Two as One Princesses Chapter 133 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! It’s the second week of April now, and let’s go, go, go! Onto our next Monday update!
Last time on AinCiel: One late morning, our princesses headed to the guid headquarters after being told to come pick something up. Arriving after rush hour as planned, they went into the head manager’s office and were told that there was a letter addressed to a certain black-haired girl, which the head manager suspects might be related to them. However, he can’t give the letter without properly confirming that it reached the mysterious black-haired girl. After all, this mysterious letter actually came from someone of royal blood.
Now then, what will happen next? Will our girls be able to get this letter? Frankly, do they even want it? And what actually is the deal with the letter?
Find out in this half of the chapter Summons and a Letter!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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