The previous few chapters were translated by an applicant translator and we’re back to Snoring Dragon now.
In the future we’re going to be switching translator to Immortal Dreamer, who is significantly more familiar with Japanese than any of the Chinese translators we’ve had so far, so there will be a lot of term shifts as we realise that things are references to existing Japanese terms.
Stuff like Kengo will also be changing, so please hold on while I work out a full list of the terms that will be changing in the future and adjust accordingly.
Until now the termsheet has been pretty static, but hopefully this will improve the readability.
As an extension of this news I can expect my editing to be smoother too, so I will probably start making more joke comments on the chapters.
Patreons can also be happy to know that new chapters will now be added to the folders too since we have a translator on board.
Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 6 «
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