Sword, Tiara & High Heels Chapter 172

New Chapter!
I have been progressing bit by bit with Star Rail’s story as I try to catch up after a year of absence, even though my teams are not cut out of the new content.

The Aventurine fight took me ages, I had the same problem as the emanator bug monster boss, where Seele and Sushang died so my DPS dropped…
But this time… Fireblazer and March were able to have permanent shield up time to take no damage when it was just the two of them!
So I literally played probably over 70 turns of battle just slowly taking down Aventurine’s HP bit by bit, yeah that was, an experience.

My shields were enough that I didn’t take any damage, so as long as I didn’t screw up my rotation it was just a matter of time that I would win.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 172 «

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