Category Archives: Demon Sword Maiden

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 10

Happy New Year! It’s already 2019, time sure flies when you are not paying attention! Never did I expect I’d be this busy during New Year. I could barely make enough time to properly sit down and translate an hour straight.

Thoughts of the day:
Since when did fan translations become a business?

Click here to read Chapter 10 – Awaken After a Night

Chapter 10 – Awaken After a Night

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 10 – Awaken After a Night

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 9

This chapter is a little hard to translate, I think I might need a translation checker to help me with the more difficult words. Anyways, there are some interesting developments in this chapter, totally unexpected.

Thoughts of the day:
This chapter feels so long…

Click here to read Chapter 9 – The Mirror’s Domain

Chapter 9 – The Mirror’s Domain

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 9 – The Mirror’s Domain

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 8

Well, I wasn’t actually thinking of translating today, but after looking at the “suggestive” title, I just couldn’t help it ya know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thoughts of the day:
When your blood sugar level is low, don’t translate!

Click here to read Chapter 8 – Lodging, Bath, And…

Chapter 8 – Lodging, Bath, And…

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 8 – Lodging, Bath, And…

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 7

For the first time in forever, I finally went and summed up all the raw chapters available for Demon Sword Maiden, and wow am I surprised!

There’s a whopping 1759 Chapters available, and it is still ongoing. Moreover, only 172 of those chapters are available for free. The rest are put behind a paywall. But well, I guess with 172 free chapters, it would be enough to last us for at least a good year.

Click here to read Chapter 7 – Dawn at the Hillside

Chapter 7 – Dawn at the Hillside

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 7 – Dawn at the Hillside

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 6

I feel like this chapter isn’t as good as it should turn out to be. No internet for two days killed me, and I kind of rushed when translating this chapter. But either way, it’s an interesting development…

Thoughts of the day:
Modern day people can’t live without the internet anymore…

Click here to read Chapter 6 – Senior Sister

Chapter 6 – Senior Sister

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 6 – Senior Sister

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 5

This should be the last chapter of the week. And it looks like we can expect some interesting development in the next chapter? I don’t know, maybe it’s just me…

Thoughts of the day:
It seems that I’m bad at fighting games.

Click here to read Chapter 5 – Lost Memories

Chapter 5 – Lost Memories

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 5 – Lost Memories

Volume 1 – Kagami Lily (Night Arc)

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 4

This chapter is shorter than expected, but it also took a long time to translate because I was distracted in the middle and went to do some unproductive stuff.

No, I was not looking through my dad’s **** collection, what are you saying—!

Click here to read Chapter 4 – The Girl and the Sword

Chapter 4 – The Girl and the Sword

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 4 – The Girl and the Sword