All posts by rm31439

Levelmaker Chapter 211 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
Last time, Karua went to visit our protagonists and got a taste of modern entertainment. What will they do with the rest of the day?

I made some fixes to past chapters, mainly the parts in early chapters where I wasn’t sure if this “Start Quest” was a game of the first quest of some game. I also fixed a bigger translation error in chapter 113 and modified my explanation of what (probably) happpened in chapter 114 due to information from the retranslated chapter 4.

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Levelmaker Chapter 211 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
After those seven rather dark chapters focusing on the isekai’d kids, it’s time to go back to Alim and Mika.

Chapters 45 and 46 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapters 47 to 49 will be updated shortly after this is posted. With this, all old chapters up to Fenderson’s part have been retranslated, which should, hopefully, make fewer people run away screaming, when they read those earlier chapters.

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Levelmaker Chapter 210

New Chapter!
Last time, Kanata and Sakura found out that they were summoned to fight some unspecified foe, and they’re given no choice in the matter. Could the special abilities that the god gave them offer a way out?

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Levelmaker Chapter 209

New Chapter!
Last time, Kanata and Sakura decided to go with Loukis, the man in gaudy clothing, and were about to get some explanations.

Chapters 43 and 44 have been retranslated.

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Levelmaker Chapter 208

New Chapter!
Last time, Shuu fought some goblins and then secured a questionable means of transportations. Now it’s time to find out what happened to Alim and Mika’s siblings.

Edit since I forgot add it yesterday: Chapters 39 to 42 have been retranslated.

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Levelmaker Chapter 207

New Chapter!
The kids are gone, but there are tracks and there probably isn’t enough room for all those guards to ride on the carriage, so maybe he’ll catch up to them?

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Levelmaker Chapter 206

New Chapter!
Last time, Shuu found out that he and the two kids were summoned to another world. Will he be able to meet up with them, or are they long gone after he spent so much time reading the status screen’s explanation?

Chapters 35 to 37 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapter 38 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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Levelmaker Chapter 205

New Chapter!
Last time, we switched to a new set of protagonists and they just narrowly survived a drop from the sky. How will they fare in this strange world compared to Alim and Mika?

Chapters 31 to 34 have been retranslated.

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Levelmaker Chapter 204

New Chapter!
Do you remember Alim’s best fried and his brother and Mika’s sister being isekai’d back in volume 7? I wonder what happened after they were swallowed up by that magic circle…

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Levelmaker Chapter 203

New Chapter!
Looks like it’s finally time to powerlevel the royals! But what’s that about this northern country?

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Levelmaker Chapter 202

New Chapter!
Rose has left the house (though not before being outfittet with a set of equippment that’s likely worth more than the treasury of a small country). I guess Alim and Mika are on their own again, but wasn’t there some promise with Karua and Seinforce way back in volume 6?

Chapters 27 and 28 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapters 29 and 30 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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Levelmaker Chapter 201

New Chapter!
Last time, a former dragon became the latest victim of Alim’s crazyness. Now, it’s time to get her ready for her life as an adventurer.

Chapters 25 and 26 have been retranslated.

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Levelmaker Chapter 200

New Chapter!
Last time, our prospective new party member decided not to join the party, after all, and find her own path instead. Of course, Alim wouldn’t be Alim if he were not to force a ton of OP stuff onto her before that.

Chapters 23 and 24 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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Levelmaker Chapter 199

New Chapter!
Last time, our prospective new party member decided to partake in some autophagy. Let’s see how she reacts to Alim’s divine cooking skill.

Chapters 21 and 22 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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Levelmaker Chapter 198

New Chapter!
Last time, we got ourselves a new (prospective) party member. Let’s see, how reacts to the utter madness that is Alim’s and Mika’s everyday life.

Chapters 16 and 17 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapters 18 to 20 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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