Two as One Princesses Chapter 112

Heya~! With a new Monday brings a new AinCiel~! To the summary~!
Last time on AinCiel: Asking our sorceress lady’s personal intentions, she honestly confessed that the shady anti-landlord faction has their sights on her family’s power and influence, and that her brother, by their bidding, is trying to appeal to the patriarch of the family. Still, she admits that she isn’t chummy enough with the family to ride or die with them, with the exception of her older sister. And with that, our gang is now plotting on how to extract the older sister from the family before it could fall to ruin. Now then:
What will happen next!? Has the day ended for our princesses? Will there be more chatting to be done? And will we be seeing Fii this time?
Find out in the next chapter: Dinner, Chat, and…!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment and I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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» Chapter 112 «

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