Category Archives: Chitanda’s Reincarnation Guide

Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide Chapter 8

New Chapter!

Chapter 8 done. Don’t forget to comment if you have one.

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» Chapter 8 «

Chapter 8: Anthology

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2824 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1716 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide Chapter 7

New Chapter!

Chapter 7 done. My past self translated this well, so the proofreading was speedy as well. On top of that, it is more impactful if you remember what happened in chapter 6, so I released this immediately.

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» Chapter 7 «

Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2154 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1218 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide Chapter 6

New Chapter!

Here’s chapter 6. Sorry for the late release.

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» Chapter 6 «

Chapter 6: Fight

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2377 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1459 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide Chapter 5

New Chapter!

The last post was supposed to be sent last Monday, but for some reason, it ended up as a draft. I don’t want to bother rewriting it, so I will just pretend it was sent last week.

After doing QC in this chapter, I just remembered that I didn’t tell why I tried this webnovel in the first place.

It was recommended in the discord server of re:library, and it was said that the author seem to know business, because the business in the novel is good, so I gave it a try. That’s the only reason I gave it a try tbh.

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» Chapter 5 «

Chapter 5: Father and Daughter

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2222 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1343 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide Chapter 1-4

New Chapter!

Hey, this is Richie. Last year on August, a Chinese series that was recommended in the discord server took my interest, it is called Chitanda’s Ultra Difficult Reincarnation Guide. However, after how I got stuck with MMO Junkie because the story wasn’t what I expected, I decided to translate enough until I know whether I want to be its translator or not. After a certain chapter, I decided that I don’t want to continue translating it.

However, the story isn’t bad, it is just a matter of preference. It isn’t a masterpiece, but I can imagine someone liking it. So, I decided to upload the chapters that I have translated, 12 chapters. This is also why the series is marked a teaser.

I was so focused on pushing this out ASAP that I only notice that this didn’t have an NU series page yet (I have submitted one, so you don’t need to do it anymore.), nor have I made any post regarding these new chapters, so I made one post that announce four new chapters at once. Sorry for the late announcement, and enjoy.

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» First Chapter «

Chapter 4: Birthday

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2139 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1377 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Chapter 3: Kirisaki

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2427 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1538 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Chapter 2: Meeting

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2092 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1361 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Chapter 1: Early Morning

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Author: Achoo Germs Original Source: SFACG Character Count: 2186 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1505 words
Editor(s): Richie

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Coming Soon

coming soon

Volume 1