Category Archives: Dragon Princess

Chapter 18 – My Majestic Weapon (Part 1)

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1700 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1081 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 17

Is there any Pokemon fan here who still follow the animated series? In the latest episode of Pokemon Sun and Moon, Ash has finally won the championship competition of the Alola League. Many fans had been exclaiming how Ash has finally become a league champion after 20 years of adventure, but I digress otherwise.

I don’t see the Alola League as a proper league since basically everyone is free to participate without testing their skills first, like getting 8 badges before allowing to participate in the league. I see this more like the Orange League competition and Battle Frontier, where Ash wins in both of course.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 17 «

Chapter 17 – My Breasts Should be Ample

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1855 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1200 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 16

I’m seriously gonna kill myself with bankruptcy if I keep agreeing to sponsor any more Gender Bender webnovel translation. First, it was Female Knight & Dark Elf, then followed by Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation, which will begin publication next month. And finally, The Ancestor of our Sect, which has an unknown status quo for now due to conflict with another translation group. I am allocating 100 bucks to each project per month, so that’s effectively 300 bucks monthly.

If you have the ability to, please support these projects on our Patreon page or add Re:Library to your Adblocker’s whitelist (if any). Every little bit helps ease up the torn in my pockets, thank you for your understanding and support~

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» Volume 1 Chapter 16 «

Chapter 16 – My Arrogant Ancestor

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1703 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1160 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 15

Old News, I’m sure many anime fans are already aware of this, but Shield Hero is getting 2nd and 3rd season anime adaptation! YES!!! All we can hope is that there are 24 episodes per season for a total of 48 episodes. It’d be awful if there are actually only 12 episodes per season. I’d honestly be disappointed if that’s actually the case 😛

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» Volume 1 Chapter 15 «

Chapter 15 – My Nether Region Should be Inviolable

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 2418 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1625 words

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Chapter 14 – My Tender-Hearted Clansman

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1627 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1102 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 14

Looks like it’s still too soon to jump into the 2nd phase of Project Gender Bender, tried inviting a few translators, but we either received no reply or they still prefer to make their own blog the home base. Re:Library still do not have enough presence and popularity as some of the more popular sites out there so there is no appeal to the other translators out there.

The great Gender Bender Nation I envisioned is only my dream and it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the other translators. But that doesn’t mean I’m giving up. I will continue to build the foundation together with the patrons and one day, hopefully, the translators will come flocking to Re:Library on their own accord.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 14 «

Chapter 13 – My Fervent Clansman

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1945 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1324 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 13

Aww… this chapter is so heartwarming. My rating for this novel definitely raised with this chapter. I would have been disappointed otherwise if the author took the opposite route.

Just a kind reminder, if you wish to support Project Gender Bender but do not have the capital to donate towards our cause, you can also show your support by disabling your Adblocker while reading on Re:Library. Every little bit adds up and builds a mountain 😉

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» Volume 1 Chapter 13 «

Chapter 12 – My Clansmen Ought to be Intelligent

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1865 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1256 words

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Dragon Princess Chapter 12

As Phase 2 of Project Gender Bender, I’m actually thinking of inviting other like-minded translators who do Gender Bender series like me to host on Re:Library. Thus expanding our selection of Gender Bender webnovel and bringing us one step closer to the Gender Bender Haven we all desired.

One of the translators I’m thinking of inviting is Estelion Mamoritai who does Wiseman, Game Addict, and Afternoon Nap, but I seem to recall Estelion Mamoritai being a machine translator with bad English skills, that’s half of the reason why I stopped reading Afternoon Nap and refrained myself from reading Game Addict.

If I am to invite Estelion Mamoritai, I believe there is a need to hire dedicated translation checker and editor to manage his work before we can publish them on Re:Library. That seems like a lot of work and investment in itself, considering how many unedited chapters had Estelion Mamoritai already published. 😬

What do you think, should I make the call to invite Estelion Mamoritai or nay?

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» Volume 1 Chapter 12 «

Dragon Princess Chapter 11

Readers of Dragon Princess, in case you haven’t already been informed, a new Japanese Gender Bender novel will be published on 1st September. You can find the novel page and synopsis in the following link:
The Life of a Female Knight and Dark Elf

Please look forward to it.

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» Volume 1 Chapter 11 «

Chapter 11 – Perfect Sculpture

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Author: We Ain’t Not Fish Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 1405 characters
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 887 words

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