All posts by Liomad

Hero King Chapter 284

Hiya, Lio here~


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» Chapter 284 «

Hero King Chapter 283

Hiya, Lio here~

Apparently, I didn’t properly assign chapter 281 so it didn’t show up in the index and no one bothered to tell me about it. It’s fixed now.

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» Chapter 283 «

Ragweed Princess Chapter 7 (part 2)

Hiya, Lio here~

Kids are cruel, readers, remember that. Choices made in ignorance are often accompanied by calamities, and satisfying one’s curiosity can bring misfortune.

So do not stick your hands into a dark hole unless you want them to be bitten.

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» Chapter 7-2 «

Ragweed Princess Chapter 7 (part 1)

Hiya, Lio here~

I wonder when she’ll finally look at a reflective surface.

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» Chapter 7-1 «

Hero King Chapter 282

Hiya, Lio here~

I just drew a digital rough sketch of Niko from oneshot. It’s my actual first time doing an illustration that isn’t a school project, so I’m a bit nervous about the result and/or losing my data.

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» Chapter 282 «

Oneshot rough sketch
And below is the same sketch but with Niko being coloured in. I still haven’t begun shading everything in yet, it’s just so that I can know what’s the base colour I’m working with.
Oneshot colour fill

Hero King Chapter 281

Hiya, Lio here~

I just got scolded by my boss for not using the correct format, tehe~

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» Chapter 281 «

Ragweed Princess Chapter 6 (part 2)

Hiya, Lio here~

Dense protagonist is dense.

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» Chapter 6-2 «

Hero King Chapter 280

Hiya, Lio here~

From here on out, Hero King will be releasing once per week alongside Ragweed!

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» Chapter 280 «

Ragweed Princess Chapter 6 (Part 1)

Hiya, Lio here~

I’ll be taking over the publishing of Ragweed Princess, nice to meet you.

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 6-1 «

Hero King chapter 279

Hiya, Lio here~

If you really think about it, intelligence is a bad thing. To live life in ignorance is much better than knowing what you can accomplish, and what’s around you, without being able to do any of those things. After all, it is how existential crises happen. Which is why you must always remember to occasionally remember that you are you. And that whatever isn’t going to affect you directly or majorly is none of your business. By that, I don’t mean to stop living by your values and such, but to not waste your time thinking about space and the like or the vastness of the universe. Because most likely someone much more qualified than you is wasting months of their life to solve those problems.

Thus, I shall ignore the looming future of the Christmas batch and dump those problems to future me.

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» Chapter 279 «

Hero King Chapter 278

Hiya, Lio here~

I messed up on the publishing of yesterday’s chapter, hahaha…
Luckily, Sil caught my mistakes before it went public, say thanks to Silva for preventing another disaster from yours truly.

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Have you checked the internet lately, Raiden?

Hero King Chapter 277

Hiya, Lio here~

Poor Raphael. An idealistic will always struggle in conflict, whether it is from their morals or from others.

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» Chapter 277 «

Hero King Chapter 276

Hiya, Lio here~

So I haven’t edited this chapter since for some reason I didn’t have access to it till now, so I’d like to apologize if any errors appear.

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» Chapter 276 «

Hero King chapter 275

Hiya, Lio here~

I still have no idea what to write here, so here’s the first chapter of the week.

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Hero King chapter 274

Hi everyone, so uh I messed up with the scheduling, and chapter 273 came out a day early… Tehe~
Anyway, here’s the second chapter of the week!

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