Jiang? Why didn’t you say so earlier! Wait a moment, I’ll give the chief a call,” That police quickly opened my handcuffs and went to the side to make a call.

A while after a call, Jiang Yongfu came in. Seeing me, he quickly shook hands with me and said, “So it’s little bro Liu! Why didn’t you tell big bro that you came, that Xiao Wu, quickly go and brew some tea!” Jiang Yongfu said to the police just now.

“No need for the trouble!” I quickly stopped him. However, since the chief has said it, how would Xiao Wu dare to refuse, and immediately took the tea pot to brew tea.

“Little bro Liu, what’s going on?” Jiang Yongfu looked ambiguously at me and the girl beside me with messed up clothes, and said meaningfully.

“About this…” Just looking at Jiang Yongfu’s expression, I knew that he misunderstood.

Before I opened my mouth to explain, Jiang Yongfu pulled me to the side and whispered, “Look at how beautiful your girlfriend is, why did you come out and do this kind of stuff! What’s more, if you really want to screw, then go and spent two-three hundred to find a prostitute, **** for what! This really isn’t good!”

“Chief Jiang, you really misunderstood!” I laughed wryly and said.

“Misunderstood? How did I misunderstand? Isn’t this what’s going on?” Jiang Yongfu said speechlessly.

“Of course not! How could such a just and great teenager like me do that kind of shady thing! I acted as a samaritan…” Thus, I told Jiang Yongfu everything that happened.

“This is a good thing! Our police station has to thank you!” Jiang Yongfu slapped his thighs and said.

“Oh it’s like this, but that criminal suspect seems to have been beaten dumb by me by accident!” I said.

“Oh, so that’s what it is! Xiao Wu, talk to me about the situation at the time, what exactly happened,” Jiang Yongfu let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the chief spoke, how could Xiao Wu dare to hide anything, and thus told him everything that had happened. Hearing that, Jiang Yongfu kept on nodding his head, then he looked at He Xiyuan’s statemen and said, “Xiao Wu, this is clearing someone acting as a samaritan. We all know what kind of person Yu Wenfeng is! Why don’t you understand how to deal with this?”

“About that… Isn’t it just me not daring to make the final say, I thought I would report it to you, chief, and let you decide, now that you have said it, it’s all good!” Xiao Wu said a bit awkwardly.

“Okay now, aren’t the statements taken? Little bro Liu, go back first, I’ll apply the certificate of acting as a samaritan for you later, this is probably fine! You are ridding harm for the people!” Jiang Yongfu smiled and said.


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