All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 109 Part 2

So I started playing Genshin over a week ago now.
I reached Adventure Rank 35 today. That’s World Level 4.
I’ve heard this is where the game starts getting grindy but I don’t think I’ll be too bothered about that.
I get the feeling most people are rushing this game (though I might look like I’m rushing with my level speed too).

But I’m a veteran gacha player! I know the true hell is the farming!
Fuhahahaha you can’t defeat me!
Plus I’ve always been someone who uses the grind to stall for more story content.
Which I will obviously be getting on the 11th!

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» Chapter 109 Part 2 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 109 Part 1

So recently I’ve been having the same piece of backing music on while I schedule these chapters. It’s called “We Overcome” by this guy called Petteri Sainio.
I don’t know why this is the music I use for scheduling now. But it is.
It is what it is.
There’s another one I listened to called Dauntless not long ago but I can’t find it now.

Oh right Silva told me I was supposed to link some news post…
I’ve forgotten what it is.
If Silva asks just say I told you to look for the post okay? Okay.

Nice teamwork!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 109 Part 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 273

Who do you think has the most precious chest in Genshin Impact?

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 118 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 272

Okay let’s think of something to write!
Well as you remember we hit about 11 on the plot scale of 1 to 10.
The acceleration is about to slow down now though.
Or at least I hope so!

Otherwise it’ll be too fast!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 117 «

Blue Sky Chapter 25

Here it is as promised, the second Blue Sky chapter of the week!
And it’s here to stay, starting from today there will be two chapters every week.
You’ll get a second the day after the first!

This also means I am now scheduling eight chapters a week and as you can see that might start to strain the random small talk I can come up with at the start of every chapter.

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» Chapter 25 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 271

So today I was talking to my friend and they mentioned how one of my OC’s would fit into the Genshin universe and now I hate myself.
I’m not really super into or against Genshin or anything.
But one of my characters is kinda too close for comfort.

For the record it came around because she’d be a dps hydro greatsword wielder.
Luckily absolutely none of the other characters from her sitting would conform to genshins universe. So they’re safe.
Supporting cast victory!

Also I have no idea what is going on in this novel anymore.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 116 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 270

So I’m writing this the day after halloween but I think you guys get this the day after the day after…
Well not that it matters.
Did you guys have fun?
It used to be a bigger deal round where I live but the past few years have seen a huge decline in participation. And I think this years events might be the nail in the coffin.
If you excuse the phrase.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 115 «

Blue Sky Chapter 24

Big news guys!
Starting this month, this very week, Blue Sky is getting two chapters a week!

This has thrown a massive wrench in my mental schedule and I’ll probably make some mistakes while I adjust.
But you can expect a second chapter tomorrow! And every [Insert Day Of The Week Here] after that as well!

What a time to be alive!

Also am I the only one who felt like this should be Chapter 28? No? Just me. Okay.

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» Chapter 24 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 108 Part 2

It’s 6:40 am
I am running really late
I hope my sleep deprivation doesn’t kill me
Also I want to watch an episode of anime before I go to bed but guess that’s not happening.

Oh well.
Win some you lose some.

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» Chapter 108 Part 2 «

Not Sure, Another World Chapter 108 Part 1

Okay this time for sure I have the proper chapter order established for the two halves!
I mean I’m just guessing based on how I think the site orders chapters that have the same reference number.
But then I thought I figured this out last time too and it probably failed.

Silva prepare to fix my mess while I go play some more Genshin.
I need to farm materials for Noelle.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 108 Part 1 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 269

Quick I need to think of something engaging to say!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 114 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 268

As with all rng equipment based grind games, I have immediately lost most of my interest and investment in Genshin.
I was doing lots of side quest things with the intention of just doing what I could do before moving on to the more difficult areas.
And the game decided to force a difficult level increase on me.

Now my DPS can’t keep up at all. The enemies have tens of thousand of health and I do 100 damage per hit on average.
I hate it when games punish you for not min-maxing dps.
I either need to spend a fortune getting better units for better combinations, or I need to stop doing what I was finding fun and do what they want me to do so I can play their game.
Awful design.

All I wanted to do was get collectibles and achievements before I moved on to the next town.
And now I spend thirty minutes fighting bosses and failing every time trial challenge there is.
Way to ruin it for me.

And it’s not like there’s a readily available fix too because upgrading my equipment needs items from the next town which is probably a nightmare to reach because all the enemy levels have doubled!

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 113 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 267

I was intending to do some challenges on Tears of Avia to write guides for them since people were struggling with the difficulty.
But then I got distracted.

Now I have too many games to balance once more.
I want to complete the Tears of Avia achievements, I’m also supposed to be playing on the shared Empyrion server my discord has once more, and on top of that I’m playing Genshin Impact in my spare time now.
As a result I no longer have enough time for my games. If it’s only two then I can balance them, one for streams and one for free time off stream.
But with three it becomes awkward.

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» Vol. 2: Chapter 112 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 266

Well I finished the Mondstadt arc as you could call it of Genshin Impact.
I guess it works as a plot hook!
Now I guess I just need to hunt all those orb thingies and finish off the area achievement so my OCD can let me move on to the next town…
But let’s do that when it’s not 6am…

Yes I copied this straight from discord. I was too tired to think of some new way to phrase it.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 2: Chapter 111 «

Blue Sky Chapter 23

I know this is really random but has anyone else seen Gmails new icon and loading animation?
It’s way too colourful!
It looks more like someone is trying to copy windows with the logo!

I really loved the old one because it was really clever. The red outline on the envelope made an M shape.
Now they have the same thing but like a malformed windows logo.
Also the way it loads isn’t like an envelope anymore but like a vomiting rainbow expanding.

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» Chapter 23 «