All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 115

Hello readers.
I’ve already notified the people over at Another World’s chapter but I’ll do the same for you guys too.
Don’t tell the readers over there, but I consider you guys my true fans!

I’m going to be away at Miku Expo the coming weekend! Now this doesn’t mean much to you guys, since you’ll still get all your chapters at the usual time with the same editor notes and all that jazz. However, since I will be scheduling the chapters in advance this week it does mean that these little updates will be a few days out of date by the time you read them.

Since I usually schedule them the night before they post it means I can bring you up to date news and the latest of my shenanigans.
Unfortunately that’ll be impossible for the next batch of releases, I know, I’m sad too. I’ll do my best to give you something a little worth reading though!

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 18 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 114

I think my new Honkai addiction might be getting a bit out of control.
I hit Level 50 today, and that means I’ve unlocked almost all the functions apparently.

On the upside though, I actually have almost no interest in the gacha itself anymore. None of the characters really appeal, and I’ve never really been one to fixate on equipment. Well, that’s part of the reason why I struggle so much with many games though.
It’s all well and good having every character but if they’re poorly equipped then they don’t have much use.

Even in the face of that; I prefer to expand my roster. Equipment just doesn’t feel as rewarding.
“Oh yeah my sword glows now. Cool.” Feels lame compared to. “Oh man this new girl has a really cool finisher!”

I’m a bit upset that I missed the gacha for one of the characters I really wanted though.
I didn’t realise she was in the pool otherwise I would have been doing that gacha rather than the starter one.
I didn’t realise until it was too late and only had a couple of days left, even though I threw everything I could at it there just wasn’t enough time.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 17 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 25

So, since I needed two things to write today I figure I’ll tell you all in advance, though I’ll bring this up on the Demon Sword releases too.
I’m going to be away next weekend (which is when I usually schedule chapters) and as a result will have to schedule the chapters in advance on Thursday.

Basically, you’ll be getting the equivalent of prerecorded messages for these posts. They probably won’t be as interesting.
Apologies in advance.

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» Chapter 25 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 24

So the new Babylonia OP…
The visuals were absolutely gorgeous, in terms of style it may be my all time favourite OP. Wonderful.
The song though…why the hell did they do a ‘quirky’ and ‘cool’ remix of the OP? The OP was awful anyway, and they just made it worse.

Well I have a lot of complaints about the latest Babylonia episode. Mostly due to stuff cut from the game though rather than actual problems with the anime.

PS. The second chapter should be up soon!

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» Chapter 24 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 113

Even Honkai has misunderstood me to believe I am a lolicon.
My entire gacha career so far has been lolis!

Luckily I managed to get an older sister samurai from the event shop too. Her gameplay fits my style nicely. AKA spam the attack button.


Also, this short chapter included two entirely original characters, I tried to keep their details minimal so that it won’t really influence the story or anything. But I have a couple of ideas for them in the future.
Specifically the redhead girl, she’s actually a derivative of one of my consistently reused original characters originally created way back for God Eater 2. She has since served as a heroine in the multiverse I use for my RPG’s. In fact, if I was to write a spin off for DSM I’d probably include her, then have the derivative in this case be her daughter. (I set this up in advance by giving her a ponytail instead of a sidetail like my original character. Hahaha. Genius.)

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» New Year Short «

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 16 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 112

I have a confession to make.
I’ve been suckered into playing Honkai 3rd again. They recently released a PC version of the game and it plays so well that I ended up getting back into it. The control scheme is just so much nicer.

And yes.
It’s a gacha game.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 15 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 23

Hello folks! I hope you’re all winding down after Christmas and you’re not as stressed as you were like last week!
It’s actually the opposite for me, post-Christmas organisation is more effort than pre-Christmas prep.

Now enough of my rambling, I’m going to skip the anime weekly roundup too because there’s something serious we need to discuss.
Starting next week Not Sure, Another World is going to get a second chapter per week!
My current posting schedule is pretty simple.
Another World on Monday and Demon Sword Maiden on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The problem is fitting the second Another World chapter!

The first option is having it on Monday as well.
The second option is moving the chapters around. (Such as having Another World on Monday and Wednesday, and Demon Sword Maiden on Tuesday and Thursday.)
The third option is using an unused day.

Keep in mind that I’m purely talking about the posts I have to schedule. I’m fully aware that other people post on the other days too.

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» Chapter 23 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 22

And so ends the Christmas spam from I, your lord, Robinxen.
This is the last chapter I’m in charge of!
I don’t know if/when the others are uploading, but don’t expect anything extra for me! I’m done! Now I can relax!

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» Chapter 22 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 21

I’ve almost reached the end of my Christmas release spam!
I can finally relax before I have to go and edit (again)!

Or so I would like to say but this chapter had tables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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» Chapter 21 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 20

To reach Chapter 20 on Christmas. Quite the impressive feat!
I hope you all enjoy this gift!

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» Chapter 20! «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 19

The Christmas cheer continues with the second Not Sure, Another World chapter of the day!

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» Chapter 19 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 18

You thought the Christmas releases ended there? Oh no!
Not Sure, Another World has its own Christmas schedule!

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» Chapter 18 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 111

This is the last of the Demon Sword Maiden spam!
But the Christmas fun doesn’t end here!

I’m going to transition over to releasing Not Sure, Another World now as a Christmas surprise.
(Actually I scheduled all of those posts two days ago so it’s some weird timey wimey stuff from my point of view.)

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 14 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 110

In this chapter we have an encounter!
An encounter with an editor from the other side of the site!
Dex makes a one-shot return to the field of Demon Sword Maiden.

This is probably punishment for how much I’ve been slacking with my editing…doing it right before the deadline.
For the record it’s 4am as I post this.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 13 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 109

This chapter seemed to have been a fun one for Silva to translate.
On the subject of translation, make sure to support the patreon! If all goes well, Demon Sword Maiden might even go up to three chapters a week!
Vote with your wallet!

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 12 «