All posts by Deximus Maximus

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 140

1 week left till Christmas.

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» Chapter 140 «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 17 [1]

Silva broke the site again. This is why javascript is bad.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 17 [1] «

Dragon Princess Chapter 151

This is why you must pay attention to your suroundings.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 151 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 139

Cyberpunk 2077 looks rather disappointing. A year extra and they couldn’t fix the plethora of bugs. Did they never try to play the game except for a month before launch and then delay it (reepatedly)? Rather shocking is the fact that everyone is talking about the bugs – either it’s so good there’s nothing but bugs to complain about and they’re that serious, or it’s not a fun game and people complain about the bugs. Regardless, it isn’t a game that is good despite the bugs.

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» Chapter 139 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 52

This post is brought to you by Silva, as I could not schedule it for some reason.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 52 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 51

I have so much grading to do.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 51 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 150

MC: [Objectively proves that he isn’t trash] Random bystanders who flatter over something as small as being a millimeter taller than average for everyone else: “You’re trash!”

Sometimes, I really wonder how the CN authors view the world…

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 150 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 138

Seriously, you don’t know how to fight the low-level monster, even though you’re a reincarnated hero – moreover, you failed on what seems to be a very basic skill?
The excuse provided is rather poor. Seems the author wanted to fix her being weak, but then decided she should stay weak. Are you developing the character or not?

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 138 «

Hero’s Redo Chapter 16 [3]

Wonder if any of the houses were bugged…

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 16 [3] «

Dragon Princess Chapter 149

Chuuni is a chuuni.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 149 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 137


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» Chapter 137 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 50

Two wrongs make a right?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 50 «

Enslaved by Yandere Sister Chapter 49

Chapter 49 and already a retcon?

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 49 «

Hero’s Daughter Chapter 136

Was the explanation of what a sling is really needed? What, are you going to describe what and how a spoon, fork, and sword are next? Perhaps maybe a tree as well? Or a person?

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 136 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 148

This was a meh chapter.

Silva has requested for this to be here: Project Gender-Bender

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 148 «