All posts by Fire

Life with a Tail Chapter 32

Did someone ask for a dragon transformation~? Well then~ Here you go. Happy reading~! (\o/)

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» Chapter 32 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 31

Hmm, I wonder what would happen if someone used a bit too much magic while training. Wink wink. Enjoy~ (^-^)

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» Chapter 31 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 30

Did anyone ask for a typical school life? Well, we have it now. Enjoy~! (\^.^)

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» Chapter 30 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 29

Here’s the aftermath of what happened. Safe to say, we won’t see the thirst bois for a bit. Have fun~! (^.^/)

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» Chapter 29 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 28

Damn, that guy is totally dead now. RIP. Enjoy~ (\^・^/)

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» Chapter 28 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 27

What day is it today? Does anyone remember because I surely don’t. My sleep schedule has been flipped upside down. I’m now a vampire, sleeping in the day, awake at night.

Enough with that, it’s time for your wholesomeness delivery. What?! Natsuki and Ruti don’t have time for dates now?!? What is this madness, give me back my diabetes~! …Never thought I would say that before, but it’s the truth. Enjoy~ (\^~^/)

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» Chapter 27 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 26

Here’s the the other delivery. Enjoy~ (\^.^/)

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» Chapter 26 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 25.5

I’m back with another batch of your weekly orders and there’s something I have to announce.

Ryzna-san’s Gender: Confirmed

Ryzna-san is actually… a male but have female tendencies. That explains his obsession with uniforms. This also means he has a harem in the café… That’s quite unexpected. It’s not stated anywhere in this chapter, but I still have to disclose it. I’ve already fixed all of the previous chapters, so yea.

Anyways, this is a short chapter, so enjoy~ (^.^)

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» Chapter 25.5 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 25

Ara~? What do those Order of Mages want from the both of them? Are they mad? Will something happen? I’ll just say, those guys are desperate. Enjoy~

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» Chapter 25 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 24

I’m back with another delivery of wholesomeness. Natsuki and Ruti got summoned? By who and for what reason? Well, might as well find out for yourself~

The wholesomeness and cuteness has been toned down in this chapter just to prevent you from getting diabetes. Enjoy~

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» Chapter 24 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 23

Have you signed yet? I’m assuming you have. Here’s your second order of sweets. Psst, it’s clothes picking time.

That’s all from me. Time to go, more orders to deliver. See you next week. Enjoy~ (^-^//)

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» Chapter 23 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 22

Heyo~ Everyone having fun being stuck inside? If you aren’t, don’t worry. I’m here to deliver your order of weekly sweets and wholesomeness. Just sign here and here. ↓ (\^-^)

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» Chapter 22 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 21

Oh yea, forgot to mention. You may notice that the number of footnotes decrease. Well, it’s mostly because we’re busy coughs Lyly, but rest assured, we’ll be back to being social after this… Hopefully

Hmm, I don’t have anything to say about this chapter. Enjoy your read~ Oh and, Chris is floofy and helpful~ (\o/)

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» Chapter 21 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 20

I have lots of time to do stuff now, but… I don’t know what to do and I’m bored. I don’t want this. Someone snap me out of this mood.

Let’s leave aside my ranting, Natsuki and Ruti gets new uniforms for work. Is it lewd? Is it revealing? Is it cute? Will the place get destroyed again by Ruti? Find out by reading this chapter~

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» Chapter 20 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 19

This is where the action starts~ Let’s hunt those slimes down with overpowered powers~! There’s a bit of a surprise scene at the end of this chapter. Soooo, enjoy the read~ (\^-^/)

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» Chapter 19 «