All posts by Fire

Life with a Tail Chapter 12

Still in progress of figuring out what to say. This is brought to you from an automated message. By the time you see this, I’d probably have figured it out… maybe. You can confirm that with me in the Discord. This is not to promote the Discord or anything.

Oh yeah, here’s the other chapter before I forget

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» Chapter 12 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 11

Hmm, I don’t know what to put here. Seriously though, how does Robin manage to have at least something to say every week. Oh well~ I’ll just figure out what to say in the post.

In the meanwhile, here’s your order of “Life with a Tail” for the week~

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» Chapter 11 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 10

Mayday! I’ve run out of reading supplies now. Well, it was inevitable. Off to YouTube~ (o/)

Oh yea, here’s your other order of Life with a Tail~ Just sign here… just kidding. No signatures needed~

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 10 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 9

I’ve been binge reading lots of manga and novels this week. My supplies are almost out of stock now. Seriously, time flies when you’re hooked into the anime world. I didn’t manage to do anything productive this week *sweats profusely*.

Enough of that. At least you guys will get a resupply of Life with a Tail. Your order has arrived~ (\o/)

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 9 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 8

I wasn’t sure if this chapter was going to be out in time since Lyly was having some troubles and slacking.

But huzzah! Here’s your eigth dose of Life with a Tail~!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 8 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 7

Anyone played the newly released Arknights? I played this after not playing a gacha game for months. Gotta say, quite fun since it’s a tower defense game with waifus involved. The gacha is pretty forgiving as well which is great for my mental health and more importantly, my wallet! Give it a try if you have time.

Anyways, here’s your seventh dose of Life with a Tail~!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 7 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 6

Day 2 of lazing around: I’m getting bored, but I still don’t want to do anything. Why am I like this…

Anyways, in this chapter of “Life of a Little OP Dragon with a Tail.”, we will see Natsuki having a big sad as stated by Lyly multiple times. See for yourself~

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» Chapter 6 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 5

Don’t you have those days that you don’t want to socialise and just laze around all day? That’s me right now. I just want to sleep all day long, but you won’t be able to get this chapter. Anyways, here’s your first weekly dose of “Life of a Little OP Dragon with a Tail.” \o/

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» Chapter 5 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 4

Nothing much to say, so here’s your second weekly chapter of Life with a Tail~

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 4 «

Life with a Tail Chapter 3

Is this thing on? Hello? Oh, it is on!

Hello~ As Silva said, I’m Fire and I will be the new editor and publisher for Life with a Tail. If you’re in the Discord, you may have seen me frequently chatting since I mainly hang out there. That’s all from me~ Please take care of me~

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 3 «