Category Archives: Dragon Princess

Chapter 7 – Birth Festival (Part 1)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1742 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1093 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 6

Work has been getting busy and I often find myself getting back home at around 7pm in the evening these days. Adding on to that, the workload on Re:Library is also increasing ever since putting my plans into action. The only relief I got from all these is that Dragon Princess has short chapters for now, so I am still somehow managing despite the busy schedules.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 6 «

Chapter 6 – My Insurmountable Cabinet

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1577 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1041 words

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Chapter 5 – I am Cute and Charming

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1229 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 837 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 5

There’s a lot more of you reading both of the series I am currently publishing than I thought. As the translator, I am very honored that you guys are sticking with me 🙂

Currently, the chapters of Dragon Princess seems to be averaging at 1.5k source words per chapter, which is pretty short in its own right. I’m not sure how long this will keep up and if the chapter length will increase in the future, but hey, as a translator, I actually like short chapters as they are less stressful to translate.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 5 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Chapter 4 – Invincible Mother

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1520 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1022 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 4

How many readers of Demon Sword Maiden is reading Dragon Princess right now? Or are they waiting for more chapters to build up first before they start reading? Raise your hand if you are reading both Demon Sword Maiden and Dragon Princess! Let me know your presence 🙂

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» Volume 1 Chapter 4 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Coming Soon

This chapter is for Patreon users only. Subscribe to Patreon to read this chapter.

Dragon Princess Chapter 3

If you are new at Re:Library, first off, welcome to our humble abode and I hope you enjoy what you read here! As previously announced, I picked this up due to reaching one of my goals in Patreon and this is the first stage of my plan.

My plan going forward is to turn Re:Library into a Gender Bender haven, and this plan will not work without your support: the readers, the patrons, and more importantly, the translators! Please take a look at the important links below and if you wish to support us and make this dream come true, you can do so by pledging to us on Patreon! The more you pledge, the closer we are to making this dream come true! But of course, if you do not have enough capital to spare, please do not force yourself to pledge.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 3 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

Chapter 3 – Wisdom

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 2031 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1316 words

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Chapter 2 – Birth

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1601 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1087 words

Continue reading Chapter 2 – Birth

Dragon Princess Chapter 2

There’s nothing much for me to say here. Most of everything I wanted to say has already been said yesterday. There is one thing though, all the chapters I’ve translated so far aside from Chapter 1 all have a length of 1,500 characters on average. Meaning, all of them are short chapters. I don’t know how long this status quo will last and if the chapter length will increase in the future, but short chapter works for me! 🙂

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» Volume 1 Chapter 2 «

Important Links:

Patreon Goal Surprise
The Future of Re:Library

[New Series] Dragon Princess

After so many months since I last translated the teaser for Dragon Princess, chapter 1 of the series has finally been completely translated and from now on, we will be getting a steady supply of Dragon Princess at the rate of 1 to 2 chapters per week.

When I first picked this up, there was still no VIP chapters and the chapters are not sorted by volume, but now there are 263 VIP chapters and 5 volumes? Even the cover art has been updated! So many things about this novel have changed.

Just a fair warning, this novel has a lot of Chinese slangs, informal tones, archaic dialect, and first-person context. It’s my first time translating a novel like this so I’m not sure how well I do. There might be inconsistencies with the tenses due to my lack of experience, so if anyone wishes to apply for editorship for Dragon Princess, I’m more than happy to welcome you with open arms.

Oh yes, and give thanks to TribeOfOne for editing the first part of this novel, I really had a hard time with those archaic accent, it was thanks to him that the first part of the novel reads that much more smoothly.

Click here to start reading:
» Volume 1 Chapter 1 «

[Teaser] Dragon Princess

Do not doubt me when I say this teaser is really just a teaser, there is not even a tenth of one full chapter translated. It is merely a teaser and nothing more! Now that you’ve been warned, time to move on to the next agenda, the introduction of this novel.

Firstly, this is a Gender Bender, I think, maybe? I found this novel purely by accident, the cover picture is nice, and the title kind of intrigued me. The full title of this novel is actually: I will make a Harem even if I become a cute Dragon Girl

Anyways, I am not going to make this a full project or anything, my main project will remain as Demon Sword Maiden, I will only translate this during my free time, 1 paragraph at a time, so expect really slow releases. However, if anyone wants to pick up this project, I’d be really delighted~

Chapter 1 – I Actually Became the Dragon Race’s Princess

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3311 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 2184 words

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