All posts by rm31439

Levelmaker Chapter 197

New Chapter!
After the dragon turned out surprisingly reasonable last time, it’s now time to start the experiment.

Chapters 11 and 12 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapters 13 to 15 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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Levelmaker Chapter 196

New Chapter!
Last time, Alim and Mika decided to run some (ethically questionable) experiments on a sentient dragon. Let’s see how coopoerative their prospective test subject is.

Chapters 5 to 8 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapters 9 and 10 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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Levelmaker Chapter 195

New Chapter!
Mika’s birthday is over and it’s time to return to our protagonist’s (not any less crazy) everyday life.

To say it in the author’s words: It’s finally time for that one to show up again.

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Levelmaker Chapter 194 (Part 2)

New Chapter!
And here’s the second part of Mika’s birthday.

Chapter 1 and 2 have been retranslated. Furthermore, chapters 3 and 4 will be updated shortly after this is posted.

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Levelmaker Chapter 194 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
After that rather short timeskip chapter, it’s now time for Mika’s birthday party.

What could Alim have planned for it? Knowing him, it’s likely something completely over the top.

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Levelmaker Chapter 193

New Chapter!
After that rather… unusual side story last time, we’re back to our regularly scheduled crazyness that is Alim’s and Mika’s normal life.

On a related note: I was asked whether I could go over the older chapters, especially those at the beginning, and make retranslations/fixes similar to what I did with chapter 92-120, since the current translation has some… issues.
Because my current pace of four chapters per week allows me enough leeway, I’ll take a look at those older chapters. I can’t really say how fast that’ll happen, but since the early chapters are on the shorter side, it shouldn’t be too slow.

I’ll include it in my new chapter posts if I went over any of those chapters.

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Levelmaker Side Story 4

New Chapter!
A side story this time, and probably the weirdest one we got so far.

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Levelmaker Chapter 192

New Chapter!
After the parade, it’s now time to go to the festival!

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Levelmaker Chapter 191

New Chapter!
Last time, Alim got buried under a veritable deluge of new titles. Now, it seems to be time for the parade and victory festival.

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Levelmaker Chapter 190

New Chapter!

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Levelmaker Chapter 189

New Chapter!
Last time, our protagonists faced the consequences of refusing any reward previously, and ended up with more money, that they could ever spend. Will they do anything with their newfound fortune (except for letting it gather dust)?

Your guess is as good as mine.

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Levelmaker Chapter 188

New Chapter!
Last time, after talking to acquaintances in the castle for some time, our protagonists were told that the king wanted to talk to them. Whatever could he want? (Well, the chapter title kinda gives that away)

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Levelmaker Chapter 187

New Chapter!
Crisis averted! And their relationship probably leveled up quite a bit in the process.

Now it looks like it’s time to face the aftermath of the war.

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Levelmaker Chapter 186

New Chapter!
Last time we left off in the middle of some rather steamy action and a potentially serious relationship crisis.

How will our protagonists deal with that?

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Levelmaker Chapter 185

New Chapter!

Whew, I finally managed to copy all the chapters here! There shouldn’t be any formatting issues, but if you notice something that looks wrong, feel free to comment. Also, make sure to check out the retranslations of chapter 92-120 if you haven’t yet.

We’re starting volume 8 right after all that crazy bath action from last time. Alim seemed to have some plans for that night, I wonder how that will turn out?

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