All posts by Deximus Maximus

Hero’s Redo Chapter 16 [2]

Why is Lapis concerned about her money being stolen when she is walking down the street? She’s clearly stronger than most other people, and anyone else probably won’t care.

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

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» Chapter 16 [2] «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 135

Time skip? Time skip!

No longer frail, just weak.

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 135 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 147

So, were they carved that way originally, or were the forms added afterward?

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 147 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 48

Stockholm syndrome anyone?

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 48 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 47

Happy Thanksgiving!

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 47 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 134

This is a poor plan. Aren’t they heroes? Plan better.

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 134 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 146

Innocence by association!

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 146 «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 16 [1]

I wonder what this meeting is about… knowing these authors, the chapter title probably spoils it.
“The Return of , part 1 (or 3 or 5).” Seriously, way to spoil it. (Yes, that is a real chapter title I have seen)

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 16 [1] «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 133

Being young is overrated!

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 133 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 145

This is why you must practice proper knife/sword/blade ettiquette.

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 145 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 46

Silva is just now finding Mira cute. Burn him at the stake! 🔥🔪

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 46 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 45

I’m bored, so will explain the logic needed to solve a basic HS physics problem. See below the chapter link (so it doesn’t get in the way of those who don’t care).

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 45 «

Q: “Find the radius of a geostationary satellite orbiting Earth in terms of the Earth’s radius.”

We immediately know a few things from the problem – the orbital period of the satellite is 24 hours (well, close to it), it is circular (geostationary is a special case of geosynchronous that is circular; for HS physics all orbits are circular so even if it was stated to be geosynchronous you would still assume circular), and that we’ll need the Earth’s radius and mass, the latter we guess we need as orbits are defined by the mass of the body they are orbiting, so seems fitting to use here.

We know the force acting on the satellite is gravity, and we’ll use Newton’s law of universal gravitation for that. In this setup, gravity is acting in a “center seeking,” or “centripetal” manner, so we’ll grab the equation for centripetal force and set the equation equal. The satellite’s masses cancel each other (hence even if the problem gave it to you could ignore it), then it’s just some simple algebra to solve for orbital radius. Normalize to Earth’s radius and you’re done.

Dragon Princess Chapter 144

Innocence by association?

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 144 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 132

This is why exercise is bad.

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 132 «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 15 [2]

Bets on when the capital tries to recruit her?

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Fire: Don’t mind me hijacking this post. It seems the publisher set the wrong date for this chapter and scheduled it for tomorrow, even though it should be today. Apologies for the inconvenience/the 1 hour late release!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 15 [2] «