All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 108

The Christmas spam starts here!
I was originally going to bundle all of these in one post, but then I thought about how cool it would be to fire off everyones RSS feeds and such.
Also to really make us obvious on Novel Updates.
You can blame me for all the notifications.

Fuhahahahahahahaha. *Read as Gilgamesh’s laugh.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 11 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 107

Here it is folks! The Christmas Special you’ve all been waiting for!
A one of a kind double release!
But that’s not all!
Starting now I’m going to spam you with a loooooooot of chapters.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Special: Chapter 102.5 «

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 10 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 106

Oh man the discord was quite the thing today.
Panda and I started reading this trashy isekai, about a middle age fat guy who gets isekaid and immediately gets pushed into a relationship by a runaway princess after he got drugged by her.

Anyway we did some modifications to the heroine over on the discord to give her that important Zettai Ryouiki, and bonus thigh pinch.
Many thanks to the talented editors over there. You shall be forever remembered.

Then we had a massive tirade about all things anime to do with ships, like actual boat ships.
Azur Lane, KanColle, Arpeggio, Highschool Fleet. You name it.

A random Silva popped in
Yeah, you see the timer to the side (desktop)? No? Then scroll down (Mobile). What could it be I wonder…
I actually had something important to talk about but I’ve totally forgotten what it was so maybe it’ll come back to me tomorrow.
Oh I just remembered it, we’ve moved the social media links to the widget on the sidebar! So you can now join the discord and such way easier!
Come, join us degenerates.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 9 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 17

Fate/Grand Order’s christmas event has finally come to an end.
Ereshkigal was so precious, it was incredibly adorable. I wish I could have spent some more time talking to her.
All that remains now is the event farming.

I’m scheduling this chapter a little earlier than usual, so I haven’t actually had time to sit down and watch the usual anime I review before posting!
Well, I don’t know how many of you ever actually read my incoherent babbling about the weeks anime.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 17 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 105

So my Ereshkigal rolls yesterday were quite intense. A lot of money was spent and we managed to get four out of the ideal five copies.
My waifu came home! Now I just need to wait for a chance to get that final copy hahaha.

The next chapter is a really long one! And I think Silva might have found a new best girl.
I was really exhausted while editing this due to having gacha burn out, so I unfortunately didn’t have any funny remarks to make.
I apologise in advance.
But Silva had a few so they’ll probably make up for some of my absence.

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 8 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 104

Hello Future Robinxen,
I wonder…Are you still rolling the gacha for Ereshkigal?
Or perhaps have you already finished?

Did you get her? If you did how many copies? Did you reach at least NP3? It can’t be NP5 can it?
Or was it the worst case scenario? Please don’t give up on life if you failed. Well, I can understand that feeling though. I’d do the same if I were in your position.
Either way I hope some people donated to prevent your spending from becoming self destructive.

Ah I’m so anxious. It’s been two years after all, I hope my saving served you well. I’m sorry that I ended up spending a lot on the kickstarter for Invaders though, and some other side projects. I was hoping to have 1000 in the bank but we only have 350. That 750 on the kickstarter really did a number on us.
I hope you managed to restrain yourself from claiming our work payment! We need that for next month! Well, I’m sure you can make do if you need it for her.

Wish me luck.
From, Past Robinxen

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 7 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 16

Hello folks, normally I’d do my weekly anime roundup here but two things take priority.

The first is that Azur Lane’s finale has been delayed a few months so they can reanimate the series. It’ll begin rebroadcasting with updated visuals starting January. This is a little depressing given the cliffhanger, but I will get to see Unicorn in all her cuteness with potentially even cuter animation!

The second is that my waifu got announced! I will finally be able to throw myself at the gacha to get my one true love! By the time this publishes she should be nearing release. (Technically they’re set to release on the same day but on opposite sides of the world…timezones suck.)
As a result I’m telling you all to go join the discord so that I can ping you all when I do my livestream attempt at summoning Ereshkigal!
I have almost 1000 quartz saved up for her, and some emergency funds should I fail to get her.
The aim is NP3!

Pardon the shameless advertising.
At least I didn’t tell you go donate to me here so that I can spend more money on trying to get my waifu.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 16 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 103

Could this be why it’s called the Soul Arc?
Find out what I mean in this chapter!

It’s an extra long one this week! I’m not even sure if I was awake to edit the second half!
Plenty of actual plot, maybe he’s compensating for the ‘plot’ coming up.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 6 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 102

Alright folks, the first of the Demon Sword Maiden chapters for the week is here! And this one is juicy!

Also, I was going to continue allowing people to vote on the poll, but upon looking at the results it’s pretty obvious which is the winner.
Almost 50% of you wanted to see Lily getting hot and bothered with Nanako’s mother!
This is like the exact opposite of my personal interests, but I’ll be sure to make a chapter you love!

The biggest surprise was the lack of people suggesting their own ideas! I was looking forward to the delusional proposals you’d make to test my writing creativity!
Why did nobody want to see Lily as an erotic elf though?!

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 5 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 15

Hello folks, it’s that time of the week for another chapter of Not Sure, Another World.

That also means it’s time for my weekly anime roundup so let’s blast through that.
Azur Lane, Unicorn finally graced me with her cuteness!!!!
Assassins Pride, somehow got even worse.
Phantasy Star, still bland and poorly adapted.
Highschool Prodigies, pretty fun but only on the isekai scale of ratings.
Hero Academia, well anyone familiar with this doesn’t need my opinion.
Galactic Heroes, still going strong and getting better.

As for SAO and FGO…they’re still my favourites.
Regarding FGO, I’m having to farm the hell out of the Gallows quest from the new Salem chapter. What ****** decided Ereshkigal needed 120 of a brand new material to enhance!?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 15 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 101

True story, I almost forgot to schedule this.
I turned off my PC, got into bed, checked my emails ready to sleep…then realised my mistake.
Got out of bed at 5am to fix the problem.

I might re-edit this one, since I did it in such a painful rush. Nexus’ wording is rather stiff.

Anyway, make sure to vote in the poll! Last chance! Sort of.

[crowdsignal poll=10470769]

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 4 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 100

Chapter 100 has arrived! It’s been a long journey and I hope you all stick around for what’s to come!
Demon Sword Maiden will be going through a transition period over Christmas while some translators get shuffled about, but don’t worry about releases. We’ve got all of that under control!
Also, apparently someone withdrew from the Patreon because the Patreon released chapters don’t have the footnote comments. I feel blessed to know that I have such dedicated fans. It gave us a good chuckle over on the discord, thank you whoever you are.

Now! The thing you’ve all been waiting for! We did a quick run through on the discord over the past week on a few Special Chapter concepts and compiled this poll today! The voted for chapter will be included on the Wednesday 25th Demon Sword Maiden release. Likewise, exactly a week later the New Year special will be released.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 3 «

Silva's Ranting Corner
Heya, this is Silva~ It has been a while since I last made any announcement of the sort, and a lot of ⓢⓗⓘⓣ has been catching up to me soon after I came back from my 1-week vacation. That’s why I will take this opportunity to rant in this corner for a little bit, so please bear with me and read to the end, if you care.

I’ll put them in easy to understand numbered list:
1. The Ancestor was sniped from us.

2. Sigma was caught using machine translation and fired as Demon Sword Maiden’s main translator.

3. Relocated Nexus to Demon Sword Maiden but he failed miserably (still have to pay him for the three chapters he did)

4. Relocated Nexus to Dragon Princess (good thing he managed to do better in Dragon Princess, but a little more discipline and punctuality would be nice, had me sweating cold-buckets when he only started translating the last 6 chapters just before the deadline)

5. Recruited Immortal Dreamer as the main translator for Demon Sword Maiden and he said he’d be able to provide all the chapters by the next week, so I paid him in advance since I would be on a trip the said week (still didn’t get the chapters after I get back from vacation)

5. Zzonkedd was down with gastro and real-life events kept him busy so he was unable to provide for Knight & Elf.

6. Recruited Aurum as a temporary translator for Knight & Elf, asked him to provide me with at least 1 ~3 chapters by last weekend but I barely managed to get him to provide me with a single chapter just a few hours before the scheduled release, it was honestly nervewracking.

7. Immortal Dreamer overworked himself to pay his bills but some of his employers aren’t able to pay him yet until the 1st week of December since their money is being managed by a different company. I agreed to pay him upfront again for the 2nd batch of Demon Sword Maiden chapters. (I have effectively paid him two months worth of chapters in advance now, both of which I still haven’t received a single chapter of)

8. Then since two weeks ago, I haven’t been getting any sign of a response from Immortal Dreamer. Now I’m just getting anxious since Demon Sword Maiden stockpile has run out. And I’m also really worried about the well being of Immortal Dreamer’s sudden disappearance.

I’ve been overthinking these past few days, thinking, what if Immortal Dreamer has overworked himself and collapsed? He had a history of being hospitalized for months due to poor health conditions, so that’s not really out of the question.

As you can see, it has been a rather stressful week for me since I came back from my vacation. I no longer have a stockpile for Knight & Elf series, and the chapters from Aurum are still pending. I also don’t have any stockpile left for Demon Sword Maiden, and still no news from Immortal Dreamer. I’m not worried that he will just run off with the money, he’s a nice guy and I’ve known him for a while, I trust him, even now. I’m just really concerned about his health.

After a nice long talk with the therapist, I’ve been advised to change my mindset to a more positive one, so while there is nothing I can do about Knight & Elf chapters but wait, I can at least look at Demon Sword Maiden in a more positive light, despite already paying the translator, so it’s still quite a bummer that I have to translate it myself, but it just means I’ll be back to square one, just like the time with only me and Sigma. But this time, it is me and Nexus. I will be translating Demon Sword Maiden, while Nexus will translate Dragon Princess, then I will do the translation check for Dragon Princess, and publish these chapters as usual. So yeah, nothing has changed, it’s just the same old pattern until either Immortal Dreamer gets back to us or I find a new translator for Demon Sword Maiden in the worst-case scenario.

Continue reading Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 100

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 14

It’s now December everyone! That means the annual winter events will start being announced in landslides all over the internet for your favourite games and sites! ReLibrary is no exception, at the very least I hope to cook up a storm. And there are a couple of exciting announcements on the way.

Normally I’d use this chance to squee over Unicorn in Azur Lane, but Ereshkigal is on the horizon (she even made another cameo in Babylonia) so I don’t have much energy to spare. I need to grind, farm and save for her release.
Maybe I should make a patreon so you can all fund my gacha addiction. Every schmeckle counts!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 14 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 99

Silva has now added a row to the source table to include editors! Does this mean I’m getting acknowledged?
Now I can start building my own fanbase. Muhahahahaha.

We’ve also managed to confirm some special events for Christmas.
Originally I was going to do another side story chapter to celebrate 100 releases, but I’ve decided to switch to releasing a 100th chapter poll next week, then releasing the special chapter as a Christmas event.
I also plan on writing a New Year focused chapter.

Though it has probably been long forgotten now, just a reminder I’m still working on that SciFi Isekai original. I’ve just fallen into my usual pitfall of being unsure how to build a first arc.

Short chapter this time, enjoy!

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» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 98

It’s a brand new arc!
Volume 2 starts after this and I will finally be free of this confining arc structure!

Now, I’ve started doing some heavy work doing professional proofreading. I have to be honest, the pressure is a lot more than editing for fun.
When you’re editing for fun you can be quite liberal and if you miss something it’s easy to go back and correct.
But professionally you have to be quite strict and you don’t get second chances. You also have to live up to your payment.
Normally I’d give it a read through then go back and edit once, but I’ve had to do two passes so far and I’m still paranoid I’m missing things.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 1 (Arc 4): Chapter 1 «