Category Archives: Demon Sword Maiden

Chapter 38 – 7th-stage Awakened

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3228 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 2176 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 38 – 7th-stage Awakened

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 313

I just got kidnapped by a mining ship in X4….
I was exploring the new feature of being able to walk around your ship and stations, I didn’t realise the teleporter took me to docked ships as well as new station modules!
I saw a bridge on the teleport list and started walking around the bridge! It turned out it was a huge mining vessel and it started to fly away!
This left me stranded on their ship since I couldn’t go back to the station where my ship was. I was a stowaway!

I had to order one of the my NPCs to dock at the big ship and pick me up in order to escape. I’m just lucky it was a big mining ship that kidnapped me, if it had been a smaller one then I would have to wait until it landed somewhere else!

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 38 «

Chapter 37 – Escape

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3133 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 2094 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 37 – Escape

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 312

I started playing X4 which my friends bought me for Christmas.
I’m having a lot of fun as a former avid player of X3!
There are some major differences which I’m slowly trying to adapt too, least of which being the SETA not being a default component anymore.
My usual money making schemes either don’t work or need adjusting.

I can’t tell if trading is easier or harder yet…but it’s different.
Getting out of my chair is a joy though! I’m in love with it! I hope the bigger ships have more than just a cockpit to look around in.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 37 «

Chapter 36 – Lily Meets Honda

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3182 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 2151 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 36 – Lily Meets Honda

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 311

This is the end!
Merry Christmas everyone!
I hope you’re all having a great couple of days and enjoy yourselves.
It’s been a roller coaster of a year for both ReLibrary and the world.

This is the end of my 25 chapters of posting, I don’t know what sort of schedule the others are posting their novels on but be sure to give them a try!
Next up: New Year!

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 36 «

Chapter 35 – Pressuring Both Sides

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3635 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1353 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 35 – Pressuring Both Sides

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 310

After this chapter is scheduled there will only be one more chapter left.
It’s been a lot of chapters to schedule and has taken some many hours but my hard work is finally complete.
Also if anyone is reading this and wants to buy me a present for my hard work,
I’d really love someone to buy me Spore on GOG.
Hint hint.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 35 «

Chapter 34 – Tokugawa’s Threat

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 2233 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1661 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 34 – Tokugawa’s Threat

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 309

My eyes feel really dry from lack of sleep.
But I must press on!
The readers need their chapters!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 34 «

Chapter 33 – Lily the Adaptive Maid

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3098 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 2057 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 33 – Lily the Adaptive Maid

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 308

This chapter is called Adaptive Maid.
I kind of want art of Lily in a maid uniform now.
I haven’t read the chapter yet because I’m editing as I schedule but I imagine it’s not the classic anime maid uniform though.
I don’t think Japan had imported French and British icons by this era.

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» Vol. 3: Chapter 33 «

Chapter 32 – Infiltrating the Castle Tower

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3245 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 2206 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 32 – Infiltrating the Castle Tower

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 307

Heyy, it’s yo boy Robin here.
I got some rad news for you.
Okay actually it’s not good news, looks like we need to retroactively reduce the DSM batch from 15 to 10.
I’m scheduling this literally three hours before it goes live, but I have to do other things too so.
And our poor translator barely managed to get 15 chapters done before we decided that we needed to keep the safety buffer in case we miss a week.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 3: Chapter 32 «

Chapter 31 – Ambush

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Author: Carrot Sauce Original Source: SFACG Word Count: 3222 characters
Translator: Aoi English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 2231 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Continue reading Chapter 31 – Ambush