All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Blue Sky Chapter 112

A friend reminded me of the sad reality that two of my favourite internet radios are still down.
One presumably lost for all time, and the other seems to be…. having troubles?
For those who don’t know which two I mean.

Obviously I am talking about the Idolmaster radio, which was responsible for many many EuroTruck catastrophes as a distraction.
And the other which is having troubles and has been AWOL for about a year now is animenfo which was a general anime radio.

Both were great backing music with a lot of variety.
I’m pretty sad that just shut down overnight, and animenfo hasn’t recovered from a string of problems yet.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 112 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 447

This chapter was translated by Silva of all people!
The original!
The very same!

For people who have goldfish memory or are just new, this site is Silva’s site and back in the day he used to translate things.
Now he mostly just tears his hair out at site management and tries to wrangle the translators into doing their jobs.
Poor guy.
Let’s get some F’s in the comments for Silva.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 52 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 446

My mum bought me some energy drinks….
But the wrong type.

Woe is me.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 51 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 445

I guess on the upside being too sick to watch anime does now mean I have an entire weeks worth of anime to catch up on.
So that is a good positive!
I saved myself the suffering of a cliffhanger by skipping a week.
I get to watch two episodes of some shows!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 49 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 444

Good news everyone, by next week I will have so completely recovered I will be able to give full edits again.
These couple of chapters I had the presence of mind to do partial edits.

Hurray for recovery!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 48 «

The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist Volume 3 Chapter 1 Part 1

My suffering is almost over.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 3-1: Part 1 «

Blue Sky Chapter 111

With myself having started to recover.
I’ve sort of been able to handle gaming again.
No more Genshin motion sickness!

I managed to barely scrape by on the treasure event and reputation.
But I need to do the boss weekly and the new event.
I hope I can catch up. Running out of time!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 111 «

Blue Sky Chapter 110

Good news everyone:
I am recovering from that thing that people are getting all over the globe.
The only symptoms I’m left with are a persistent and incredibly annoying cough.
In the time I@ve had it, two others in the house have caught it too.

Bad news everyone:
Blue Sky has been a massive financial sinkhole for the site, so the translation will be stopping in the future.
We still have a massive stockpile and need to find a replacement in the schedule first though.
So you won’t actually realise this until muuuuch later. In fact I could have just not told you.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 110 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 443

In hindsight it’s definitely just me becoming numb to my suffering.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 47 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 442

Can’t tell if I’m recovering or just becoming numb to my suffering.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 46 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 441

No prechapter rambles today.
Barely able to keep myself at my computer.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 45 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 440

No prechapter rambles today.
Barely able to keep myself at my computer.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 4: Chapter 44 «

The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist Volume 2 Chapter 6 Part 2

Just gonna copy and paste a previous ramble verbatim because I don’t want to type it out again.

Well it’s possible I may have got Covid. It’s not 100% yet but it’s highly possible.
Basically my social anxiety prevented me from going out at all during this whole situation, and naturally that extended towards going to the doctors for the vaccine.
At first I comforted myself by saying “I don’t leave the house so it’s fine to let the workers take the vaccines first.”
But eventually it became obvious it was an excuse.
Then the government removed mandatory restrictions and my anxiety went up further.

And now I am reaping the seeds I have sown as my middle brother is ill from work.
I’m going to blame him though because he works and still didn’t get the vaccine.
So I wouldn’t have got it if he had been vaccinated.
That works for me.

I just hope I don’t get too sick.

Oh right, I’m battling headaches right now, expect a quality dip in my editing.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 2-6 Part 2 «

Blue Sky Chapter 109

I got some new art a few days ago, I absolutely love this one!

Don’t tell Silva I’m linking it here again.
I think there are a few things that could be improved upon, but mostly that is because I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted for background wise.
The character and outfit is perfectly on point, just what I wanted.

It was just my vague request for a background that caused some style issues. Not that I find it bad!
It’s like 90% good, and I’m making a note of what I need to get it 100% next time I commission.

It’s a learning process.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 109 «

Blue Sky Chapter 108

Well it’s possible I may have got Covid. It’s not 100% yet but it’s highly possible.
Basically my social anxiety prevented me from going out at all during this whole situation, and naturally that extended towards going to the doctors for the vaccine.
At first I comforted myself by saying “I don’t leave the house so it’s fine to let the workers take the vaccines first.”
But eventually it became obvious it was an excuse.
Then the government removed mandatory restrictions and my anxiety went up further.

And now I am reaping the seeds I have sown as my middle brother is ill from work.
I’m going to blame him though because he works and still didn’t get the vaccine.
So I wouldn’t have got it if he had been vaccinated.
That works for me.

I just hope I don’t get too sick.

Oh right, I’m battling headaches right now, expect a quality dip in my editing.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 108 «