Two as One Princesses Chapter 15

Hiya! I’m a back from hiatus and have now moved here in Re:Library! clap! clap! clap!
Well, it’s going to be the same as it was in my site, but I decided that site management isn’t really something I’m good at doing. So since I was given the chance to publish on a frankly better site that I had, I took it.
For now, as you may have noticed as well, I’ll be doing both Two as One Princesses and Life with a Tail but it’s not going to change anything about the upload schedule. I’ll be updating this series every Saturday (in my time, I was just late now, it’s probably not gonna happen again. I think. Maybe.) and Life with a Tail is doing it’s double chapter thing. Mostly because this has longer chapters that Life with a Tail.
Also, I didn’t forget about Succubus. Which might be updated next Wednesday.
Anyways, as always, please enjoy reading and have a nice day~

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» Chapter 15 «

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