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Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 25

When I first published some chapters on Patreon, I never really expected to receive anything… but lo and behold, I now have 18 patrons and 3 of them became my patron purely out of goodwill. That was really unexpected, I honestly thought that 1 or 2 patrons were already a lot.

I can’t thank you guys enough for your generosity by becoming my patrons. Though I did say that I’m not doing this for money and I won’t be taking any donations for sponsored chapters, but hey, every little bit of money is always good for motivation boost! Of course, money is important, but your likes and comments give me just as much of a motivation boost.

You won’t believe how many times I visited the site just to check on the comments and likes every time I just published a chapter. It’s enough to make me go into the red with my mobile data.

Click Link Below to Start Reading:

Chapter 25 – Lily’s Protest

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 24

Have you ever been in an awkward situation due to your tone of voice? When I speak in English, I always have this slightly deeper tone due to a force of habit, but when I am speaking Chinese, I am using my natural tone, which as my friend describes; an angelic voice. I remember one day during High School, my natural voice came out when I called for the waitress, and all my friends were looking at me as though they were shocked.

They kept praising my voice and told me to use that tone to speak to them more often, but I involuntarily switched back to my default English tone right after that and the whole situation turned very awkward until we returned to class. I mean, I can’t help it alright, it’s totally out of my control xD

Click Link Below to Start Reading:

Chapter 24 – Arrival of Hojo

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 23

Well, the first day on Ziru’s Musings turned out to be quite the disaster ^^’
I forgot to double check the timezone and ended up scheduling the chapter release on Ziru’s Musings 1 day later than the intended date. The end result was that all of you were left hanging for up to 8 hours. But anyway, enough of the gloomy stuff, it’s Chinese New Year!!

Yes, today is the start of the New Year celebration for the Chinese. It is a joyous day, but also the busiest day for us Chinese. For you English natives, Christmas is the biggest event, but for us Chinese, it is the Lunar New Year. So with that said, you should probably expect a slower release during the New Year celebration.

Click Link Below to Start Reading:

Chapter 23 – Sudden Strength Gain (Part 2)

P.S. Oh and I’ve disabled comment on Ziru’s Musings because I think it is better to have a centralized comment section. Don’t worry though, I’ve made a redirect link that’d bring you directly to the comment section of respective chapters on Re:Library so it wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 22

Today’s finally the big day! I will now be dual-hosting this series on both Re:Library and Ziru’s Musings. I have already come to a decision regarding the direction I’d like to go with this co-host project. Instead of publishing it one week earlier on one website or the other, I will be publishing new chapters on both sites simultaneously. You can think of reading on Ziru’s Musings as reading on a Dark Theme while reading on Re:Library as Light Theme.

However, for this week, just for this week alone, I will be directing you all to Ziru’s Musings first to commemorate the start of the collaboration, and let you all have a feel of what’s it feels like to read on Ziru’s Musings.

Click Link Below to Start Reading:

Chapter 22 – Sudden Strength Gain (Part 1)

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 21

Lazy week, not quite in the gear to translate these past few days… and I regretted it when the weekend comes around. I was expecting to cram this chapter during the weekend, but real life had other plans for me. Work has suddenly picked up this year and I was made to work at the weekend, then my cousin got married and I was invited to the dinner party.

I think overworking has somehow killed a part of me. Since I woke up on Sunday, I had been holing myself in the computer room for the whole day doing nothing productive until 5 AM the next day, all the while skipping my three meals and live through the entire day on junk food… I honestly felt as though I was a zombie…

Click here to read Chapter 21 – Bathing in the Moonlight

P.S. This chapter is lewd, make sure you are not reading in Public ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 20

Well, forget about what I said on Thursday, it was vetoed because this chapter is so short!

Oh, before I forgot, I went and created a Wikia page for Demon Sword Maiden, but alas… I have no idea how Wikia works and wasted a whole lot of time on it. If anyone’s free and knows how to use Wikia, please help me fill up the glossary page~ Thanks

Thoughts of the day:
Shorter chapter = harder to translation

Click here to read Chapter 20 – The First Chapter of 《Moon Grace》

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 19

I played with the website coding and messed up, so I spent one day going over the error with my web developer and learned some basic web management skill from him. And remember how I mentioned that I sold my 8-year-old laptop last week? Yup, you probably guessed it already, I just got myself a new custom-build PC, so I ended up spending another day setting up my new desktop.

With two days wasted on something other than translating, I might not be able to do more chapter this week.

Thoughts of the day:
Never touch anything you do not understand.

Click here to read Chapter 19 – Spirit Power

[Teaser] Dragon Princess

Do not doubt me when I say this teaser is really just a teaser, there is not even a tenth of one full chapter translated. It is merely a teaser and nothing more! Now that you’ve been warned, time to move on to the next agenda, the introduction of this novel.

Firstly, this is a Gender Bender, I think, maybe? I found this novel purely by accident, the cover picture is nice, and the title kind of intrigued me. The full title of this novel is actually: I will make a Harem even if I become a cute Dragon Girl

Anyways, I am not going to make this a full project or anything, my main project will remain as Demon Sword Maiden, I will only translate this during my free time, 1 paragraph at a time, so expect really slow releases. However, if anyone wants to pick up this project, I’d be really delighted~

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 18

You know, I am quite bummed when I found out the novel page of Demon Sword Maiden is not indexed in the front page of Google when I searched for the keyword. Instead, what showed up on the first page were pages from content thieves and the announcement posts. I wonder how many potential readers I’ve already lost to the thieves. 🙁

Heck, even after going through the 2nd to 5th pages, I still don’t see it indexed anywhere. Instead, I found the novel page which I haven’t officially published on Ziru’s Musings already showing up on the 2nd page, how did that even happen? >.<

Click here to read Chapter 18 – Shikigami Sakura

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 17

When you pick up a new hobby, you have to give up on another.
I picked up translating and I have to sacrifice my time for my family and the time to indulge in my other hobbies such as gaming, and reading novels.

A free translation isn’t really “free”, think of the time, dedication, and sweat the translators pour into their work before you say or do anything potentially harmful. Most people take free translations for granted and demand for more, but they never once considered the work put behind the translations.

Changed Dynasty to Empire since I felt that it’s more fitting in a fantasy setting

Click here to read Chapter 17 – Fencing, Horsemanship, Archery

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 16

Did anyone read the news yet? If not, you should head over there and give it a quick read. The short of it; is that I will be hosting with Ziru’s Musings starting next month.

Thoughts of the day:
So apparently, my Engrish sucks in the eyes of native English speaker. Do you guys think so too? Is it really so bad that I need to hire an editor?

Click here to read Chapter 16 – Madam

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Should I get an Editor?

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 15

So many things happened last week… so many things indeed. I had to plow the hard-as-rock earth and hurt my left thumb in the process. I had to clean the sewer and scraped my right thumb in the process. I bumped into a rock and scraped my right leg, this one really hurts. And then I sold my 8-year-old laptop for 200 bucks. Yup… more than half of these events end up with me being hurt in the process, ouch!

Thoughts of the day:
I never knew I was THIS clumsy… I’m really not cut out for physical labor…

Click here to read Chapter 15 – Details of the Samurai’s Test

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 14

This chapter took more time than expected to translate due to all the unfamiliar terms, like the shikigami or Daruma Egg. I mean… I do know what they are, it’s just that the terms in Chinese are ambiguous. Had to ask around and look for references.


Changed tael to ryo
Apparently, tael is the unit used by Chinese, ryo is the Japanese equivalent of tael.

Click here to read Chapter 14 – Slash Force Sensor

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 13

Wow… just wow… I actually… got a patron, and two to boot!!! 😮
Thank you, you guys are awesome! But take note that the chapters in Patreon are unedited and without footnotes.
Not that I do that much editing when publishing it here anyways, the most I do are correcting some typos and changing the sentence structure so that they flow more smoothly.

Thoughts of the day:
My friend invited me to host this on Ziru’s Musing, your thoughts? Cast your vote below!

Click here to read Chapter 13 – Penetration Force
[crowdsignal poll=10206614]

Do you prefer reading Demon Sword Maiden on Re:Library?

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 12

Yes, I know… I have published some chapters in Patreon some days ahead of time as intended early access reward for my non-existence Patron. I don’t expect anyone to subscribe to my Patreon, but I feel like it’s better than leaving it completely empty 🙂

Thoughts of the day:
Isn’t the chapter title a bit of a spoiler?

Click here to read Chapter 12 – Wooden Sword

Your Gateway to Gender Bender Novels