All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 456

You know what sucks, not having ad revenue during the one period of the year you want to spend money the most.
So many cool new gacha characters.
So many art commissions I want to make.
So many games I need to catch up on.

Right now I am spending all my money on commissions because I might have an addiction.
I’m thinking of saving up for a month or two as well, so I can commission a relatively famous artist from Japan.
I want to see how they interpret and style my character.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 60 «

Blue Sky Chapter 117

I won a competition today.
I don’t really remember entering it, but apparently I won.

I got sent a Blu-Ray copy of Lord El Melloi II’s Case Files.
I can see why I presumably entered this competition.
I am a Fate and Nasuverse fan after all.

Now I just need to find the controller for my bluray player…

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» Chapter 117 «

Blue Sky Chapter 116

The past couple of days I’ve been obsessively working on an update for a Stellaris mod.
Honestly it’s become almost crippling!
I completely forgot that I wanted to stream today because I spent a full five hours writing out different branch points.

The actual contents of what I’m working on is a pair of event chains for an origin mod.
I can’t actually mod, and have no experience with Stellaris beyond writing some flavour text in the past.
So what I did was throw together some material as an outline with all the dialogue and text boxes.
Then someone smarter than me will turn that into actual gameplay.

Honestly for how long they take to concept and write, they’re probably not gonna be a big deal to players though.
I hope at least someone enjoys them.
The only problem is that they might mess with a couple of bits of the base game, since it needs a determined system nearby to trigger.

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» Chapter 116 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 455

The UN is at it again with poor management, terrible employees and general incompetence.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the UN and I think the UN is the first step towards what should be a far better future for the world.
But ideals just don’t hold up in reality.

The UN isn’t up to the task it’s taken on, and when an organisation is that big and under that much red tape, exploitation is rife.
It’s a shame, but it’s true.

I wish I could just magically take over and fix the UN honestly, as a futurist.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 59 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 454

I commissioned another piece of art today!
This time it’s got a bit of spice involved.

Well not really, but when you have a Princess Knight it’s obvious what you need to do with it!
That’s right, the iconic, the classic, the one and only…. “just kill me” trope!

I exaggerate in a way, but the concept behind the art piece is basically the “if she was a gacha game character, this would be her damaged or defeated sprite” type of deal.
I think it will turn out interestingly.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 58 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 453

Recently I have been lured back into Euro Truck Simulator 2 again.
No particular reason, my friends are playing it again.
Although I think the convoy multiplayer update has something to do with it, it can’t be all of it because we played the multiplayer mod before too.

Either way, it’s been fun to get back into it.
I’m very rich and the new quality of life changes are great.
I’m working to level myself up and buy the fancy new digital DAF truck.
Seems cool.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 57 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 452

I finally gave in and decided to raise talents on Genshin Impact.
Until now I’ve only ever got them to level 6 and then left them.
But today I got one of Zhongli’s to 10, and I got all of Keqing’s to 10.
I still have three more crowns to 10 some more skills but I think I will save those for if I need them in the future.

Maybe for Eula when she gets rerun.
We’ll see what the future holds.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 56 «

Blue Sky Chapter 115

I’m commissioning another piece of art of my novels heroine, Eleanor, tomorrow hopefully.
The issue is I have 13 ideas and don’t know what one to go with!
Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe some extra ideas will help me decide, it could even be that you suggest an idea I already had.

I could just give the artist a list of ideas and let them pick one. Maybe I should go with that.

What do you think?

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» Chapter 115 «

Blue Sky Chapter 114

So now that things have been finalized regarding Blue Sky’s future, I figured it prudent to explain that we have 10 weeks of chapters left.
Which to be honest, is quite a lot when you think about it.
Even though we said we were ending it.

In other news: I got my friend into watching GATE again. I had intended to buy the BluRay DVD bundle for GATE but it’s apparently sold out.
My friend informed me that I had left it too long getting distracted with buying other things.
Unlike with Horizon it seems I won’t be able to find copies on third party sites either.
Bit of a bummer.

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» Chapter 114 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 451

Hello folks!
Today marks the first day that you guys will be seeing a chapter by our new translator!
Patreon peeps will already be familiar with them since they’ve done a lot of chapters which you can read with early access!

The plan is to have this new translator help share the load, hopefully speeding up releases or at least getting them more consistently since all the pressure isn’t on one person.
Unlike some translation sites we recognise that translators are not machines.
Shots fired.

Also the author realised their counting mistake here so I went back and fixed the previous ones.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 55 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 450

So let’s talk about trailers today.
No particular reason, I just watched quite a few trailers today!

For starters lets discuss the Laika anime, soviet space vampire! Honestly the trailer seemed pretty cute, I’m excited to see how it goes.
I do have to wonder about the logistics of a vampire in space though. Like does sunlight still burn them? Is there a concentration needed?
Gotta wonder, after all there’s no shelter on the moon.

Then let’s discuss…. Frostpunk 2?
I never actually played the first Frostpunk but I think it has a really neat concept, and the premise of the second one seems interesting too.
Highlighting the technological progress from the steam age to the modern age. Oil and electricity!

And lastly. Spiderman.
Well boy that was a trailer! Finally!
Like seriously, didn’t expect that twist though. And the crossover premise is hype.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 55 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 449

I opened a video which was going to explain why Sloop ships are superior to Brigs.
I was expecting to use this information to add another layer of realism to the naval aspects of my novel.

Anyway turned out it was discussing balance designs in some video game…
Not useful at all.
I watched it all anyway because it was mildly interesting seeing why there was a balance issue but……..

Well I’ll just forget in a few minutes anyway.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 54 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 448

So the Hololive Council had their debut.
Interesting group.

I personally really liked EN Lamy and Mumei.
Which were your favourites?
I guess Sana was pretty good too even if she’s not really my type.

So Nature and Civilization with Time as a bonus.
Wasn’t too big on Space and Chaos, but at least Chaos has some energy.

Also all of them are boingboing! What a surprise.
Oh right and the Final Fantasy Crossover idol was a surprise.

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» Vol. 4: Chapter 53 «

The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist Volume 3 Chapter 1 Part 2

Here it is, the final chapter of Cheat Receptionist that we will be posting.
Sadly the site is going through some serious financial issues right now.
We’re swapping ad provider, several novels are underperforming and the site itself just isn’t getting much traffic.
Though we can wish, patreon just doesn’t pull in enough revenue with all these problems piled on top.

Both Cheat Receptionist and Blue Sky are being axed for this reason.
Which is… depressing for me because I’ll be left with just Maiden as my only project after this.
Let’s hope some of the new pickups take off and I get to take the helm again perhaps?

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» Chapter 3-1 Part 2 «

Blue Sky Chapter 113

Well in vtuber news the EN curse delayed the Gen 2 debut.
How do people find their designs?

Honestly other than Nanashi I’m not too big of a fan.
The one with darker skin seems to lack a sense of depth to her art, and her skin isn’t very well shaded.
But I’m not an artist so I might be totally wrong and actually blind.
But at least to me, aesthetically, she feels off.

Do like Nanashi’s design though.
The mix of nordic, celt and egyptian influences are great on top of the typical steampunk aesthetic.

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» Chapter 113 «