Category Archives: Dragon Princess

Chapter 12 – My Clansmen Ought to be Intelligent

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1865 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1256 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 12

As Phase 2 of Project Gender Bender, I’m actually thinking of inviting other like-minded translators who do Gender Bender series like me to host on Re:Library. Thus expanding our selection of Gender Bender webnovel and bringing us one step closer to the Gender Bender Haven we all desired.

One of the translators I’m thinking of inviting is Estelion Mamoritai who does Wiseman, Game Addict, and Afternoon Nap, but I seem to recall Estelion Mamoritai being a machine translator with bad English skills, that’s half of the reason why I stopped reading Afternoon Nap and refrained myself from reading Game Addict.

If I am to invite Estelion Mamoritai, I believe there is a need to hire dedicated translation checker and editor to manage his work before we can publish them on Re:Library. That seems like a lot of work and investment in itself, considering how many unedited chapters had Estelion Mamoritai already published. 😬

What do you think, should I make the call to invite Estelion Mamoritai or nay?

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» Volume 1 Chapter 12 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 11

Readers of Dragon Princess, in case you haven’t already been informed, a new Japanese Gender Bender novel will be published on 1st September. You can find the novel page and synopsis in the following link:
The Life of a Female Knight and Dark Elf

Please look forward to it.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 11 «

Chapter 11 – Perfect Sculpture

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1405 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 887 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 10

I had plans to go to Hong Kong Disneyland next year, then I stumbled upon a piece of disturbing news regarding Hong Kong rioters getting violent with the police officers. Yeah… no thank you, I guess I will put off Hong Kong as a holiday destination for a while…

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» Volume 1 Chapter 10 «

Chapter 10 – Birth Festival (Final)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1616 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1149 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 9

Someone told me to copy/paste a random joke from Google if I have nothing to say, so I heeded his advice and did just that:

Every time the person next to you turns the page, make a strange sound, or a beep.

I don’t know about you, but I laughed when I read that 😋

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» Volume 1 Chapter 9 «

Chapter 9 – Birth Festival (Part 3)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1686 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1083 words

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Chapter 8 – Birth Festival (Part 2)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1441 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 942 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 8

When you are publishing 4 chapters per week, you really do run out of things to say so quickly. Well, there’s nothing to see here, just click the link below and enjoy reading~

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» Volume 1 Chapter 8 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 7

Ran out of things to say, but enjoy reading regardless.

Thought of the day:
The boba girl song is surprisingly good.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 7 «

Chapter 7 – Birth Festival (Part 1)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1742 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1093 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 6

Work has been getting busy and I often find myself getting back home at around 7pm in the evening these days. Adding on to that, the workload on Re:Library is also increasing ever since putting my plans into action. The only relief I got from all these is that Dragon Princess has short chapters for now, so I am still somehow managing despite the busy schedules.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 6 «

Chapter 6 – My Insurmountable Cabinet

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1577 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1041 words

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Chapter 5 – I am Cute and Charming

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1229 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 837 words

Continue reading Chapter 5 – I am Cute and Charming