All posts by PunishedLyly

GenderM! ...? GroupLyly's Translations Position: Translator (Active) Contact: PunishedLyly#6902 (Discord) All Projects: Life with a Tail Two as One Princesses Succubus's Life in Another World About Me: I am but a humble Internet rando with an extraordinary thirst for sharing and yuri. Driven by this, I studied Japanese with nothing but the Internet as my guide. Now, I translate. So if I can do it, you can do what you want to do too. P.S. I love reading comments.

Two as One Princesses Intermission 2 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! The third week of May it is, and it’s once again time for AinCiel Monday!
Last time of AinCiel: Back at their room, our young princess asked about the unusual thing the older princess asked their landlord mom earlier. From there, they got into the topic of the older princess’ past life, with her even showing how the mystical art of “animation” worked. After talking about the “hospitals” of her old world, they reached the topic of schools.
Now then, what will happen next? Will Ain be forced to explain the more complicated intricacies of the education system? What other topics will they explore? And with “Manner of Speech” in the title, will we be delving deep into speech and linguistics?
Find out in this half of Interlude: Ain’s Past and Manner of Speech!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Intermission 2 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! It’s the second week of May, and while this may no longer be the case in certain time-zones; I wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day!
Last time of AinCiel: After deciding to keep the letter for now, our princesses then had a chat with their dear mother landlady. With the possibility of future troubles in mind, the older princess asked landlady mom if they had some sort of family crest, and to her surprise, they did. She was then handed a medallion with the crest of a white dragon, which reminded her to ask whether naming a monster could have some unintended aftereffects. Our older princess was thankfully told no, but now she will have to answer the younger princess’ curiosity.
Now then, what will happen next? How will Ain explain the idea of a cliche to Ciel? Will she even do that? And… “Ain’s Past”?… Oh boy, it seems like it’s going to be interesting this time!
Find out what’s next in this update: Ain’s Past and…!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Intermission 1 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Welcome to our first week of May! No wasting time today; story summary here we go!
Last time of AinCiel: Inside their bedroom, our princesses once again have their attention stolen by the bothersome letter. Pondering whether to just throw it through the shredder or not, they asked their newest maid for advice. After hearing the pros and cons of keeping the letter, our older princess starts concocting sinister schemes. Just in case, y’know?
Now then, what will happen next? What other topics will our princesses chat about today? Will we spend the whole day in bed today? And will it be more comfy after this?
Find out in this half of Interlude: Letter, Crest, and Naming!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Intermission 1 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! It’s the last Monday of April, and you might have noticed something different with today’s post title! From here on comes the Intermission Arc, a collection of interludes building up until the next Story Arc. Or rather, the next Book (aka Major Story Arc). I’ve noticed that it’s been tradition for AinCiel to end most of its story arcs with one or several interludes to tie up loose ends and show the different perspectives of other characters, or just provide a quick punch of catharsis, and it seems like the author has judged that we get a whole interlude arc this time, numbering not 1, not 2, and not even 3 interludes, but a total of 13 of them, lol. So, all I can say is prepare for a bit of a slowdown, different POVs, and, of course, some daily life stories from our young princesses as they spend their time preparing for their enrollment.
What will happen as they prepare? How many POV characters are we going to go through in this arc? And how much cuteness are we to expect from daily-life stories?
Time to enjoy some slice of life!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 134 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Second to the last Monday here, we’re quickly approaching May! Here we are, a new AinCiel update! (Also, I completely forgot to change part of the announcement post last update, ehe)
Last time on AinCiel: With the letter read and the context explained, our younger princesses asked if our older princess was interested in this marriage proposal. And after receiving a resounding no, she then proceeded to start trashing the letter’s sender offscreen. On the other hand, landlady mom seem to want our princesses to study at the sender’s country. Apparently, there’s someone there up to forbidden mischief that needs to be warned.
Now then, what will happen next? Will our princesses agree to this? Will they be able to go there without causing much of a fuss? And will their discussion end in this chapter?
Find out in this half of the chapter: Letter, Academy, and Decision!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 134 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! We’re on our third Monday of the month! And Monday always means a new AinCiel update!
Last time on AinCiel: Revealing black-haired older princess’ existence to the head manager, our girls safely collected the letter and returned home. There, they told landlady mom about what happened and eventually read the letter’s contents. Knowing more context than our two princesses, landlady mom and the maids were then enraged by the letter’s insinuation. It’s a marriage proposal! And not one which many can refuse!
Now then, what will happen next? Will Ain, by any chance, accept this courtship thrust onto her? Actually, what is Ciel’s reaction going to be? And how will this letter incident further develop?
Find out in this half of the chapter Summons and a Letter!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 133 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! It’s the second week of April now, and let’s go, go, go! Onto our next Monday update!
Last time on AinCiel: One late morning, our princesses headed to the guid headquarters after being told to come pick something up. Arriving after rush hour as planned, they went into the head manager’s office and were told that there was a letter addressed to a certain black-haired girl, which the head manager suspects might be related to them. However, he can’t give the letter without properly confirming that it reached the mysterious black-haired girl. After all, this mysterious letter actually came from someone of royal blood.
Now then, what will happen next? Will our girls be able to get this letter? Frankly, do they even want it? And what actually is the deal with the letter?
Find out in this half of the chapter Summons and a Letter!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 133 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Happy April 1st~! You know it’s April Fools today, so I got a very special surprise! … *You get nothing!* (Gene Wilder Willy Wonka voice)… Now then, let’s proceed to our AinCiel time!
Last time on AinCiel: Making it back to the guild, our witch lady went off to be busy with rescuing the people, while our princesses report to the guild head manager. It was rather uneventful, barring one specific question, so they went back home and told landlady mom about their adventure and the new friend they made.
Now then, what will happen next? Where will we go from here? Is this the end of our protagonists’ troubles for now? And will there be more to that mysteriously well-dressed boy in the dungeon?
Find out in this chapter: Summons and…!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 132 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! March seems to fly for me this year, but as always, Monday is always AinCiel Monday!
Last time on AinCiel: Going back to the floor with the survivors, the older princess found something curious about one of the survivors, a boy with weirdly expensive but un-adventurer-ish clothes. Our cast decided to ignore him, since he reeks of trouble, and slowly made their way up to the exit. On the way, they found that their witch lady friend was waiting for them and now the three of them slowly make their way back to the surface.
Now then, what will happen next? Will our cast leave the den within the chapter? Will there be no trouble from here on? And what more is there to be done?
Find out in the second half of The Way Back, the Boy, and Regrouping!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 132 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Monday cometh again! Only two weeks left until the end of March, but as always, here we have our weekly AinCiel!
Last time on AinCiel: Awakening right after our younger princess did, the dragon was asked for a name, which it didn’t have. With that known, our younger princess decided to make a name for our new friend. And after a small inquiry from our older princess, our new pals decided to part ways for now.
Now then, what will happen next? Will our princesses leave the den now? Will there be more surprising encounters for them? And are they finally done with trouble?
Find out in the next chapter: The Way Back, the Boy, and…!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 131 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Two weeks into March we are! And new AinCiel chapter here is now!
Last time on AinCiel: High in the sky, the younger princess and grandpa dragon have their midair performance. The younger princess caught grandpa dragon’s fire breath at one occasion, but after a few minutes, the continued battles finally took their toll, resulting to our young princess falling to the ground. Grandpa dragon gently caught her before she landed, and the older princess gave her thanks. And as the dragon decided to take a nap until our younger princess wakes up, the grateful older princess offered a lullaby as a token of her appreciation. Time passed, and the younger princess woke up.
Now then, what will happen next? Will our dragon wake up soon? How will Ciel react to knowing where she is right now? And will we have more chats with the dragon?
Find out in the second half of Magic Power Exhaustion, Dragon, and Khyturi!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 131 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! We March nao! And more importantly, AinCiel time!
Last time on AinCiel: After teaching our two young gals, grandpa dragon once again who they are and what their purpose is. And after confirming that they weren’t suspicious individuals, grandpa was blatantly disappointed that there was no battle needed to be done. Our grandpa is just bored, the poor fella. Noticing this, the younger princess asked to if they could play for a while, and the bored old dragon gladly obliged. Nothing else to do, after all.
Now then, what will happen next? Will we see a battle immediately? Will it be legendary? And will it last for the whole chapter?
Find out in the next chapter: Magic Power Exhaustion, Dragon, and…!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 130 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Last Monday of February. March is around the corner, and AinCiel day is right now~!
Last time on AinCiel: At the open-air floor, there suddenly was a dragon that burst out of the ground! The sight of it excited the younger princess, while the older was just stumped on how it even got here. Suddenly talking to them, the dragon asked them several questions and upon realising that they lack knowledge about monsters, the dragon decided to lore dump to our protagonists.
Now then, what will happen next? Will there be more exposition? Why was the dragon here, anyways? And will this end peacefully without a hitch?
Find out in this half of Gigantic Being and What a Monster is!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 130 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Jeez, it’s already the second to the last Monday of February? That’s quick. And as with other Mondays, it’s AinCiel day~!
Last time on AinCiel: After healing the unconscious survivors, our princesses sensed a powerful presence from deep in the earth quickly approaching them. While the older princess would rather run, the younger princess is quite curious about what this presence could be, so they decided to meet it at the next floor, where there aren’t any unconscious survivors that may or may not get in the way during a possible battle. So there they went to wait, on the next floor, which was surprisingly wide and open.
Now then, what will happen next? What is this massive presence? Will there be conflict with it? And will our princesses be equipped to handle it?
Find out in this chapter: Gigantic Being and… !
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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Two as One Princesses Chapter 129 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Second Monday of February, here we are! There’s no time to lose, onward to this week’s update!
Last time on AinCiel: Getting rid of the spider, our princesses went around to confirm the aftermath of the whole incident. Freeing the victims trapped within cocoons, they buried the dead and gathered the survivors to the center of the floor. And with most of them heavily injured, our older princess sang for them a healing song. The battle may have ended, but work is yet to be done.
Now then, what will happen next? Will they finish everything the must within the day? How will they transport all these people outside? And what is this ominous being mentioned by the chapter title?
Find out in this half of Work After Battle and an Approaching Being!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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