All posts by Fishead

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 28

New Chapter!
New chapter I’m actually pretty proud of this chapter because I think I made some pretty decent distinctions in when the characters are using more respectful speech to when they the are more informal. Also I changed Qian Baiyu to just be two words as having it as one feels kind weird and having it as three also feels weird but I think two strikes a good balance. But anyways it’s late I’m tired so until next time. 😉

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 28 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 27

New Chapter!
Aight I got nothin to say I just suck at keeping a schedule, I’m sorry for literally not posting a chapter in like essentially a month straight. Buuuuut since I know my own faults I’m just throw this out here. For the next month at least, I will guaranteed post at least one chapter a week. There now that I will technically be lying if I don’t deliver my brain will force me to keep schedule if I don’t feel free to berate me in my dm’s you have my permission. On another note if anyone see’s this should I just start using jasmine when Mo Li is a dragon girl because author just doesn’t do it and upon recently going through the novel again for research purposes it’ll be like this for a long time like a loooong time. I’m pretty sure the author’s doing it to distinctify the fact that Mo Li doesn’t consider herself a girl but it can be confusing to remember whether Mo Li is Mo Li or Jasmine at times. So my questions to the reader if anyone still reads this, should I just use Jasmine when Mo Li is a dragon girl. Y,N. Anyways that’s all from me toodaloo.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 27 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 26

New Chapter!
Sry about the slow updates life’s been being life so… kinda sucky but also my fault for being lazy.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 26 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 25

New Chapter!
We’re soooo close I can taste it now a few fun chapters are incoming very soon.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 25 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 24

New Chapter!
Aight sooooo confession MB I’ve had this chapter translated for literally two and a half weeks now and just haven’t gotten around to proofing it. In between getting used to the new job schedule and developing a new horizon forbidden west addiction I’ll admit I’ve been slacking. But annnnnywayys it’s eight in the morning and I haven’t slept at all yet soooo gn peeps and I’ll try to be more responsible when uploading ciao.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 24 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 23

New Chapter!
Aight ladies and gents I have sad news that this will probably be the only update I can do this month. I have finals of college coming up next week and my dad randomly decided I needed to find a job in the last 3 weeks of school or I essentially don’t get to use my computer anymore soo I’m kinda busy for the rest of this month lol…. Anyway this is my advanced notice of I’ll probably be ded for the rest of the month.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 23 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 22

New Chapter!
Alrighties I Present another chapter, ya know it’s only now that I’m translating this story do I realize just how much exposition is at the beginning of this story. Like some of the thing we’re talking about in this chapter don’t matter in the remote slightest until like V3/very endish of V2 if memory serves correctly. Also every time I translate I wish that I’m a faster translator because gad is the fun times so close to beginning, but alas I’m a garbage translator and can’t just output like a ch a day like some translators I’ve seen. Also the more I translate the closer I examine things which also mean my brain has started to question Mo Li’s intelligence even more, like some of the random assumptions our ummmmmm boy/girl makes is really stupid for a person that’s supposed to have the knowledge or brain power of an old assassin. Like in this chap for example right our boy starts inspecting the alchemy glasses and just because he can’t see any immediate difference after putting them on assumes they’re a scam and useless. Like bruh your ring just showed you that hey things have use conditions maybe don’t just make random assumptions. Then again maybe I’m being to judgmental cuz I guess technically no matter how you put it she’s still just a 16 year old even if she has an entire lifetimes worth of knowledge. Actually ya know what fish’s head cannon it’s actually because our baby girl jasmine’s attributes are more dominant as such Mo Li is naturally less mature, hmmmm ya know what actually now that I think about my head canon even has some canonical story logic maybe I’m just a genius yaaaaa definitely yap.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 22 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 21

New Chapter!
And suprisingly I’m back in a resonable amount of time who’da thought that lil’ol me could do it well anyways ch21 baby a lot of exposition really but hella easy to translate compared to what I had to deal with last chapter. anyways I’ve put off homework for way to long for this chapter so that’s it from me enjoy ttynt.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 21 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 20

New Chapter!
I return with another chapter, sry for the hella inconsistent uploads I kinda feel like my life is falling off a cliff sometimes in recent days so I’ve been kinda lackadaisical my translations. Anyways now that my excuse of why I’m a horrible translator is outta the way chapter 20 yay finally getting somewhere plot is technically starting kinda yaass. Weirdly enough I found this chapter really hard to translate because it felt like the author wasn’t being super clear about things at a lot of points which kinda made me feel like I was playing a guessing game of how to translate sentences. Oh ya I also played star rails new archon quest(PS. I know that’s not what they’re called but like I have to much time in genshin) so anyway the new big story quest and anyone else in pain cuz like I wanna riot to mihoyo rn like I know the game title has honkai in it but like not everything has to follow in impact 3rds footsteps man like come on. like that’s all I’m gonna say cuz well spoilers and I don’t know how to put a spoiler block on these but ya, anyways tho enough rambling from me enjoy ch 20 as we finally discover one of the secerts of the Rosewood Ring hab fun and until next time.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 20 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 19

New Chapter!
Little short on time today, so no spiel today. but anyways I tried something new this time that is using the line spacing from how it was written in chinese if we don’t like I can go back the to before doesn’t matter to me. Also I added some letter sounds instead of trying to subsitute sounds characters make for words since I feel that sometimes it hurts the nuances of the novel ecspcially later one when we have cute jasmine sound effects sooo like I decided to just use letter for sound effects, if we don;t like that I can just not do that. Also something I should have probably tl noted I didn’t because time so yaaa, anyway gn enjoy.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 19 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 18

New Chapter!
And that’s 5. I know I promised that 5 chapters in december and it’s technically january 1 but close enough. Also because I’ve been proofreading for the last 5 hrs I didn’t feel like doing any tl notes there maybe be some better words for a couple of things then that I decided to translate but like it doesn’t change anything in the story sooo ya, I’m just to lazy to explain rn. But aaaannnywayss happy reading I’ma go die now.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 18 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 17

New Chapter!

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 17 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 16

New Chapter!

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 16 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 15

New Chapter!

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 15 «

Silver Dragon Vol. 1 Chapter 14

New Chapter!
The apocalypse has passed, finals are over and I’m barak, Also hella late but lessssssssss gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo T1 Won worlds!!!!!!! Oh ya I took certain liberties with the translation like name I made it something much more english friendly and there was like a description of food where like if you look up the description used in the specific chinese words then it’s technically gravy but like it made no sense to be gravy and logically my brain says at least with my understanding of how we like to use words in chinese there’s a 99 percent chance that he just used it to say the meat was juicy…. anyways GN I’ma go die now.

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» Vol. 1 Chapter 14 «