All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 232

I was hoping my computer would be on the road to recovery by today but there’s been no news. It looks like I will be waiting one or two more weeks for this to be finished and allow me to finally return the realm of gaming and scheduling these chapters comfortably.

My laptop screen is so small!

But there’s been no news from the guy about recovering the data on my first drive, and I need to order a part from America to do the same on the second drive haha. So the delays will add up and I probably won’t be returning shortly. Which majorly sucks.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 77 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 231

I have a few different topics I could talk about today but I’m really tired and can’t be asked to choose one.
I wonder why I’m so tired, it’s not even that late by my standards.
Maybe I slept really well last night? Or really poorly?
I had a really weird dream you know.

It was in a world sort of like Misfit of Demon King Academy, but I was from a realm where magic didn’t work. And I was concerned that when the realms recombined there would be this massive destructive war between this magicless realm and the magical ones.
I can’t really remember details though.

Also I’ll make sure to double mention it here. My PC is currently dead so I’m working from laptop and it’s really inconvenient because of how old and battered this thing is.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 76 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 230

Just a warning guys, it looks like Silva may have broken the site again.
Well it’s nothing major though. Sometimes when opening a chapter page it will stop loading every past the title header. If that happens just refresh a couple of times and it should load properly.

We’ve already pinged the culprit on discord and he should be working to remedy this soon. Potentially before this chapter even goes live!
The wonders of timezones!
Either way. I am tired.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 75 «

Blue Sky Chapter 14

This chapter was a nightmare to schedule on my laptop because it just has a tiny screen size compared to what I’m used to and my notepad folder which contains all my little cheat shortcuts for adding footnotes and links and such is gone.
If there’s less comments from me on this chapter today it’s because I got tired manually typing it out each time.

If you don’t know why I’m on my laptop then go read todays Not Sure, Another World posts.
Long story short I fried my HDDs by forgetting common sense doesn’t apply to companies that want to make money with their electronics.

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» Chapter 14 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 91

The insidious invasion of hololive into my life to convert me into a simp continues onwards.
This time it’s taken the form of me acting as a courier or go-between, shipping clips between the different discords I mentioned and that one weird friend I have who sends me clips.
So here’s how it works.

A clip is sent on discord.
I watch.
I share it in another discord.
They share clips in response.
I watch.
I share it in the other discords.
Repeat forever.

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» Chapter 91 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 90

I’m scheduling this from my laptop today because I successfully wrecked my computer.
You know my PSU was making noises? Well I was gonna get someone to change it but then everyone in the ReLibrary discord was like “do it yourself!” and “it’s easy!” or stuff like “it’s basically lego!” and I wasn’t having it because I knew I’d cause something to explode.

In the end I got fed up of their nagging and did it myself.
Fried my harddrives by using the wrong cable (because apparently nobody has standardised PSU cables!)
So now I’m having to hope my data can be recovered.

Screw you discord people. Never trusting you again.
I knew I was right not to touch electronics.

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» Chapter 90 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 229

So the recent heat, combined with the position of my figure shelf above my PC has caused one of my figures to warp slightly.
Well just one of the accessories, but basically the resin used for Ereshkigals lance is semi transparent and the way it slots in place means there’s a lot of stress applied to its centre as she grips it in her hand and it clips into the base.
So under the recent onslaught of abnormal heat the resin has slowly bent out of shape to conform to the angle at which she holds it which has caused it to become almost horizontal instead of perfectly vertical.

I don’t know how I will fix this, or if I even can. I didn’t even consider it until I looked up and noticed something off.
I’ll have to consult my engineer of a stepdad. Otherwise I might just try spinning it round if I can and making her hold it in the opposite direction and bend it back into shape haha.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 74 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 228

Regular reminder about the keychains and the competition! Remember this is a chance to win your very own chibi Lily or Nanako!
But I think you should totally buy them not only because they’re amazing but also because Silva might give me tips if I persuade you and right now I am very very in debt poor.

Make sure to visit the giveaway page for the rules and instructions on entry!

So turns out that last chapter wasn’t the last chapter. Who’d have guessed? Shiu doesn’t get the happily ever after.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 227

I finally decided which of my two OCs named Eleanor will get to keep the name and become ‘canon’.
I think in my heart I knew which one I loved more all along I just refused to acknowledge it like a parent would about their favourite child.
Look we all know they have favourites! It’s obvious.

But yeah.
The fight was between the wish-fulfilment waifu or the wish-fulfilment imouto waifu.
The reason I was so attached to the waifu was just how long she’s been a character concept I have carried between setting and setting. As part of my own like headcanon multiverse.
But in the end it is the overpowered hero imouto that won the day, I’m just more of a fan of her. Maybe it’s a sign of my improvement as a writer?

Yeah. Must be that.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 72 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 226

Regular reminder about the keychains and the competition! Remember this is a chance to win your very own chibi Lily or Nanako!
But I think you should totally buy them not only because they’re amazing but also because Silva might give me tips if I persuade you and right now I am very very in debt poor.

Make sure to visit the giveaway page for the rules and instructions on entry!

Also I promise there’s no cliffhangs today. Maybe.
Actually you see I forgot so.
Don’t take this at face value.

Also a friend linked me to this chinese novel called Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me, but I don’t actually trust them at all so I need your expert opinions on if this is a trap or not.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 71 «

Blue Sky Chapter 13

So in recent news the Neptunia franchise is going on sale!
This is one of the, if not the, greatest game franchises I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing.
I own the entire franchise! All the crazy amount of spin offs too!
Though I have yet to play one of them.

Also of note the anime is pretty great. It rather loosely adapts the third game but the dub is amazing for it.
They really properly captured the characters and writing.
Over all I give a ten out of ten.
You should all give it a shot.

Also Noire is was my one true waifu.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 13 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 89

Recently it seems that vtubers have had a huge spike in popularity to an insane degree.
They’ve gone from something my weird friend mentioned once in a while to pretty much everywhere.
I’m four different discords with three separate groups of fans! And they post a lot!

Because I keep watching the clips they share my youtube suggestions are dominated by them too!
It’s all an insidious plot to convert me, I know it.
I will not fall though! None of them have the imoutonium levels needed to catch my heart.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 89 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 88

Hey guys and welcome back to ReLibrary, today we have some great chapters in store for you!
Starting off with two chapters of Another World Reincarnation, followed by a chapter of that novel that Dex is responsible which is immediately superseded by a chapter of Blue Sky!

I’ve been wrestling with my PC most of today so I didn’t actually get any proper gaming in sadly.
I swapped out my gpu but I haven’t experienced how much better it is hahaha.
Also I cleaned my fans but in the process caused one to rub the heatsink and I had to spend a long time figuring out how to position it in just the right way to prevent that.
In the end I just cheated and loosened the bracket with some brute force. Hehehe.

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» Chapter 88 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 225

So I’m going to use this pre-chapter ramble to rant about how awful Amazon delivery was today.
So basically I had a delivery scheduled and that was fine and all but while waiting I got an email saying it had been delivered.
Now I had been asleep for most the day so I figured “Oh it was delivered earlier and my parents got it I guess.”
So I begin my hunt, looking at each place in the house and find nothing.

In the end I give up and decide to wait for my parents to come home from wherever.
Turns out, they hadn’t had it either.
So what was this email about? There wasn’t anything in the letterbox to say it had been handed to a neighbour or something.

Turns out. They just left it on my front doorstep.
In the open.
Where it could rain.
Or be stolen.
A super expensive piece of electronics.

Yeah. Thanks random Amazon delivery driver. I hope you lose your job and I’m not even being sarcastic.
Suffer the consequences of your dumb decision.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 70 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 224

Regular reminder about the keychains and the competition! Remember this is a chance to win your very own chibi Lily or Nanako! Or you could just buy them I guess.
One of those.

Make sure to visit the giveaway page for the rules and instructions on entry!

Also you should totally buy them. And like leave a tip exclusively for me because I really need money since I just upgraded my PC a boat load!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 69 «