All posts by PunishedLyly

GenderM! ...? GroupLyly's Translations Position: Translator (Active) Contact: PunishedLyly#6902 (Discord) All Projects: Life with a Tail Two as One Princesses Succubus's Life in Another World About Me: I am but a humble Internet rando with an extraordinary thirst for sharing and yuri. Driven by this, I studied Japanese with nothing but the Internet as my guide. Now, I translate. So if I can do it, you can do what you want to do too. P.S. I love reading comments.

Two as One Princesses Chapter 24

Heya~! Today’s a Saturday (here at least), so you know what that means? The usual chapter update! Yay~!
Last time on Two as One Princess, our protagonists Ain and Ciel had their first bath! And… other first times as well. But after the bath, our youngest princess Ciel went to sleep with Ain’s ASMR singing as the background. And now, the next day!
What shall happen today? Will we be back at the guild again? Will we have a good breakfast first? And will we have more AinCiel moments this chapter?
Find out in today’s chapter: Waking up, the Guild, and… !
And so, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Chapter 24 «

Two as One Princesses Interlude 4

Happy April Fools~! There isn’t a joke or prank here, you ask? Well then maybe the joke here is the fact that I’m actually on time now, unlike my usual past updates before…
Anyway, this update is, in actuality, not the next chapter that follows the last one. Nope, today we’re having another Ciel POV! So more AinCiel wholesomeness! Also, just to make sure, nope, this isn’t an advance chapter so look forward to this Saturday~!
Last time on Two as One Princess… The bath happened… Also, wholesomeness all around~
This chapter: Ciel and The First Town!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay clean and stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Interlude «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 23

Heya~! Good news for me, I’m not late today! As such, I proudly present this week’s USUAL chapter update! Yay~!
Last time on Two as One Princess, our protagonists Ain and Ciel (AinCiel? CielAin?) are now having their together time as they have entered the relative safety of an inn. After asking Ain all about what happened today, Ciel suddenly dropped a bomb!
Ain, staring at boobs?! Panic!
Ain, jealous of the bountiful mounds?! Uhhh, well yes, but nope (Phew).
Ain, messed up and talked about that?! RIP
And now, to the bathroom!?
Whatever may happen? Does Ain actually still remember how to take a proper bath? Will the cat-like Ciel be so cat-like that she actually hates being drenched in water? And the ominous change of topic… Are Ain’s fears needless or will they be true?
Find out in today’s chapter: A Bath, First Times, and… !
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Chapter 23 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 22

Heya~! I’m… much more later than last week, huh. I have many excuses (frequent blackouts, the chapter being longer than I expected), HOWEVER, it’s something that I could have solved by having stock chapters, so I just need to do better next time…
(Also, I made a mistake and published this two times… sorry~!)
Anyways! Last time on Two as One Princess, as our adults are talking about their adult stuff in their adult place, our princesses are relaxing in their room… There’s not much I can say about the chapter for now, but I guess they’ll be eating? Yeah, probably this.
Anywhoo~! What shall they do in their room? Eat?… Sleep, I guess?
Find out in this week’s chapter: The Inn Room, a Meal, and… !
Now, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Please feel free to comment and I hope you all have a nice day!

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» Chapter 22 «

Two as One Princesses Interlude 3

Heya~! I’m still not on time… But I present to you, this week’s update!
Last time on Two as One Princess, our two adult guild people, Carol and Celia, are trying to piece together this enigma that takes the form of a little with haired girl, Cielmer.
Why is this so? How much will they figure our correctly? Will they just be hilariously wrong?
Find out on Interlude: The Receptionist, the Sorcerer, and the 10-year-old Girl (Second Half)!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the read. Please feel free to comment and have a nice day!

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» Interlude «

Two as One Princesses Interlude 2

Heya~! I’m not so late! I present this weeks usual chapter update~!
Our little princesses are now resting in an inn after being dropped off by the guild receptionist Celia.
In this chapter 22… wait, it’s not chapter 22, it’s an interlude!? From who’s POV might it be?!
This week’s update: The Receptionist, the Sorcerer, and the 10-year-old Girl!
Well then, please feel free to comment and have a nice day!

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» Interlude «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 21

… I’m late. Really late.
It seems like I haven’t learned my lesson on stocking up chapters but anyway, here is this week’s update!
Yesterday, we are shown just how much special treatment a B-Rank hunter and above will get.
However! We still haven’t reached the Reward part of the chapter title! What exactly does this reward entail? Is it just a bait-and-switch with someone else being rewarded?! Is the reward only for people of certain “preferences”?! And will we finally see the light of the sun after being in the guild for who knows how many chapters?!
Find out more on this week’s update: The Course of Events and Punishment and Reward Part 2!
Now then, please feel free to comment and have a nice day!

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» Chapter 21 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 20

Heya~! The usual (but slightly/considerably late) update is here~!
I was a bit busy this week, so hopefully I relearned my lesson and start stocking up on chapters again…
Anyways, on today’s chapter we go from battle back to exposition mode and learn more about the workings of society (?) and the WORLD!
As Celia-san dragged them to a room, what will happen to our princesses (+ sorcery maniac)?
Will they be questioned for their crimes (?) and misdemeanor? Will they be able to leave with their secret? Will they ever leave the guild within two weeks?
Find out more on today’s update: The Course of Events and ___ and ___…
Now then, please feel free to comment and have a nice day!

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» Chapter 20 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 19

Heya~! Happy Valentines (+1 day) to everyone!
I actually translated a story for Valentines yesterday, so if you have the time, feel free to read the short story~!
Well then, in our usual chapter update, we can now see the continuation of the battle!
After the barrier broke, how will they handle Carol’s bombardment of sorcery?
Will Carol absolutely wreck them with her professional sorcerer experience?
Will our Princesses develop some random ability and break the limits of humanity?
Will they finally get out of the guild and get a well deserved sleep in the comfort of a proper bed?
Find out now, in this update: A Heated Battle and ……!
Please feel free to comment, as always, and I hope you have an enjoyable read and a nice day!

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» Chapter 19 «

[One Shot] Until Two Competitive Girls Bloom Into Lilies

Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Today isn’t really the usual Princess update, but a new one chapter story to celebrate this fourteenth day of the second month! I decided on doing this because one shot novels aren’t really usually translated and I wanted to share a story would fit the occasion. So this time, following the theme of the day, I present a gift, a story of love~!
But of course, as you should expect from me, this is a Girls Love story~!
Now, feel free to comment and, as always, I hope you have an enjoyable read and a nice day!

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» Here «

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I’m really thankful for the support!

Two as One Princesses Chapter 18

Heya~! It’s me again, back this week for the usual chapter update!
After the events of the last chapter, what oh what might happen next?
Will the people be surprised and doubtful? Will there be more problems?
Find out now, in this update: Sorcery, Carol, and ……!
Please feel free to comment, as always, and I hope you have an enjoyable read and a nice day!

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» Chapter 18 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 17

Heya! I present to you~ the usual chapter update!
Our cliff now has a bridge leading to the next horizon~
And as for my laptop problem, and the internet one, it’s fixed~!
Anyways, enough about the backstage happenings. Please feel free to comment as always and I hope you have an enjoyable read! Have a happy February~!

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» Chapter 17 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 16

Hiya! I’m back of another update of Two as One Princesses!
It’s a bit of an exposition chapter today, but that’s just how stories be~
Currently, I have a bit of a problem, laptop being finicky and our internet provider having their undersea wires cut for some profound (?) reason, but I’ll try to work through those.
Anyways, please feel free to comment as always and I hope you have an enjoyable read!

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» Chapter 16 «

Two as One Princesses Chapter 15

Hiya! I’m a back from hiatus and have now moved here in Re:Library! clap! clap! clap!
Well, it’s going to be the same as it was in my site, but I decided that site management isn’t really something I’m good at doing. So since I was given the chance to publish on a frankly better site that I had, I took it.
For now, as you may have noticed as well, I’ll be doing both Two as One Princesses and Life with a Tail but it’s not going to change anything about the upload schedule. I’ll be updating this series every Saturday (in my time, I was just late now, it’s probably not gonna happen again. I think. Maybe.) and Life with a Tail is doing it’s double chapter thing. Mostly because this has longer chapters that Life with a Tail.
Also, I didn’t forget about Succubus. Which might be updated next Wednesday.
Anyways, as always, please enjoy reading and have a nice day~

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» Chapter 15 «

Succubus in Another World – Chapter 57

Heya! It’s a me, bringing in another chapter!
I don’t really have much to say, so feel free to read as usual!
Feel free to leave your comments and have an enjoyable read!

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» Chapter 57 «