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Chapter 68 – Foster Father’s Research

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

After school, we headed to the old library, a place we hadn’t visited in a while. Although the middle school had a spacious library, we needed to visit the older library today because it had a larger collection of books.

I was here to investigate the research of my past life’s foster father, Fail Dimelia.

Since my time as Glass, I had deliberately avoided anything other than alchemical knowledge necessary for survival. Ironically, it was due to contracting the Black Stone Disease that I couldn’t help but get involved in the same homunculus research. If it weren’t for that, I would have kept my distance from my foster father’s research as much as possible.

Yet, that very fear might be the cause of the inexplicable terror I felt. Despite having killed that foster father with my own hands long ago and being reincarnated as Leafa, the fear kept resurfacing, perhaps because of that.

I was scared because I didn’t know.

That was my conclusion. However, diving straight into Fail Dimelia’s research would seem unnatural, so I decided to use the excuse of the third-class alchemy certification exam.

Since the third-class exam consisted only of a written test, as long as I glanced through past questions and model answers, I should be able to pass without any problems. It was precisely because the questions were so simple for me that I needed to prepare for the exam, to avoid overthinking and delving too deeply, like I did in kindergarten.

At the old library, the same librarian as before sat at the lending counter, welcoming us with a smile.

I had assumed that Fail Dimelia’s research would be in the closed stacks from that era, so I asked the librarian for homunculus-related books under the pretext of preparing for the third-class alchemy certification exam and reviewing the alchemy class elective. I subtly mixed Fail’s name among other researchers’ names.

“Miss Leafa, can I have a moment?”

Being stopped by the librarian woman was unusual, so I tensed slightly. Was it too obvious to ask for books related to Fail?

“For the third-class alchemy certification exam, wouldn’t it be better to look at materials from the past five years?”

Oh, was she referring to that? As I thought, it was the best move to hide the true purpose among other things. I should continue to be thorough about it.

After pretending to ponder the librarian’s question for a moment, I replied confidently like a child.

“Well, if I’m going to take the exam, I definitely want to pass, so if there are any in the closed stacks, I’d like to start with the older ones, please.”
“Of course. Since the older ones might have different trends compared to the current exam questions, I’ll make sure to choose responsibly.”

The librarian’s gentle smile suggested she had quite deep knowledge about books. Coming here was definitely a good decision.

The librarian promptly gathered the books I requested, and within an hour, she delivered them to me as I studied across from Alfe.

“…Are you going to take the third-class alchemy certification exam?”
“Mr. Lionel specifically recommended it, and it’s likely to be useful in the future.”

I arranged several books on the desk, being careful not to attract Alfe’s attention. Fail Dimelia’s research was only briefly mentioned in books shared with other alchemists. There were also copies of papers, but I told the librarian not to bring them, as they were probably irrelevant.

Now, I needed to focus and review the past questions for the third-class alchemy certification exam while keeping Fail’s research in mind. To divert Alfe’s attention, I should first show that I’m focusing on exam preparation. Alfe shouldn’t even know about Fail, not even his name.

“Alfe, I’m going to focus on exam preparation now, so if I don’t respond, please don’t mind, okay?”
“Yeah. I’ll be studying for tomorrow’s magic class, so it’s okay.”

Alfe, unaware of my inner thoughts, smiled and opened her magic textbook and notebook. In her notebook, alongside her lovely handwriting, were designs resembling the crystal orb she showed me earlier, containing stars and shooting stars.

“Let’s do our best together.”

Even though we were doing different things, it was still “together,” I suppose. Without dwelling on the details, I nodded and began solving the past questions for the third-class alchemy certification exam.

Question 1: Explain the difference between a potion and an elixir.

A potion is a general term for medicine used to treat injuries. It is a salve and applied to wounds to take effect. An elixir is a general term for medicine used to treat illnesses or poisons. It must be ingested to take effect, as it works on internal tissues and natural healing powers.

Question 2: Provide the name of the invention that incorporates the magic “Machina Aura,” which amplifies the ether created by Sage Salai, into alchemy.

The answer is the magic furnace.

I knew it would be easy, but I didn’t expect it to be this easy…

The magic furnace was a precision magical device designed as the main engine for mecha soldiers. Including that detail might be acceptable in the answer, but it was likely knowledge for second-class or higher.

It was fascinating to ponder what inspired the hero, Sage Salai, who developed mecha soldiers and after whom this school was named, to invent such a weapon eight hundred years ago. I should read the explanatory collection the librarian found for me later.

It seemed like this knowledge wasn’t just for exam preparation but also useful for students attending St. Salaius Kindergarten, Elementary School, and Middle School.

Although I digressed a bit, Sage Salai’s research theme during the development of “Machina Aura” was the simplification of magical phenomena, and its culmination was this magic spell.

“Machina Aura” was engraved onto plates of superalloys using a special liquid concocted by Salai called magic ink. The sequence of characters inscribed there was derived from the literature called Norse Mythology that Salai had studied, as it was the most suitable medium for compressing information. Even though this knowledge might not be aimed at third-class level, it was fascinating nonetheless.

Question 3: List two materials required for the alchemy of homunculi.

Amnios fluid and a substance containing genetic information.

As discussed in today’s alchemy class. However, mentioning a substance containing genetic information as a “material” brought back that fear from earlier.

Seeing this question as an opportunity, I decided to look into Fail’s research. I pulled over a book with a dusty, maroon cloth cover, and I flipped to the relevant page. My hand trembled, but I managed to steady it.

Fail’s section was intertwined with that of the Grande Alchemist Albion Paracelsus. It aligned with Glass’ memories that Albion was obsessed with the study of immortality, which he abandoned around two hundred years ago.

Back then, many alchemists sought immortality, and it was an era where goddesses, divine beings, and demon races were unable to enforce the prohibition on taboos due to the ongoing conflict.

Why Albion abandoned his research on immortality remained unclear, but there were records indicating Fail’s abnormal obsession with homunculi research.

While there was no mention of me being taken in during that time, Fail’s focus on research concerning immortality and homunculi was clearly documented.

I just remembered, but Fail Dimelia seemed to have an obsession with Albion Paracelsus, perhaps aiming to surpass the great predecessor. Unknowingly, this obsession eventually led to taboo research…

Naturally, his research was completely disposed of by the Kamut, and in modern times, only supplementary mentions of Albion remained. There were no notable achievements even in other fields of study, and I realized that everything preserved in my memories as Glass was all there was.

I see, so that’s how it is.

So, from the modern perspective, Fail achieved nothing. Even Glass’ existence was detached from Fail’s and recorded separately. Whether this was orchestrated by the Goddesses or the Kamut, there was nothing left to connect me and my adoptive father Fail, except in my memories.

My adoptive father’s life had ended, and he also faded from history. If Fail’s shadow lingered, it was nothing but the product of my own fear.

I didn’t need to be afraid anymore. There was nothing to threaten me anymore.

Once I understood that, another source of fear came to mind. My obsession with homunculi stemmed from the fact that it was this research that led to my death as Glass. To overcome this, perhaps I should strive to complete homunculi in this era without resorting to taboos.


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