All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 172

My shelf was almost too small for her.
And I need to reorganise my entire room to fit the other things I have on preorder now.


Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 15 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 171

It’s 6am currently.
I am trying to stay awake.
I came back to my room after getting a drink from the kitchen and almost walked straight into a spider hanging from my ceiling. While I was trying to work out how to catch it, it landed on my bed!
I managed to remove it afterwards but recently I’ve been having so many encounters with spiders in my room that I’m starting to get a bit traumatised.

Don’t wanna sleep!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 14 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 170

As you are reading this, my Ereshkigal figure should finally be arriving at my door.
I am much hyped.
Prepare to read about how much I am in love with it tomorrow.

Also the vote results are in for an overwhelming majority!
Maiden of the Cursed Blade won.
We’ll be refering to Lily as a Cursed Blade Maiden from here on out, and the blades themselves are now Cursed instead of Phantom.
It had almost twice as many votes as the the next most popular answer! Yabai desu ne.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 13 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 61

This chapter isn’t focused on cooking!
It’s a miracle! Maybe the story will progress?
Or is that too much to ask?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 61 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 60

We got some new regular readers recently. They’ve been commenting a lot too. Replied to some.
I had a good laugh over the Illegal Oneechan stuff again. Oh that was great.

Started reading an isekai recently…can you call it that?
The MC’s spaceship crashes on a fantasy world.
Well guess what…it turns into a bloody cuisine adventure too!
What is it with Japan and food?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 60 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 169

Been farming a lot on FGO, got some stuff done.
Ereshkigal is one stop closer to being delivered.
Bought another Light Novel.
Watched some random Chinese anime from years ago to get it off my Plan To Watch list.
Made some more jokes.
The usual stuff.


Name Change

Blade Maiden
Sword Maiden
Katana Maiden
Cursed Blade Maiden
Cursed Sword Maiden
Cursed Katana Maiden
Maiden of the Cursed Blade
Please Specify:

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 14 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 168

Make sure to remember to vote on the name change! Also we now have a full explanation from the human who did the translating!

The author has done extensive research on Japanese history and folklore for this novel. The previous translators weren’t proficient enough in both Chinese and Japanese to catch onto some subtle stuff. They just went with what the hanzi represented as they believed that’s what the characters meant.

There was a major reason I implemented this change here and that’s to conform with the author’s actual intent behind the title. Now, 妖刀姬 are the characters. In Japanese, this becomes Youtou-hime (lit. Cursed Blade Princess). There are multiple reasons I used Cursed Blade for 妖刀 (Youtou) here. First, let’s deal with ‘Blade’. Since it’s already established that it’s a Katana, using ‘Blade’ is a better choice since swords are typically double-edged and also don’t really give an Eastern feel.

Let’s get to ‘Cursed’ now. The author has already mentioned this before in the novel that these blades aren’t actually demonic, or in any way related to demons. This is the major reason I wanted to clear away this ‘stigma’ of demon which somehow got attached because of a mistranslation by the first translator. Now, there are other reasons too. As I previously mentioned, there’s a heavy influence of Japanese folklore and history in the novel.

The correct translation, ‘Cursed,’ really changes the entire dynamic here. A lot of things make sense. Why Michizane looked sad when he looked at MC. Why these maidens are so respected (Yes, they are more respected than feared precisely because they wield cursed blades). Also, 妖刀 is clearly inspired from blades like 妖刀村正 (Cursed Blade Muramasa). Note that some have translated it as Demon Blade Muramasa too, but that’s not exactly accurate.

To quote from Muramasa’s Wikipedia article –

Furthermore, in lore and popular culture from the 18th century, the swords have been regarded as yōtō (妖刀, “cursed katana”).

“In popular culture, Muramasa swords have been often depicted as cursed swords with demonic powers. Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook said that Muramasa “was a most skillful smith but a violent and ill-balanced mind verging on madness, that was supposed to have passed into his blades. They were popularly believed to hunger for blood and to impel their warrior to commit murder or suicide.” It has also been told that once drawn, a Muramasa blade has to draw blood before it can be returned to its scabbard, even to the point of forcing its wielder to wound himself or commit suicide. Thus, it is thought of as a demonic cursed blade that creates bloodlust in those who wield it.”

If you read it carefully and understand the essence of the words, it’s because they are cursed blades that we consider them demonic, not vice versa. If I keep using Demon Sword/Demon Blade, that isn’t accurate, nor does it convey the author’s intent properly and also doesn’t do justice to the series. It might even mess up story elements later on as author clearly has done his research. While Demon Sword Maiden isn’t exactly a wrong title, it’s misinterprets a very crucial plot element that’s the core of the entire series. A title is very important and much thought was put into this decision so I hope you can understand this was not an abrupt move.

Honestly, my first and foremost suggestion was only Cursed Blade Maiden. All the other choices came up after discussing with Silva and Robinxen. Now, I could sit down and keep trying to persuade you, but there’s no point in that. I just wanted to comment since I don’t have permissions to edit the post yet and wished for the others to know why we made such a decision. Just know that I’m looking at the big picture when deciding this and not just the surface of things.

Continue reading Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 168

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 167

So if you’ve been following me for a while you’ve probably been wondering.
“Why hasn’t he mentioned the new FGO event?!”

Well to tell you the truth I’ve like mostly skipped it. Only started doing it like yesterday.
I managed to unlock Sieg though so I’m just going to throw myself at the ladder now.
Basically I had no interest in the raids so I’m only playing for the shop and ladder.

Any tips on three turning that Altar node? I’ll be giving it a crack when this goes live.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 12 «

Important Links:

Name Change

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 166

So the site hit 3000 pages today! That’s a big number!
Well when you think about the number of novels we have, the number of chapters they have and each of the posts we make it adds up.
Still it’s very impressive!

On the subject of big numbers, we also breached the 1 million views mark for last month!
Too bad our ad earnings sucked because of Corona.
Cursed virus ruining my plans to suck up gacha funds……

What? I didn’t say anything.
Continue reading Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 166

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 59

I started reading a manga today, not one of my usual ones.
Normally I wouldn’t read something like it but it’s kind of along the lines of Darwins Game.
It’s one of those ones that’s more gritty than I prefer but the writing is good enough to keep me going.

I can’t even remember the name now.
But it’s basically about a sociopath getting isekaid and having to clear challenges alongside some teammates.
I’d enjoy it more if there was some romance but I can understand why it wasn’t included narratively.

Well, it’s not my usual thing, I’ll probably drop it soon.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 59 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 58

My Ereshkigal figure arrived in the UK a few days ago now, but there’s still no news on its location.
I hope it gets delivered soon, it’s been over a year since I ordered it.
The prices are starting to rack up now.
The figure price, shipping cost…import fees soon too probably!

And I’m an idiot who’s been spending a fortune on Light Novels recently instead of saving to pay for such things.
Not to mention the gacha funds I’ll need soon for Fate!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 58 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 165

I’ve been reading a lot of Light Novels again lately.
Lazy Dungeon Master, Realist Hero, Reborn as a Typical Nobody.
I still have a backlog of Der Werwolf, Altina and Ms Elf.
Altina is a super high priority since I need to do my long overdue Volume 3 review.

Typical Nobody was…a let down to say the least. Almost abysmal.
It was like reading a poorly made web novel just printed onto paper.
Even the waifu bait game was weak.

So my request today is to suggest me some strong waifu bait light novels!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 10 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 164

For some reason recently I’ve found myself watching Kerbal Space Program videos.
Honestly that game is really cool in concept but I never managed to have any fun with it when I played it.

I think it’s just too technical for me.
That type of game would appeal to me for it’s fantastical elements, building a space station, setting up colonies and breaking new ground.
But KSP at its heart is a simulator rather than a narrative driver.

Which is why I like these youtube series where people set up a self contained narrative with their own ministories.
Though I have yet to find a series that goes all in on the narrative aspect.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 9 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 163

Fun fact: I was born in 1997.

Also have you been watching Bakarina?
The recent episode was pretty fun.

8th Son is being a fire pit disaster.

How is Princess Connects anime doing? It’s still on my Plan To Watch list, haven’t got round to it.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 8 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 162

So I’ve been scheduling these posts for a while now.
And every time I organise the chapter order I scroll to the bottom of the “Demon Sword Maiden” dropdown.
But this means scrolling over 150 chapters now and it’s a real pain.

I really need to remember the method to search for a specific page instead of a their parent page.
But I’m too lazy to search.

Anyway these two chapters were hell to edit and I’m really not satisfied with my results but if I spend any longer on them I might go insane.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 7 «