Two as One Princesses Intermission 1 (Part 1)

New Chapter!
Hiya~! It’s the last Monday of April, and you might have noticed something different with today’s post title! From here on comes the Intermission Arc, a collection of interludes building up until the next Story Arc. Or rather, the next Book (aka Major Story Arc). I’ve noticed that it’s been tradition for AinCiel to end most of its story arcs with one or several interludes to tie up loose ends and show the different perspectives of other characters, or just provide a quick punch of catharsis, and it seems like the author has judged that we get a whole interlude arc this time, numbering not 1, not 2, and not even 3 interludes, but a total of 13 of them, lol. So, all I can say is prepare for a bit of a slowdown, different POVs, and, of course, some daily life stories from our young princesses as they spend their time preparing for their enrollment.
What will happen as they prepare? How many POV characters are we going to go through in this arc? And how much cuteness are we to expect from daily-life stories?
Time to enjoy some slice of life!
Now then, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please stay safe! Feel free to comment! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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