All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 190

So because I had Dungeons and Dragons today I decided to shave, and my razor broke half way through.
Luckily I managed to get the majority but basically all under my chin hasn’t been shaved. Thankfully that area doesn’t show up well on camera and the end result is that it looks like a shadow cast by my lamp rather than some plonker that’s only half shaved. But yeah that was a thing.

Also PSO2 has got me back into Valkyria again so I might need to finally buy the fourth one, and give that a play. As well as rewatch the anime which I dearly love. Welkin is one of my all time favourite characters, and the Europa at War piece of the soundtrack is so atmospheric.
I really wish it got an English release, while I was at University I actually made my own little DVD boxset for fun.
I really wanted to buy an Edelweiss model kit while I was there but the lack of space and skill prevented me, I considered buying one again recently but it’s old now and literally nowhere has any stock. Which is a shame.

Anyway that’s my pre-chapter ramble done.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 35 «

Blue Sky Chapter 4

And so continues the adventures of Miss Britain!
Well, this chapter had some nice stuff. It was pretty fun to read if not much happening.
I only made a couple of footnote comments but I’m fond of them. You’ll understand why.
Also for some reason I almost forget to schedule this. Wonder why?
It has nothing to do with me playing an MMO too much I swear.

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» Chapter 4 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 71

Quna concert is still going. I like her oriental outfit this time.
Also I tried farming Nemesis gear but it was hell. Oh well.
I know they’ll be somewhat obsolete in the future anyway but one always wants the best gear don’t they? Obviously!
I’ve had no luck though….farmed an entire day and not one drop!

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» Chapter 71 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 70

Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear!
As I am scheduling this a Quna concert is starting in PSO2.
Sorry no random talk this time! I’m occupied!

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» Chapter 70 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 189

We were talking about music on the discord tonight.
It was strange.
I knew basically nothing about it, I only knew like the generic famous ones apparently. Mostly from the radio or my parents conversations.
I listen to music a lot but most of it just random stuff that youtube suggests to me, and quite often it just ends up on loop for weeks without changing until youtube suggests a new song that takes my fancy. I’ve forgotten most the songs I’ve ever liked in life.
There are a few favourites that still stick with me though. And if we talk musicians then I guess I could vaguely be classified as an Owl City fan? But only to the point that I know his stuff unlike every other musician ever, I’m probably as much of a fan of him as some average person is of some band they heard a few times on the radio.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 34 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 188

So apparently someone learned from my mistake yesterday and renamed all the chapters in a uniform way.
Well I already prepared my countermeasures too.
Good thing you guys won’t suddenly be missing 5 or 10 chapters!!!

This is a really short ramble. I guess it’s because I haven’t been doing much except Phantasy Star lately and I don’t really want to make all my updates about that. Hmmmm.
I’m sure I’ll think of something.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 33 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 187

Todays prechapter ramble is: Some advice for people who make MMO’s!
Do not make a 2 hour quest in a game where the average quest length is 10 minutes.

Seriously PSO2 what were you thinking there?
That story quest took fooooooooorever!

By the way if I had scheduled the wrong chapter here as I almost did it would have been titled “Shimizu’s Heart”
I wonder what could happen there?
Is her kokoro going dokidoki?! Find out soon…

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 32 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 186

So; your funny story for the day is I almost uploaded a chapter from a full months ahead!
I’m so glad I keep a second folder to track chapters now.
I almost scheduled Chapters 191 and 192 instead of 186 and 187!

I grabbed the first two chapters in the folder for uploading by muscle memory. But that’s where the catch was!
“Chapter 191” “Chapter 192” “DSM 186” “DSM 187”

Well good thing I noticed!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 31 «

Blue Sky Chapter 3

Hello folks! It is I! The siscon supreme!
Some of you may be familiar with me if you’re readers of Not Sure Another World and/or Demon Sword Maiden Maiden of the Cursed Blade.
Well I am here too now.
Of course I am! I mean this is a story about a siscon so I have to be!

If you’re wondering why I’m also not on Loli Elf’s team that’s because I don’t want to kill myself by having to edit it. Long story.
Also because I think Silva is going to get concerned by then number of major projects I currently handle.
Like not to brag but I currently do the posts for the two most popular novels on this site. Sort of.
I hope this one gets popular too but I’m not sure yet. VRMMO ones tend to be a hit though!

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» Chapter 3 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 69

You know I now schedule 7 chapters a week?
That’s right I have to schedule Blue Sky today too.
Well that’s my fault because I forgot to edit it until the last minute.

“What’s Blue Sky?” I hear you ask.
Well it’s about a siscon who’s soul gets transferred to an English girl, and his quest to reunite with his beloved imouto and provide her with the best life he can. You should all read it! Note: This is Robinxen’s impression only and may not reflect the actual work. Please take with discretion.

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» Chapter Giggity «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 68

Heyy guys it’s me! Your friendly neighbourhood siscon!
Well Unicorn’s wedding skin finally got showcased.
Are you as excited as I am?
Probably! Because I don’t even play Azur Lane!
Yeah you heard me!

But I love Unicorn don’t get me wrong.
Unicorn Ganbaru!

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» Chapter 68 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 185

I’ve done what I usually do which is get hooked on something and ignore the rest of the world.
I’m now three days behind on anime, web novels and manga because I have been playing PSO2.
Not to mention the huge as hell number of discord notifications I keep ignoring. This is bad form.

Sadly my totally subtle invitation for people to join our Alliance failed though.
Guess none of you peeps play?

On a side note, recently I’ve been having pains in my left knee due to my sitting posture while reading. I hope it doesn’t degenerate.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 30 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 184

Hey guys, did you know that the discord has emoji’s of our one and only Lily?
Custom commissioned and extra cute!
If you have discord nitro make sure to join by clicking the icon somewhere on this page!
Share your love for the best web novel ever written!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 29 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 183

So things were weird in Phantasy Star today.
I tried to go into an EQ but the game totally glitched out and planted me in the map solo. Enemies spawning on top of me right out the gate. Barely survived to escape. One person loaded in, saw the situation, and noped out.
Second time around, loaded in, the entire map was empty…of everything.
I literally walked right to the final boss without seeing any enemies or allies!

We also made an alliance, a couple of my friends for the reward. I chose the name.
I called it Principia, bonus points for those who recognise the origin.
It was actually pretty fun.
Oh right, Ship 3 if anyone is curious.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 28 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 182

So random stuff of the day.
I was discussing favourite Love Live girls recently and I wondered if you guys have some favourites too. Now really I’m only a first gen fan, wasn’t too fond of second and know nothing of the third.
But I love the Soldier Game trio of Eli, Maki and Umi.
Do you have some favourites? Coming up in second for me is Kanan, Dia, Ruby and Yohane. I guess.

Bit of a random thing but these are what my rambles are for.
Also expect more Phantasy Star randomness next chapter.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 27 «