Category Archives: Demon Sword Maiden

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 29

The answer to the thoughts of the day last week; what’s the biggest taboo for a translator? I’ve gotten a lot of interesting answers and the taboo varies from person to person.

But personally, to me, I think the biggest taboo for a translator has to be indulging in reading a novel or manga. Whenever I picked up a new series to read and get attached to it, I’d forgo everything else and indulge myself in reading throughout the days and weeks until I finally finish all the chapters. That includes my full-time work, translating, and even sleep.

When I picked up a new novel to read, I always find myself reading EVERYWHERE, literally everywhere, when I’m in the car, at work, at home, at a restaurant, at a party, in a meeting, and even on the bed. It be like I’m totally possessed by something that propels me to read until the end as soon as possible.

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Chapter 29 First Battle: One vs Four

Chapter 29 – First Battle: One vs. Four

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 29 – First Battle: One vs. Four

Chapter 28 – Trap

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 28 – Trap

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 28

Hm… anyone interested in taking up the role of managing the Wiki page of Demon Sword Maiden? You can find the syntax for the infobox in this link, use that when you’re creating a new page for characters and don’t forget to add the categories so that they will appear in the appropriate category page.

Thoughts of the day:
Do you know what’s the biggest taboo for a translator?

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Chapter 28 Trap

Chapter 27 – Archery, Horsemanship, and Taro

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 27 – Archery, Horsemanship, and Taro

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 27

Is everyone out there surfing the web safely? Did you check the site’s reputation first before visiting it for the first time? No? Don’t worry, WOT Web of Trust has you covered! It can protect you from potentially harmful sites and let you check if a website is safe before you reach it.

It is not completely foolproof since the site’s reputation is mostly rated by its hundreds of thousands of users, but at the very least, you can view the site’s reputation as rated by the users before accessing it.

WOT Services have saved me from accessing harmful (virus/scam) sites on several occasions and let me know what to expect when visiting new sites for the first time. So why am I telling you this now? Of course, it’s because I wish you’d download the extension/app and rate Re:Library on WOT 😉

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Chapter 27 Archery, Horsemanship, and Taro

Chapter 26 – Slicing Teacup

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 26 – Slicing Teacup

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 26

Chinese New Year turned out to be as busy as expected, glad I translated these chapters ahead of time and scheduled them sparsely.

By the way, did you guys know we have Facebook Facebook, Twitter Twitter, and Discord Discord channel just around the corner? If you prefer to receive updates from sources other than email and NovelUpdates, you can always follow us on Facebook or Twitter, and yes, you can also receive RSS-feeds from our official Discord Server.

These icons ( Facebook   Twitter  Discord ) can be found right at the footer of Re:Library.

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Chapter 26 Slicing Teacup

Chapter 25 – Lily’s “Protest”

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 25 – Lily’s “Protest”

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 25

When I first published some chapters on Patreon, I never really expected to receive anything… but lo and behold, I now have 18 patrons and 3 of them became my patron purely out of goodwill. That was really unexpected, I honestly thought that 1 or 2 patrons were already a lot.

I can’t thank you guys enough for your generosity by becoming my patrons. Though I did say that I’m not doing this for money and I won’t be taking any donations for sponsored chapters, but hey, every little bit of money is always good for motivation boost! Of course, money is important, but your likes and comments give me just as much of a motivation boost.

You won’t believe how many times I visited the site just to check on the comments and likes every time I just published a chapter. It’s enough to make me go into the red with my mobile data.

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Chapter 25 – Lily’s Protest

Chapter 24 – The Arrival of Hojo

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 24 – The Arrival of Hojo

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 24

Have you ever been in an awkward situation due to your tone of voice? When I speak in English, I always have this slightly deeper tone due to a force of habit, but when I am speaking Chinese, I am using my natural tone, which as my friend describes; an angelic voice. I remember one day during High School, my natural voice came out when I called for the waitress, and all my friends were looking at me as though they were shocked.

They kept praising my voice and told me to use that tone to speak to them more often, but I involuntarily switched back to my default English tone right after that and the whole situation turned very awkward until we returned to class. I mean, I can’t help it alright, it’s totally out of my control xD

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Chapter 24 – Arrival of Hojo

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 23

Well, the first day on Ziru’s Musings turned out to be quite the disaster ^^’
I forgot to double check the timezone and ended up scheduling the chapter release on Ziru’s Musings 1 day later than the intended date. The end result was that all of you were left hanging for up to 8 hours. But anyway, enough of the gloomy stuff, it’s Chinese New Year!!

Yes, today is the start of the New Year celebration for the Chinese. It is a joyous day, but also the busiest day for us Chinese. For you English natives, Christmas is the biggest event, but for us Chinese, it is the Lunar New Year. So with that said, you should probably expect a slower release during the New Year celebration.

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Chapter 23 – Sudden Strength Gain (Part 2)

P.S. Oh and I’ve disabled comment on Ziru’s Musings because I think it is better to have a centralized comment section. Don’t worry though, I’ve made a redirect link that’d bring you directly to the comment section of respective chapters on Re:Library so it wouldn’t be too much of an inconvenience.

Chapter 22 – Sudden Strength Gain (Part 1)

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 22 – Sudden Strength Gain (Part 1)

Chapter 23 – Sudden Strength Gain (Part 2)

Author: Luo Jiang Shen Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Silva English Source: Re:Library

Continue reading Chapter 23 – Sudden Strength Gain (Part 2)