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Hero’s Daughter Chapter 194


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» Chapter 194 «

[LO][Vol. 5] Chapter 12

Sponsored by ShamKnight~

Link to Chapter 12


Pupil of the Wiseman Chapter 85 (Part 1)

New chapter, enjoy!

Anatomy fact: You probably learnt or came across somewhere that an adult body has 206 bones, but that’s not really the case. As we age, we constantly lose bones, not in the bad way, just bones fusing with each other. In fact, young adults usually have 215 bones, and it can later drop to less than 190!

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» Chapter 85 (Part 1) «

First part of chapter 49. Enjoy!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 49 (Part 1) «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 193


Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 193 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 185

I feel you, researcher.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 185 «

Devil Evolution Catalogue Chapter 484

484 is out!

Read, comment, like, subscribe. Also, please give my two novels a five-star review… if you want to that is…only if you want to…

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» Chapter 484 «

[LO][Vol. 5] Chapter 11

Free chapter~

Link to Chapter 11


Hero’s Redo Chapter 23 [2]

The girl is annoying.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 23 [2] «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 192

That is the engineer’s definition of toughness.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 192 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 184

Sleep is good.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 184 «

Devil Evolution Catalogue Chapter 483

483 is out!

Read, comment, like, subscribe. Also, please give my two novels a five-star review… if you want to that is…only if you want to…

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 483 «

[LO][Vol. 5] Chapter 10

Sponsored by Jay Yun Wang~

Link to Chapter 10


Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 355

I started playing Stellaris again today.
Turns out one of the mods I use had been updated to the latest version a while back so I got back into it.
I forgot how slow start that mod is.
(The faction I choose has a bunch of bonuses of development in the mid and late game but starts a few paces behind in the early game)

I haven’t quite got far enough into the mod yet to see how it incorporates a bunch of the new features but I am very excited about it!

Also this chapter is huge!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 80 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 354

I ended up watching a bunch of videos analysing the BioShock franchise today for some reason.
A few years back at school I wrote a several page essay detailing why I considered video games to be a form of art citing BioShock as my example.
I did a proper analysis of it too, it was a long essay.

The essay scored a big fat 0 because games weren’t a valid form of art to analyse apparently.
This is why school sucks.
Literally with the way I had wrote the essay, if BioShock was a movie I bet I would have got the highest grade in the year.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 79 «

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