Two as One Princesses Intermission 7

New Chapter!
Hiya~! Man, time sure flies. We’re already halfway through the month? Anyhow, AinCiel time!
Last time on AinCiel Interlude: Coming upon a hot spring, the curious younger princess tried it out while grandpa dragon started chilling on the side of the mountain. And later that day, we were put into the mind of our ex-noble maid, who was currently assisting the older princess in the bath. We see how out of the norm they seem from her eyes, but also how fragile they are, how much their past trauma has yet to leave them even in this walled garden they are now in.
Now then, what will happen next? What will be our cast’s agenda for the day? Will we have more AinCiel alone time fluff? Or will we be meeting familiar faces this time?
Find out in this Interlude: Stall, Snow, and Clothes (First Half)!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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