Two as One Princesses Intermission 11 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Welp, I did a goof and forgot to replace my placeholder announcement template, that’s a good start for September, I guess? Anyhow, AinCiel time continues regardless of the stumbles!
Last time on AinCiel Interlude: Outside in the snow, the older princess teaches our younger princess how to make snowsculptures, which attracted their sprite friends. With more players with them, they decided to hold a snowball fight and after that, they raced each other down the snowy mountain. After thoroughly enjoying the snow, the sun started setting, marking the time to go home. Waving their sprite friends goodbye, our princesses returned to the comfort of their home.
Now then, what will happen next? Will it be non-AinCiel focused this time? More exposition, maybe? More importanty, who will be the our POV?
Find out in the Interlude: A Certain Kingdom’s Story (Part 1)!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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