Two as One Princesses Chapter 121 (Part2)

Hiya~! Second to the last Monday of October! It’s time!
Last time on AinCiel: Rolling back to a few days ago, our newbie maid was surprised by the news that an organized force was planning to attack her mistress’ mansion. But on the day of the attack, she was surprised in a different way. There, outside the gates, the young lady of the house defended the gates with a tasteful and graceful dance. With that, her doubts melted away as she was enamored by the spectacle before her eyes.
Now then, what will happen next? How long will this dance last? Actually, will the enemies even last long enough for the dance? Will we see the end of it in this chapter?
Find out in this part of The Battle Sumiaria Saw!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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