All posts by Robinxen

Editor for and Demon Sword Maiden! Gentrified NEET and siscon. Currently looking for an imouto. Applicants must be under the age of 16, cute and with long hair. Optional traits are: Neko, princess and/or maid.

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 510

My copy of the next Arpeggio volume finally dispatched.
Wow it’s been a long wait.

Combined with the delays for Trapped In A Dating Sim it’s been over a year of waiting!
Combined that is.

That’s a lot of delays for a book.
But finally they come soon!

Actually in one more volumes time for Dating Sim I’ll be caught up with where I left off reading the fan translation, which is quite exciting.
I have to say though that Seven Seas physical light novels are… a pain to read.
They’re just way too huge!

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» Vol. 5: Chapter 20 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 509

So, Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker is out.
I’ve played a bit.
Did the first dungeon, on my way to Garlemald.

Even prepared myself a new glamour plate for the trip.
Nice and warm for the cold continent.
I’m quite excited.

But first, I need to the final weekly of Genshin Impact.
Then I can continue.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 19 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 508

I actually read ahead from this chapter onwards hahaha.

I normally don’t do that so my reactions can be fresh as I edit them for footnote content.
Otherwise I sort of gloss over them or fail to recapture my first impressions.
It’s tiring trying to come up with footnotes for something you’ve already read in it’s own way.

That’s why some chapters have less than others, it’s usually when I’m uninterested or when I was too interested and read ahead.

Now you have an interesting guessing game to play haha!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 18 «

Swordsman’s Re:START Chapter 8

Sadly things took a turn for the worse lately.
Normally this site manages to break even between paying translators and income revenue.
But people have been leaving the patreons en masse as of late.

Well I mean it’s understandable, it’s Christmas, everyone needs to squeeze out as much money as possible during the Christmas period.
Even I’m like that! I cancelled a couple of twitch subs to make a little bit more money available for stuff.

But it does also mean the site is losing money now. Which is a problem.
It’s okay if it’s one month, but if it goes on for too long, then we won’t be able to afford to pay the translators.
That’s a big deal!

Because that means I won’t get paid either!
I’d be the first one to get cut off!
I don’t want that! I need to buy my gacha!

Thus this gacha addict pleas for the kind readers to join the patreon!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 8 «

Swordsman’s Re:START Chapter 7

Hello fellow readers,

Wow that made sound like a youtube creator.

So good news today!
We have TWO chapters!
That’s right, starting this month the regular release schedule of this novel will be doubling!
For those that don’t know words that’s a 100% increase!
For those that don’t know numbers it means twice as much!

Huh I feel like I’m forgetting something…
Oh well.
I’m sure it’s not important.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 7 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 507

Patton Supertank Army, here we go!

My friend has got obsessed with Strike Witches lately.
Apparently the announcement of the idol spin off got them fired up to start the franchise.

What a weird life we lead in this era.

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» Vol. 5: Chapter 17 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 506

I started doing this editing early to, you know, finish early.

I got distracted watching videos on train wrecks, metaphorical train wrecks.
No literal ones.

This one I’m watching right now is explaining the mess of High Guardian Spice to people not in the animesphere.
It’s pretty funny, the editing is on point.
Anyway that’s enough of this ramble.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 16 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 505

I’m finally giving my bank some time to recover.
I’ve sworn to hold off getting anything until at least after Christmas.

Also this week I get the results for my job application back.
Oh I really hope they don’t reject me.
But then again I would be surprised if they didn’t.

Such is life I suppose!

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 15 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 504

Picking up where we left off last week, our damsel has been given unfettered access to a treasure trove of shinies!
Just how long will her self control last when exposed to such priceless loot?

Find out in todays chapters of our Maiden’s adventure.

No but seriously, it’s really obvious what’s going to happen isn’t it?
I don’t even need to start editing the next two chapters to predict this.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 14 «

Swordsman’s Re:START Chapter 6

With the release of Stellaris Aquatics my friends and I have taken the dive into multiplayer gaming once again and it’s going well.

My Methanoid Cognitive Council is a technological powerhouse, generations ahead of the nearest competition.
My scientific marvels are paving the way to a future of galactic domination!

Friend A’s something-or-other Coalition is a mess going in every direction but poorly. Without a chosen specialisation they’re just weak in every field.
Not to mention their constant warfare with their less than pleasant neighbour.

Friend B’s holy empire is actually really peaceful. They’re boxed in due to awkward placement on the map, but the isolation has given them a steady economy.
Despite taking some losses against the space fauna they always bounce back to make more attempts.

And this is only about sixty years into the game…
My technology will only snowball from here!
Domination shall be mine!

But first I need to capture the wormhole form my space to Friend A’s neighbours space so I can spread my peaceful ways by force.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 6 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 503

I had a few ideas for what to write for this ramble but then couldn’t really get into the vibe for any of them.

I mean their were interesting things I could talk about like the news, gaming stuff, anime I’m watching and so forth.
For example I watched Star Trek Prodigy recently, and also The Daily Life of the Immortal King.
I also started reading some new Light Novels.
There’s the Activision Blizzard situation.
And that barely scratches the surface.

But nothing feels right. Oh well.

I have a test for a job tomorrow. Or today as you’re reading this.
Wish me luck.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 13 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 502

So Stellaris’ Aquatics DLC released today.

I haven’t had a chance to play with the aquatics yet but I am playing against them in a way.
My friends opted for a multiplayer game so we’re all diving into that headfirst as a trio.
One of them is playing aquatics, but man…

They got their planet size to 30.
For reference, the usual maximum for a habitable planet is 25.
So this size 30 planet looks FRICKIN HUGE!
Like it’s so big!


Seriously this Aquatics DLC is nuts. I wonder if there’s a genuine cap on the planet size.

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 12 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 501

The new Stellaris DLC releases tomorrow, or today for you people reading this.
Actually it might even be out now.

I plan to buy it obviously. Even though I can barely afford it.

I also need to work on the mod list for my roleplay playthrough.
There’s some mod conflicts in the ones I wanted to use.
I might just bite the bullet and play with the conflicts causing some weird issues.
They’re on minor, so it won’t effect the lore. But it’s a nuisance either way.

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» Vol. 5: Chapter 11 «

Demon Sword Maiden Chapter 500

Chapter 500!

That means you’ve read 100 chapters 5 times!
Or 10 chapters 50 times!


But seriously, thank you so much to everyone that’s stuck around this long and are still reading.
It feels like it’s been forever since I took over as the editor for this, we’ve changed translators back and forth several times.
Had good arcs and bad arcs.
I’ve missed a couple of scheduling but generally been flawless, as expected of someone at my level.

I hope you continue reading for the next…
Large number of chapters. Look it’ a Chinese novel what were you expecting?

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Vol. 5: Chapter 10 «

Swordsman’s Re:START Chapter 5

For a kids show Star Trek Prodigy is probably the best star trek product that’s not Star Trek Online in years.

Well I guess when your only competition is Star Trek Discovery that’s not a particularly groundbreaking achievement.
It’s like comparing a tricycle and a unicycle at a bike race. At least the tricycle keeps the form and function as opposed to a unicycle which is just pretending to be a valid entry.


Oh right the name debate for this novel is still ongoing too…

Click the Link to Start Reading:
» Chapter 5 «