Size Chart

New Logo, New Emotes & More

It has been a while since we last introduced Re:Library’s Mascot. At the time of introduction, some of the reference sheets were still in production, but today we are happy to announce the reference sheets of all 7 mascot characters and 1 pet are now done! We’ve put them together on a size chart for a side-by-side comparison of the character’s proportions, you can preview them below:

With the completion of the reference sheets, we can now proceed to the next phase. However, before doing so, I would like to address the matter of the logos and emoticons. Although I have not made any official statement in recent months, it is likely that regular visitors to Re:Library may have observed several modifications made to the site logo. Below are a few examples of the logos we have utilized over the past few months, with one of them receiving criticism for resembling a cryptocurrency logo.

Depreciated Logos

In the end, we’ve decided to stick with these two logos for the website and discord respectively:

Moving on, we have already commissioned 2 sets of emoticons featuring our mascots, and we intend to ultimately replace all the emoticons on our Discord server with these personalized ones. Additionally, I have made these emoticons available as stickers on the website, allowing visitors to utilize them when posting comments on the site.

It may have come to the attention of some individuals that the emoticon functionality on our website was non-operational for a period of time. This was due to the expiration of our license, which caused the plugin to deactivate itself. Although we were previously informed that we could still utilize the latest version of the plugin at the time our license expired, it turned out to be untrue, necessitating us to renew our license. However, we are pleased to announce that the emoticon feature is now completely restored and available for use.

Our next development involves a collaboration with RedBubble to launch an online merchandise store. The way RedBubble operates is that they handle the printing and shipping of the products on our behalf, and we receive a royalty of approximately 20% of the purchase price. While we are not yet prepared to launch, as we are still assessing the quality of the merchandise, I have personally placed an order and am currently waiting for it to arrive before we can make an official announcement. Nevertheless, we have already uploaded some designs on RedBubble, and the store is already accessible online. If you are interested, you can preview our store by clicking on the following link:


And finally, regarding the banner, our plan is to commission a design that will replace the current header image of our website and also be utilized as the background for invites on our Discord server. Since including all 7 characters and 1 pet in the banner will no doubt cost us a hefty sum, I’m thinking to start with a more modest approach. Initially, we will feature only 2 characters and gradually add the remaining characters later on. I have already contacted an artist who expressed interest, but since they rarely create backgrounds, they are uncertain if they can fulfill our request and have agreed to attempt it before providing a quote. We are hoping to receive a response from them soon.

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