All posts by Deximus Maximus

Female Knight & Dark Elf – Chapter 52

The sequel to Record of an Immortal’s Journey to Immortality’s sequel seems to be drawing a close soon.
The author seems to have forgotten about a character from the first novel that we should have had dealings with by now unless something has changed.

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» Chapter 52 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 56

Tada, a chapter!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-17 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 55

Not interested in anime this season, except Strike the Blood IV

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-16 «

Female Knight & Dark Elf – Chapter 51

Continuing from the last post, do any of you know the old SwanPrincess movies?
Apparently it has 7 sequels, including one from 2019. I am shocked.
All I remember from the first movie is the frog with abs.

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» Chapter 51 «

Female Knight & Dark Elf – Chapter 50

It was Christmas, so some friends and I looked for old cartoons celebrating it.
Did you know there’s a He-mana and She-ra Christmas Special?

Silva’s dropping in with a bombastic announcement:
We are dropping Female Knight & Dark Elf!

Yes, we are dropping it, but not so soon. Before we go into that, however, I’ll explain why we are dropping it. First, we don’t get nearly as many views as we’d hoped for. Meaning, it doesn’t generate enough revenues. Second, not enough support on Patreon so I am basically still paying for the translation of this project from my own pocket. Along with the lack of views, this is basically a deficit.

And that’s why, we’re dropping Female Knight & Dark Elf for another Gender Bender project, but since we still have a few rare Patrons that supported Knight & Elf, I’ve asked for their opinion and we’ve all come to agree that we should pick up a new series indeed. There are some, however, who still wished to see the continuation of Female Knight & Dark Elf, so I made a compromise. We will continue to translate Female Knight & Dark Elf until chapter 100 before picking up the new series, and after that, I will have the translator focus on the new series while providing at least 1~3 chapters of Knight & Elf monthly based on his availability.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 50 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 54

Why hello there insomnia, we haven’t spoken since last year!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-15 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 53

My sleep schedule is wacked out, so scheduling this at 7AM..after having woken up at 8AM the previous day…yay!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-14 «

Female Knight & Dark Elf – Chapter 49

Busy busy me, no time to clean or typeset the next Mulan chapter even though silva already translated it.
I still need to edit the daughter stuff as well.
Give me time.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 49 «

Female Knight & Dark Elf – Chapter 48

Greetings future people, the first chapter of 2020 for this series has been released. So exciting, with interesting things happening!
Make it your New Years resolution to join TL;DR and translate/clean/typeset for me!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 48 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 52

You should share these novels with your friends!
You should join the Discord!
You should read TL;DR manga!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-13 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 51

Succubus Lily apparently only has one more chapter…sad, but about time I think. The story hadn’t been moving forward much.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-12 «

Female Knight & Dark Elf – Chapter 47

I have a great many finals to grade.
I’m sad, no one tried the extracredit problem. I worked so hard making that.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 47 «

Female Knight & Dark Elf – Chapter 46

You know, Robin always has something to talk about in these posts, yet I have nothing.
I wonder if that makes me boring, or Robin a chattertyper.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 46 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 50

So, Seven Deadly Sins has has decided that it won’t be ending again…sigh
It’s stretched on too long. Makes me angrier that they rushed the ending of Bleach.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-11 «

Dragon Princess – Chapter 49

The day after Christmas, and all through the house…

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 2-10 «