All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Alchemist Startover Chapter 79

New Chapter!
I decided to finally finish the first season of Mashle so I could work through the second season.
It’s pretty good.
I’m not sure it’s as great as the impression everyone gave me when it started, but it’s been enjoyable.

I’m looking forward to seeing how it progresses at least, then I will move on to something else in my backlog.
It’s been a while since I watched anime properly like this… how nostalgic.

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Alchemist Startover Chapter 78

New Chapter!
I got my artist friend to start work on redesigning my OC and they presented a scifi themed one and a fantasy themed one.
The scifi themed design was pure, pure, pure Phantasy Star vibes.
It was so on point for Phantasy Star I was shocked.

Naturally I chose it…
I mean… how couldn’t I?!
I love the magical tech aesthetic of Phantasy Star!

I will probably get a pure fantasy redesign done after… maybe…

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1097

New Chapter!
I went to the shop today but it had closed early…
That was annoying, I don’t recall there being any warning for it either…
Oh well.

Not to mention I could have gone way earlier if I had known! But I just went at my routine time…
Sigh… woe be me.
Well, I guess I will just have to go tomorrow, really sucked to go without anything nice to snack on though.

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 45 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1096

New Chapter!
In one weeks time I will finally enter the era of fast internet!
Not super fast internet, like you people out there with gigabit connections, but the fast internet of not being on copper broadband anymore!
Much excitement is felt here in my house, by me.

In theory my speeds should jump to about ten times their current speed, which is wonderful.
I might even get back into streaming games!
The future is bright here.

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 44 «

Automata Maid Chapter 189

New Chapter!
This chapter is uh…
Go read it…
I had a lot of mixed feelings.

Almost as mixed as the reception to the new Final Fantasy expansion!
Wow people seem very divided over if they love or hate the replacement main character!

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» Chapter 189 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 186

New Chapter!
The 2.5D anime was……..
A let down.
I mean why adapt trashy ecchi manga series only to completely eliminate that factor?
Just adapt something else if you don’t want it!
There are other options! Good ones even! You could adapt something legitimately amazing that people will like!

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» Chapter 186 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 185

New Chapter!
Finished the Talos Principle II DLC today, was good.
The first one was a bit too easy and unimportant, didn’t feel like it added anything.
The second one was great, loved every minute of it, was great fun and rewarding to play.
The third one was… a bit mixed. The puzzles were harder but impossible, I had to break my no-tutorial streak for one.
The second was the standout.

Though… the teaser for more to come was nice, since it will follow up directly on the final plot thread.

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» Chapter 185 «

God’s Gofer Interlude 5

New Chapter!
Recently I keep getting obviously fake emails for solar panel installation…
I am not sure why I am the target of these, but they have been frequent enough that it surprises and confuses me.

I don’t even own a home to install them on… why me?
How weird…

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Alchemist Startover Chapter 77

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I finally got round to playing the Talos DLC again, and managed to finish the second chapter of it.
That was a lot of fun, nice casual gameplay and rewarding to see the relaxed side of the main characters just having fun together too.

It was a really well done piece of epilogue content, as opposed to the first chapter which felt just oddly forced and out of place.
I’ll have to see how the third goes, because it’s the most lore heavy in context.

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Alchemist Startover Chapter 76

New Chapter!
At the behest of a friend I started watching the latest season of Misfit Demon Lord… and…
Wow the quality of the writing has dropped immensely.
I wonder if this arc worked way better in the novels, because in the anime it’s just… soooo much lore, and none of the characters get any breathing room.

There was a random episode all about training, which probably made sense in novel format for adjusting the power levels of characters and stuff, but it felt weirdly out of place and specific.
Well, basically it’s botched the adaptation I think.

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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1095

New Chapter!
Star Trek Prodigy released…
But I can’t watch it.
First because I have no account for it… but also because nobody is uploading it?!
Give me at least one option people! Please!

At this rate I will have to find someone to steal the account of to watch it… tsk.

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 43 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 1094

New Chapter!
I used a powerful tool called coincidence to be reminded of Uncle From Another World and started binge watching it.
It got lost to the aether of my backlog when it had a several week delay because of that ancient beast from two years ago that sealed the world.
Well, basically the production schedule got ruined so I forgot about it waiting for new episodes.

I got reminded of it and decided to watch, luckily I forgot most of the jokes and developments from when I read the manga back then so it feels fresh.
I forgot how great this was.

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» Vol. 12: Chapter 42 «

Automata Maid Chapter 188

New Chapter!
I think the day this chapter goes live is the day before the new Star Trek show starts airing on Netflix.
I am not sure what my plan to watch it is yet… I do not have Netflix…
That said the show is my current favourite active series of new trek so… I have to think of a way.

I want to support this one properly because it deserves it, but it’s a difficult thing to work out…
I don’t really want to get Netflix…
Maybe I can watch it with a friend?

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» Chapter 188 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 184

New Chapter!
I realised today I downloaded a bunch of demos during that next fest week then never played any…
Some seem to still be active thankfully, but most are not.
Which is a shame because one of the inactive ones is one I wanted to try most!

Oh well, no problem really, I would probably forget about these games by the time they release anyway hahaha.

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» Chapter 184 «

Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 183

New Chapter!
To my annoyance we fall on a month change date…
This isn’t actually a problem, it just means I have to use the month drop down menu on the date scheduling.
It adds two clicks to my process…
This is enough to annoy me.

I am petty.
Although to be fair it’s like 6 clicks in total, because I have three chapters today…

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» Chapter 183 «