Fourteen Moons Chapter 13

Hi everyone TearCRF here after an unexpected hiatus. First and foremost, I’m glad to be back. Second, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Third, I apologize for being gone for so long, it wasn’t planned. I was only expecting a week or two at most. Fourth, I don’t plan on going on hiatus again any time soon, so you should expect chapters regularly again. Finally, I hope everyone’s been doing well, and as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and sleeps for reading.

Below is my explanation of what’s been going on since I disappeared.

TLDR: One week I was gone for my trip to California. The week following, I had jet-lag and slept most of it. The four weeks after, I had writers block.

So, after my last post, I made a trip to pick up my mom and grandfather (he’s not doing well and wanted to be with my mom before he passes) from California. The trip there took about 48 hours, 8 of which I spent sleeping in my car. I got there, visited with some family and friends for about 12 hours, loaded my car with as much stuff my grandfather needed to bring, and brought the rest to his storage. I then made the return trip which took closer to 72 hours with more rest time, but a more uncomfortable drive (three people could barely sit in the car with the amount of stuff filled within). 

The week after I returned, I immediately had to return to work, and that combined with my overall lack of sleep, and jet-lag from the trip, I was mentally and physically drained.

Around the end of July/ early August I started to get back into writing, but I quickly realized a problem. I wanted to write but nothing seemed right. Chapter 13 was on my outline for the story, but it would’ve only been around 1k-2k words and even then, there wasn’t much happening so I had to figure out what direction I wanted to take the chapter.

Finally, after about 4 weeks, I got things figured out and was ready to post… but my editor wasn’t available for a couple of days. Had things gone as planned, this chapter would’ve been posted 2 days ago, and I barely managed to get him to edit it with me last night. With that though, the chapter came out better than I originally anticipated, even if there are still some spots that I feel could use some more work.

PS (in other news): I’ve been busy with work having to be there for almost double my usual time during the latter 4 weeks, I also started going to the gym again, and my birthday was yesterday.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 13 – Kidnapped «

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