All posts by Fire

Life with a Tail Chapter 24

I’m back with another delivery of wholesomeness. Natsuki and Ruti got summoned? By who and for what reason? Well, might as well find out for yourself~

The wholesomeness and cuteness has been toned down in this chapter just to prevent you from getting diabetes. Enjoy~

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» Chapter 24 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 23

Have you signed yet? I’m assuming you have. Here’s your second order of sweets. Psst, it’s clothes picking time.

That’s all from me. Time to go, more orders to deliver. See you next week. Enjoy~ (^-^//)

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» Chapter 23 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 22

Heyo~ Everyone having fun being stuck inside? If you aren’t, don’t worry. I’m here to deliver your order of weekly sweets and wholesomeness. Just sign here and here. ↓ (\^-^)

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» Chapter 22 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 21

Oh yea, forgot to mention. You may notice that the number of footnotes decrease. Well, it’s mostly because we’re busy coughs Lyly, but rest assured, we’ll be back to being social after this… Hopefully

Hmm, I don’t have anything to say about this chapter. Enjoy your read~ Oh and, Chris is floofy and helpful~ (\o/)

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» Chapter 21 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 20

I have lots of time to do stuff now, but… I don’t know what to do and I’m bored. I don’t want this. Someone snap me out of this mood.

Let’s leave aside my ranting, Natsuki and Ruti gets new uniforms for work. Is it lewd? Is it revealing? Is it cute? Will the place get destroyed again by Ruti? Find out by reading this chapter~

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» Chapter 20 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 19

This is where the action starts~ Let’s hunt those slimes down with overpowered powers~! There’s a bit of a surprise scene at the end of this chapter. Soooo, enjoy the read~ (\^-^/)

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» Chapter 19 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 18

Hmm, COVID-19 aka the novel Coronavirus has really spread. Oh well, this is where being an introvert shines. More reason for us to stay inside our houses without going anywhere. Anddd, more time for us to be lazy!

This chapter, not much to say. This is the start of the expedition to hunt slimes. Enjoy the read~ (^-^)

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» Chapter 18 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 17

Here we see Natsuki and Ruti face a boss battle, Ryzna-san. They quite frankly got scammed in the end, but hey, at least they got something out of it. They got what? Well, what’s the fun in that. Go read yourself~

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» Chapter 17 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 16

Okay, let’s hold back the wholesomeness for now. At least only for a bit. We’ll get back to that later. For now, let’s get back to progressing the plot if there is any~ (^-^)

Sidenote, do you guys prefer if we label the name of the person talking in dialogues or no? That’s all. Have a happy reading~

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» Chapter 16 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 15

I hope you didn’t overdose on the previous chapter. Well, if you did, you wouldn’t be able to read this. °^°

Nonetheless, the wholesomeness will continue for a few more chapters. Though, we’re now back to some action involving… No spoilers. You can read it for yourself below. \o/

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» Chapter 15 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 14.5

[Insert some random messages here as I don’t know what to put]

But hey, this chapter is a treat. A very sweet one. You even might get diabetes so read this chapter in moderation. You’ve been warned~ ^-^

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» Chapter 14.5 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 14

The wholesomeness continues and Dense-suki continues being dense. Seriously, this chapter is very cute~

They also go to the cafe and something “unexpected” happens. What could possibly go wrong?

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» Chapter 14 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 13.5

What? Is it still Valentine’s day? Why is the romantic mood still here, particularly in this chapter. Ahh, phew. It is over.

Another 0.5 chapter coming at you. If you didn’t get what I said before, this chapter is wholesome. What will happen to Natsuki and Ruti now?

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» Chapter 13.5 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 13

Alas, we are now back to the Slice of Life/Plot. Yay? I’m assuming most of you read yesterday’s chapter. If not, go read it.

Here’s the next chapter… wait. Is that romance in the air?! Someone confirm if for me. Well, what are you waiting for? It’s reading time~

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» Chapter 13 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 12.5

Happy Valentines! I know, I know. I’m a day late for most of you. It’s the best I could do.

Anyways, what? A 0.5 chapter? What’s the deal with these? Shh, listen. It’s basically side stories or different perspectives. I advise you to never skip these. It’s very “intriguing”.

This chapter in particular… I will not say anything. Just read it.

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» Chapter 12.5 «