All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 399

WordPress is apparently getting some update or something and it keeps giving me an info popup for it, but the popup is highlighted orange so every time I see it I have a small panic that I screwed something up until I read the text.

The new patch for Final Fantasy XIV is live now.
Well live for you guys, I’m still in the middle of downtime as I schedule this.

When you are reading this I’ll either be eating dinner, doing dwarf quests or indulging in my lust for juicy plot.
Seriously I love me some hardcore story.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 3 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 398

Caught up on Magical Index Genesis last night.
The latest volume had some strong moments, and I especially loved how it developed the Sisters, but overall I found it one of the weaker volumes.
Obviously that doesn’t say much when you’re comparing 50+ volumes and you can’t always expect the same hype as the finales.

However I do think that this volume was about as weak as the early volumes of the previous two testaments, as well as the Rejecter arc.
Good moments, but flimsy over all.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 2 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 397

We’ve arrived at Volume 4!

I believe we started Volume 3 sometime before Christmas last year, that means it’s been well over six months of consistent publications and the christmas spam to get us this far!
As we enter the next phase of Lily’s adventure I’d like to thank all of you for reading with us!
And a hello to any binge readers who just caught up (or are half way through depending on when you reach here) with a strong thanks for coming this far too!

Welp, sappy generic stuff aside.
I look forward to sharing more rambles with you in the future!
And I even got a new project on this site to publish for.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 396

The music I use as background noise while editing has been copyright claimed and removed.
It has made me really sad.

I will have to go find something else that has the right level of pace and tension without interfering with my focus.
Although to be honest almost anything would work once I got used to it.
I have changed song several times already as I got bored of them after all.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 121 «

Blue Sky Chapter 87

Oh right I forgot to add.
Translator decided to rename this arc Unification over Discharge.
There was probably some Korean wordplay at work or something.

Unification fits the overall theme and development of the game world in this plot arc, while discharge is obviously a reference to a specific event within the real world side of things.

Personally I’m more of a fan of Discharge but the lord translator has spoketh. Unification it is.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 87 «

Blue Sky Chapter 86

First bonus catchup chapter!

Today I reached Level 80 on my Alchemist in Final Fantasy.
I wanted to raise it to 80 because my friend is about to reach 80 on their Scholar.

So I thought it’d be pretty fun to craft them a level 80 weapon to use.
I quickly realised that I was actually rather dumb.
Even though I am 80 now, I don’t have the recipes for level 80 weapons. Or the gear to craft level 80 weapons. Or the upgraded tool for level 80.

Basically I’m not able to craft anything I want to craft.
I should have just bought a level 80 weapon on the market rather than wanting to have my name tag in the crafted section.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 86 «

Blue Sky Chapter 85

Hello mortals, humans, immortals, aliens and lizard people and conspiracy theorists and politicians.

The second bout of good news I have for you all is this!
We have two bonus chapters today. Hurray!

Well I say two bonus chapters, and I’d like to claim they are a bonus to celebrate my recent birthday which is very exciting right?
But it’s actually because I got told that I need to catch up to the schedule because I forgot about two chapters that while back if you remember.
But we can all pretend this is a birthday bonus right?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 85 «

Blue Sky Chapter 84

Good news everyone!
Actually two pieces of good news!

The first piece of good news is that I’ve been given another novel to publish here on this site!
So I thought I’d finally get the freedom to relax a bit more and then I was given more work.

Well it’s still less work than before in a way but it’s more work.
On the plus side you guys get to read more of my rambles.
On the down side I need to come up with more interesting rambles

Part 2 of the good news in the next ramble. Gotta economise guys.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 84 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 395

It’s my birthday tomorrow.

That’s it.
That’s the ramble.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 120 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 394

My PC has now been upgraded!
It was costly. And then windows decided to throw a fit.
I know I replaced basically every internal component but you have online activation exactly for this scenario but even that died!
Seriously it was a nightmare.

Anyway it’s pretty much done now, I just need to adjust a fan slightly because it got knocked in assembly and is rubbing the case slightly. Nothing damaging it just makes a louder noise than normal and it’s irritating.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 119 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 393

I forgot to mention it last chapter ramble but it’s my birthday soon.
Like really soon.
Like I didn’t even realise it was my birthday soon and then it snuck up on me again when I forgot it was my birthday soon until I saw the date.

Like “Oh darn my birthday is this month.”
“Blimey it’s my birthday in two days!”

Obviously not in that really awful and stereotyped delivery though.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 392

It’s 5am and I should really be getting in bed because I have to wake up in four hours in order to take my PC down the shop.
Yes, it is finally time to get my complete overhaul upgrade!

I would do it myself but I’m sort of paranoid after that time I fried my hard drives replacing my PSU.
Hopefully very soon I’ll be sporting a Ryzen 5 5600X and 32GB of ram.
Hopefully very very soon.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 117 «

Blue Sky Chapter 83

I’m editing and scheduling these chapters for today while watching the Final Fantasy Fan Festival.
Currently it’s the cosplay competition.

They’re talking about the character creation process while analysing someone’s Fandaniel cosplay.
Honestly some of the cosplays are very impressive.
Though I do wish to know how they handpicked these finalists. The quality level is all over the place.
But it is good fun to see.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 83 «

Blue Sky Chapter 82

And so Not Sure, Another World has come to an end.
It’s not related but I figure I should mention it here too.

But I uploaded one of the many draft chapters I have for novel concepts I put together once in while.
I have so many on my computer that I work on, plan for, start writing then start working on a different one…
This is one which I actually wrote a “chapter” for though, so as a bonus I decided to share it on the site.

You can find the link on the last Another World post if you’re interested.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 82 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 143 Part 2

This is the final post I will be making for Not Sure, Another World.
With this we are caught up and there’s no more for us to go.

Translators are moving on, so it’s unknown if and when any future chapters will get translated if the author decides to release another at random.
There’s obviously no way to move into the light novel either.

At this point you best start seeking something to fill the void in your heart.
If you’ve fallen in love with my pre-chapter rambles then you can continue to get your weekly doses of me by reading Blue Sky and Demon Sword Maiden.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading on ReLibrary!

As an added bonus for this release and totally not because I forgot my original plan and threw together an emergency replacement, I’ve decided to upload an abandoned early draft from a novel concept I had based on several characters from a roleplaying game. A lot of it is references and a heavy dose of self insert wish fulfilment given its point of origin.
I initially wrote three chapters for this original novel, though only two reached anything close to presentable.
The chapter I’ve uploaded is actually my second attempt at writing my third draft for how this novel would have started, after going through different iterations. Most notably, switching from first person to third person in the second draft. And then switching the starting point of the story from the “start” to somewhere closer to the middle of my original plot. I also planned another draft (technically timeline wise that would have been the third) but ended up scrapping it before starting on it because I couldn’t work out how to introduce the characters needed for that starting point.
The chapter is extremely rough and a lot of the details are glossed over because I never intended for anyone but me to read it, however I hope it provides some amusement and entertainment.

Who knows, maybe I’ll release the second chapter I partially wrote too if I ever need a filler bonus.

One last time, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading on ReLibrary!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 143 Part 2 «

» Robinxen’s Unrelated Original Novel Chapter Draft «