All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 113 Part 2

I finally whaled on Genshin.
A grand total of 150 currency was consumed.
But I got the CEO of Geo.

Is he underwhelming…well kinda I guess.
To be honest my barely set up Xiangling feels more useful.

But he has all the style! So I don’t care!
Zhongli all the way!

I also got Mona and Qiqi (twice)…so I have some mixed feelings.

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» Chapter 113 Part 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 289

Heyy guys just figured I’d use this chance to let you know that at around 6:30 in Great British time I’ll be whaling on a banner in Genshin Impact.
Hopefully not too costly honestly because there’s other banners over Christmas I want in other games too.
Like Bradamante.

Also that rumoured Keqing banner that may or may not never happen but whatever I can dream right.

Wish me luck!
(Also you can watch me on twitch to join me in salt I guess?)

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 14 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 288

It is now officially december!
Let the Padoru’s flow!
Let the christmas events begin!
Let the gacha spending commence!

Also let me tell you that you guys are all in for a real treat over Christmas here on ReLibrary ooooooh boy.
We have chapters scheduled out the wazoo!
I’m looking forward to another great year with you guys.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 13 «

Blue Sky Chapter 33

So I went to schedule this and I almost failed to notice, but I thought someone was double compensating on the Blue Sky chapter numbers.
Because the author posted a chapter saying they wouldn’t have a chapter we have to correct the chapter number to -1 of their Korean counterpart.
But this file and the ones after were -2!

I was assuming this is because Silva is trying to adjust the chapter number that has already been corrected by the translator. Turned out the author had misnumbered the chapter! So we had to correct it twice over! But anyway, just thought I’d let people know before we all forgot what number was what again. Because that will happen. Inevitably.
It doesn’t help that the author is messing with us like this.

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» Chapter 33 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 287

So I checked my anime list today and realised I’m like four weeks behind on this season and still have some unstarted.
Ah there’s not enough time in the day for all my addictions!

Someone invent more time!!!

But seriously I barely managed to catch up on That Other Slime Isekai and Irregular before going back to playing games.
I even tried playing XCOM 2 again recently but yeah….I still royally suck at that game. A lot.
I even used some cheats out of desperation to give myself some edge and I still suck!


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» Vol. 3: Chapter 12 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 286

I got the Mondstadt Treasure Compass in Genshin Impact.
I cleared up the last 2% exploration I needed on a couple of the regions, but one of them is stuck on 99% and I have a hunch that I’ve found every open chest in that region and there’s one with an obscure trigger condition I’ll need to find. Which will be a nightmare.

Because some of them are super obscure! Like standing on a log.
Or picking up a fruit that’s on a pillar.
Or blowing over a pile of leaves…

I’m going to need to comb an entire section of the map for every interactable just to be sure basically.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 11 «

Blue Sky Chapter 32

So are you guys on top of the “nii-nii” vs “big brudder” debate?
I think it’s very interesting personally.

So an anime episode recently translated “nii-nii” as “big brudder”
And I get what they were going for…
And also understand that there is absolutely no English equivalent to “nii-nii” which is basically a childish and endearing way of saying “onii-” which only has the close equivalent of “big brother”.
But I can feel part of my soul dying imaging someone actually calling their brother “big brudder”.

On the flip side they can’t leave it as “nii-nii” because then it’s not a translation at all…

Insert tired joke of “Transators Note: Nakama means comrade but I decided to leave it as the original because it has more emotional impact this way”

The internet seems quite divided on the matter.
Although it seems to be degrading into:
“People don’t want good translations, they just want validation that they’re a true fan” vs “This is cringey as hell please just use the terms we’re used to”!
In this scenario anyway I lean towards the cringe faction, but I’m already too deep in this rabbit hole to have an impartial opinion and translations aren’t made to service me they’re supposed to make the medium accessible to a larger audience.

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» Chapter 32 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 113 Part 1

I guess it was bound to happen eventually, I’m just sorry it ended up actually happening anyway.
We have a long chapter split in half that won’t all publish on the same day now.
Yes, you’ll have to wait until next week for the other half of this chapter.

Don’t know if this is unlucky or if we should all consider ourselves lucky that we’ve had split chapters coincidentally line up nicely so that both halves have been posted on the same day until now.

Regardless, here is the first half of 113.

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» Chapter 113 Part 1 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 112

So a friend of mine gave me Age of Wonders Planetfall and Battlestar Galactica Deadlock this weekend.
Planetfall, as expected of a Paradox game, has a whole lot of complexity and a distinct lack of explanation.
It’s an interesting blend of Command and Conquer, Civlization and XCOM for sure but…

Man there’s a lot of technical terms and game mechanics that you just have to…sort of learn for yourself.
Especially when it comes to the technology and unit types. Until you get there yourself you just have to sort of guess what they do.

Speaking of XCOM, I finally decided to give XCOM 2 another chance after failing so badly at it on launch that I sort of just gave up playing.
I also want to try doing a narrative version of Stellaris again soon.

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» Chapter 112 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 285

With Christmas coming up I’m thinking of writing a .5 chapter and properly getting it done and posted.
Hopefully this time no computer failures happen to delay me…

What chapter do you want a .5 of?
There are a couple on my list but I want you to throw your own suggestions rather than vote on my potentials!

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 10 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 284

So my volume of the Arpeggio manga was ordered about a month ago now and it’s still not shipped.
This lockdown related stuff sucks!
I mean seriously!
I want to keep reading it!!!

Well it’s not like there’s much of a rush given the like six month wait until the next volume…
But I wanna read it!!!!!!!

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 9 «

Blue Sky Chapter 31

So are there any games people have been into lately that they’d suggest picking up?
For me it has to be Tears of Avia, still loving it even now.
But what about you guys?

Any suggestions for games I should go look at? Maybe add to my wishlist.
I probably won’t buy them ever but I can always consider it right?
I actually have a book that’s been sat as unshipped for a month now. Damn covid stuff.

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» Chapter 31 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 283

My hololive shirt arrived recently and I’ve been thinking of getting it framed as an option.
The problem is with the whole covid stuff and limited movement it’s not like I can walk into the nearest place that might be able to do it and ask if they do.
And if they do it’s kind of impractical for me to drop it off there and then pick up.
I might have to see if I can send emails or just do it myself somehow.

The troubles of quarantine.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 8 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 282

I tried one of this artifact domains on Genshin.
I got my *** handed to me.
I might end up quitting the game over this because it’s totally sucked my motivation.
Basically I either need to grind up a totally different team to be able to clear it or use the multiplayer feature that kind of sucks with total strangers I’d rather avoid.

If you’re going to strangle your players for resources don’t suddenly make it compulsory to spend more resources.
That’s not how you get players to open their wallet it’s how you get them to quit.

God it annoys me that a company that got Honkai so perfectly balance keeps screwing this one up.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 7 «

Blue Sky Chapter 30

Okay the hiccup of chapter counts has been properly resolved.
You might see some doubles on NovelUpdates. That’s okay. Ish.
Basically the author skipped a chapter and we got all fuddled up with the number count recently.

How are people doing on the Genshin event anyway?
I’ve almost cleared the shop somehow. I thought I’d be a day slower than this. I used some fragile resin to kill world bosses but that’s it.
The coop part will be fun. Probably.

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» Chapter 30 «