All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 240

I hoped nobody awakened any new preferences last chapter.
I don’t want to be held responsible.
If you really must try it out make sure it’s done with consent okay?

Anyway moving on to todays chapter that I totally didn’t almost forget to schedule.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 85 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 239

My replacement computer part is STILL in America.
Curse you pandemic shipping delays.
I find it really funny though because it keeps going back and forth between Ohio and Kentucky.
I forgot Kentucky was a real state.
You only ever encounter that word in KFC over here in the UK.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 84 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 238

The adventures of Dungeons and Dragons continued today…
Lucien was useless.
It was the first major fight against evil, my heroic knight should have shined!
But he missed BOTH attacks and then the rogue backstabbed the sucker and he fell flat dead.

Remember to join me every Sunday for likewise adventures of uselessness on the Hint_Plays twitch channel.
We currently play three different games every Sunday on rotation.
I currently participate in Swords of Slaughterdeep (which is AD&D) and Crimson Skies: Tales of Bad Debt (which is a sort of homebrewed Savage Worlds).

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 83 «

Blue Sky Chapter 16

So compared to all the other novels I schedule Blue Sky by far has the shortest title, not just in character count but word count too.
That wouldn’t be worth mentioning if it wasn’t for the fact that every time I go to schedule it I almost always leave the template post title in slightly.
I’m not sure why though. Maybe it’s worded differently to the others.

But I almost always leave a Blue Sky Post Chapter XX type thing there.
It’s weird okay.
Worth mentioning.

So apparently wordpress failed to post this on time and didn’t notify me! What the hell site!
Anyway chapter was up hours ago, it just never got put in the feed.

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» Chapter 16 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 95

So the title for this chapter is A Trouble After a Long While.
And that made me think right.
She’s basically never not in trouble. The last time she was in trouble was barely a few chapters ago.
Did I miss something?
Well I’m not reading this novel beyond quick edits so probably…
Also it could refer to specific trouble that has returned.

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» Chapter 95 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 94

Words words words.
So Crusader Kings 3 released.
Seems pretty popular.
Baldurs Gate 3 releases at the end of the month too.

Half Life 3 confirmed?

Also at the end of this month Tears of Avia will release finally, so looking forward to that. You should check it out.

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» Chapter 94 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 237

Recently, as a result of my laptop usage and lack of gaming I have been sitting in my chair a different way than usual.
This is because I normally lean on one of the arms of the chair while gaming, however sit in the chair straight when typing. As I have been typing almost exclusively this has led to the way I sit changing…and as a result my back freaking hurts!
Damn it hurts!
It’s basically always hunched because this chair sucks and I have to sit that way to type!

Ah man this is awful.

Also this chapter is uhm….prime .5 material.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 82 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 236

So thanks to Fana, the newly crowned Queen of ReLibrary, the entire website has no moved to a dedicated superfast server! Or something like that.
I’m not really sure what that means to be honest!
It might reduce loading times…

But that also requires Silva to fix the nightmare mess of plugins this website actually uses so who knows!
Well I certainly don’t know!
But it’s cool none the less!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 81 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 235

It’s 5am. It’s so late.
So following on from the earlier news of Aloe retiring.
I decided to buy the 5th Gen shirt just to commemorate her existence.
Although it’s sad to see her go, at least there is some small record of her presence.

Moreover they’re going to be the only merchandise Aloe ever partakes in.
Who knows if the internet will archive her streams.
Ah this is making me sad again.

Also sorry about the random chapter ping. I forgot to change the month on the scheduling and accidentally scheduled for the 1st of August instead of September. Doh.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 80 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 234

So Mano Aloe has formally retired from Hololive 5th Gen after a two week suspension.
I really feel sorry for the girl after making it through those auditions to lose her spot because some prats on the internet doxxed her.
I really hope she can recover and find something else in life. Or else this will become a painful stabbing regret for her.

Also to those internet people. I hate you.

Side Note: The giveaway event is now officially over, we will be selecting the winners over the next few days and announce the result soon-ish. The winners will get a private message in the respective social media platforms, so please make sure to check your private messages in a few days time.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 79 «

Blue Sky Chapter 15

Just one week until my PCs replacement part arrives and then I will be able to enjoy my games again!
With my newly upgraded GPU and an extra terrabyte of storage space!
I’m mighty excited to see everything return to working order.
Though I’m a little nervous about cloning a hard drive for the first time I doubt I can screw that up haha.

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» Chapter 15 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 93

I’ve fallen.
I surrendered.
After about two weeks of constant vtuber exposure I finally caved.
All it took was Lamy’s morning streams becoming part of my regular schedule.

And then Aki and Rushia’s existence.
I fell.
I have membership with AkiRose’s and Rushia’s channels.

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» Chapter 93 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 92

So I actually scheduled the chapters backwards oops haha.
I put 93 and 92 the wrong way round in my tabs so I ended up thinking I was scheduling 93 and 94.
I had to go back and edit the post times for 93 so I could fit this 92 before it.
Silly mistake.
I blame working from my laptop!

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» Chapter 92 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 233

I’ve started trying to learn Japanese again. I gave up after a month last time I tried but maybe I will be able to keep my motivation this time?
I thought I’d have to start from scratch but after a quick refresher I found I remembered more than I expected so I should be able to cover my lost ground in a day or two then start to continue from where I left off.

I’m still not overly optimistic on my chances since I’m a very result dependent person and learning languages doesn’t show it’s results until way later.

Any tips would be helpful I guess? But mostly I just need to battle through myself.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 78 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 232

I was hoping my computer would be on the road to recovery by today but there’s been no news. It looks like I will be waiting one or two more weeks for this to be finished and allow me to finally return the realm of gaming and scheduling these chapters comfortably.

My laptop screen is so small!

But there’s been no news from the guy about recovering the data on my first drive, and I need to order a part from America to do the same on the second drive haha. So the delays will add up and I probably won’t be returning shortly. Which majorly sucks.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 77 «