All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 143 Part 1

Here it is! The final chapter!
Tomorrow will be my last post for you all.
With this we will be caught up with the author and the web novel entirely.

Since the authors priority is on the Light Novel now it’s unlikely we’ll be seeing any updates for a long long time.
I’ll save the farewells for tomorrow though.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 143 Part 1 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 142 Part 2

I am scheduling this chapter between soul sucking crafting sprees on Final Fantasy.
I’ve now officially got every crafting class to 50 at least, and thanks to gear upgrade they’re now all somewhat capable.
My Alchemist class is almost 60 as a write this, hopefully 60 by the time it goes live.
After that I’ll have to work out if I’ll keep going with Alchemist or pause to raise Blacksmith to 60 also.

Either way I think I only plan to get Blacksmith and Alchemist to 80. Everything else will either remain at 50 or get capped at 70 because of the exp boost.

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» Chapter 142 Part 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 391

For the first time ever I have actually failed to think of something to type for this prechapter ramble.
Even now looking around my room for some inspiration I fail to find some.
Not really sure what to do about it.

Well I guess even I had to get writers block eventually.
Even if it is kinda inconsequential.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 116 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 142 Part 1

So in Final Fantasy news I reached Level 50 on Alchemist today.
That means the only crafting class I have yet to get to 50 is Leatherworker which I shall start on tomorrow (well today after I’ve slept).

50 is major milestone that I’ve been aiming for with all of them because I actually have some decent gear for that level.
Meaning they will be able to move away from using hand-me-down type equipment that barely gets the job done.
From there I should be able to put in some extra effort to get them to 60. However that’s where the trouble will start.

Getting proper equipment for 60 is either gonna be a chore, or expensive. Let alone 70 or 80 later on.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 142 Part 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 390

I didn’t realise until today but the latest Magical Index volume has been released and has started to be translated.
I peaked at some of the art and it looks exciting and heartwarming.
It seems the great author.exe has taken pity on us after two volumes of gutwrenching despair.

I mean seriously that previous volume was DARK.
Also it seems everyones favourite American president is back.
Looking forward to what it actually contains. Fanboy mode, activate.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 115 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 389

By the end of this week I should have finished upgrading my computer.
Hopefully this solves my screentearing problem.
Though honestly it’s unlikely.

For whatever reason I get a lot of screentearing.
My graphics card is good yes, but my monitors are good too and I have the same settings and I even turn on vsync when I can.
Let’s just hope upgrading my motherboard, ram and cpu cause everything to fall in line magically and resolve it somehow.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 114 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 141 Part 2

I almost lost this chapter! I had put it in the wrong place.
I was about to schedule the next Chapter without uploading this part!

What a disaster that would have been!
I was really confused when I started scheduling because I couldn’t remember the numbers adding up.
This is why I shouldn’t wait till 5am to do things.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 141 Part 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 388

Is it possible to give yourself a strain injury on your index finger exlusively?
It really hurts while I type this!

I need to do another chapter now.
Who knew Final Fantasy and editing would do this to me!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 113 «

Blue Sky Chapter 81

One of the biggest issues about the fact I schedule these chapters really early in the morning before I get into bed is that I always do it while listening to music.
True to form my latest playlist is the Nier raid OST from Final Fantasy.
Why is this an issue you ask?

Well I always end up wanting hum to the music darnit!
I need to stay silent because it’s late but I never manage it!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 81 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 141 Part 1

Amazon finally shipped my Arpeggio of Blue Steel manga preorder.
I made that order last year.
The volume was released months ago.
For whatever reason they just…never sent it to me for ages.

I actually made the order so long ago it was on my previous card, so I had to update my card tonight just to get the thing I had bought ages ago.
That’s how long a timescale we’re talking.
Strange times we live in.

Well I preordered the next volume too.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 141 Part 1 «

Blue Sky Chapter 80

Important News: Due to a minor translation error a chunk of a previous chapter was accidentally skipped out on leading to some disconnect between the last weeks releases.
The offending chapter has been updated so it’ll all flow together now.
I suggest going back and rereading the two chapters (or at least the start and end of the two chapters)

I think it was this week I was supposed to say…
or was it last week.
Did I forget?
Have I already done this?


Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 80 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 140 Part 2

Listen, I don’t have time to write anything fancy today.
Like five new web novel got chapters uploaded that I need to read, ReZero getting two on its own!
And then J-Novel have uploaded a bunch new chapters for their light novel releases.
That’s not even mentioning the novels and anime I’m still behind on.

Basically I’m in the middle of binge reading so don’t bother me.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 140 Part 2 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 140 Part 1

How Not To Summon A Demon Lord, Final Fantasy, Trapped in a Dating Sim and Isekai Starship have all reminded me lately of just how cool highspec robotic combat maids are.
Like seriously.
I want one.

I would bother to come up with a story involving one, similar to the other highspec combat robot stories I’ve already noted, but I’ll never actually write one.
Plus it’s more fun to imagine them as a belonging or part of your own harem than creating a story for one with someone else.

Technology needs to advance faster dammit.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 140 Part 1 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 139 Part 2

The Hololive English girls should finish revealing their new outfits sometime around when this goes live I think.
Have any of you liked the ones they’ve seen?

Honestly I’ve found them super underwhelming.
Then again I have found very few of the Japanese ones to be that good too.
I guess I just have a thing for the iconic original outfits?

I’m like that about anime figures too. I only ever buy the canon or default outfits unless it’s really iconic or special.
Like movie ones or temporary transformations. I can enjoy those.
But unique casual ones or swimwear for the sake of swimwear, not really a fan.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 139 Part 2 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 139 Part 1

My friends turned our Final Fantasy Free Company into some kind of suicide cult.
They found the highest point in the world you can jump from and kept jumping off to see if they could rez the previous person to jump off before they hit the floor and also died.

Fun Fact, Red Mages are clearly the superior Serial Resurrectors.

The end result was several of us dead at the bottom of a cliff laughing at each other.
We tried calling for a Rez but nobody had the humour to come view our pile of corpses.
I was even getting wet in a small stream…

Miserable treatment honestly.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 139 Part 1 «