All posts by PunishedLyly

GenderM! ...? GroupLyly's Translations Position: Translator (Active) Contact: PunishedLyly#6902 (Discord) All Projects: Life with a Tail Two as One Princesses Succubus's Life in Another World About Me: I am but a humble Internet rando with an extraordinary thirst for sharing and yuri. Driven by this, I studied Japanese with nothing but the Internet as my guide. Now, I translate. So if I can do it, you can do what you want to do too. P.S. I love reading comments.

Two as One Princesses Chapter 15

Hiya! I’m a back from hiatus and have now moved here in Re:Library! clap! clap! clap!
Well, it’s going to be the same as it was in my site, but I decided that site management isn’t really something I’m good at doing. So since I was given the chance to publish on a frankly better site that I had, I took it.
For now, as you may have noticed as well, I’ll be doing both Two as One Princesses and Life with a Tail but it’s not going to change anything about the upload schedule. I’ll be updating this series every Saturday (in my time, I was just late now, it’s probably not gonna happen again. I think. Maybe.) and Life with a Tail is doing it’s double chapter thing. Mostly because this has longer chapters that Life with a Tail.
Also, I didn’t forget about Succubus. Which might be updated next Wednesday.
Anyways, as always, please enjoy reading and have a nice day~

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 15 «

Succubus in Another World – Chapter 57

Heya! It’s a me, bringing in another chapter!
I don’t really have much to say, so feel free to read as usual!
Feel free to leave your comments and have an enjoyable read!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 57 «

Succubus in Another World – Chapter 56

Heya! It’s me, Lyly! And it’s finally a new chapter of my beloved first translated series: Succubus in Another World!
As I have announced and as you may have noticed, I will now be publishing Succubus here from now on.
I really don’t know what to say in these kinds of situations, but yeah, here we are!
As usual, feel free to leave your comments! Have an enjoyable read!

Click here to start reading:
» Chapter 56 «