All posts by Deximus Maximus

Dragon Princess Chapter 135

WTF is happening.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 135 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 123

Nicole is somewhat mean.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 123 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 37

I am late.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 37 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 36

I am late.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 36 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 122

Records of the Mystic Gardens is a nice manga/webcomic/manga but chinese word that I forget now/comic

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 122 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 134

Rumor has it that Rumor reads this novel.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 134 «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 12 [1]

If you’re reading this, then there’s a new chapter of Hero’s Redo for you!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 12 [1] «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 121

Been so busy I haven’t even been to the Discord, so I can’t even te4ase Robin or Silva in these posts now.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 121 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 133

Kingdom Come: Deliverance will be made into a movie, the rumors say.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 133 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 35

She forgot about her… “urges.”
Don’t you just love how everything in quotes becomes lewdish? I blame my wife.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 35 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 34

Silva would wear gravel.
Strange one, isn’t he?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 34 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 132

Robin has suffered from computer trouble.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 132 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 120

Matlab is evil.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 120 «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 11 [2]

Bow before Shadow Mistress Yuko and her whistling sound effects!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 11 [2] «

Dragon Princess Chapter 131

Repeat after me: JSON is not a Config Format.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 131 «